

认真采访的 G5全球 2024-01-30






Rocos是一家在全球范围内实现机器人劳动力自动化的公司,是G5 Portfolio之一。通过融入Rocos的技术,机器人生产厂商可以做到术业有专攻——在他们的流程中创造更高的效率,能够更快地将其产品商业化从而进入全球市场,从而使这些厂商能够更专注于他们擅长的事情,也就是制造机器人。

左一、左二分别为Rocos创始人David Inggs,Richard Stinear





不久前我们采访了他的创始人之一,David Inggs,一起聊了聊怎么「管好自己的机器人」。

Q:How did Rocos get started? What made you think of developing a robot platform? What is your ultimate goal?


David:My co-founder, Richard Stinear, and I have worked together on and off for over 25 years. The idea for Rocos was started when we were building robots in our garage – out of interest as engineers as well as how we could potentially provide value to the robotics industry.  It seemed clear that the robotics industry was reaching a critical point in maturity where robots were increasingly emerging from the lab phase and entering field trials - proving they could reliably solve a wide range of physical automation tasks.

我和合伙人 Richard Stinear断断续续合作了25年。Rocos的想法是我们在车库里制造机器人时开始的,因为工程师的兴趣所在,也因为希望能够发挥潜能为机器人行业做出贡献。显然,机器人工业正经历走向成熟的关键时期,机器人正逐步走出实验室阶段,进入现场试验——证明它们能够可靠地解决各式各样的物理自动化任务。

It was clear to us that there would be a need for massive scaling of robot fleets over the coming years in all areas from agriculture, security, inspection, delivery and many other areas.  It was also clear that these robots would need a centralized system to connect, monitor and coordinate their activities.  We evaluated what was available off-the-shelf for robotics companies and found that there was a complete lack of any mature tooling for developers to connect and manage robots from the cloud.  This simply wasn’t historically needed, robotics engineers were trying to solve hardware and AI challenges in the lab on one or two robots, rather than solving the problem of scale.  With the imminent scaling of robotics globally it seemed like an excellent place for us to use our skills to help increase the pace of robotic adoption by providing this off-the-shelf cloud platform layer.


Our ultimate goal is to accelerate the adoption of robots to solve global challenges.


Q:After the pandemic, do you think the need for robots to replace humans will increase? Any unexpected changes will it bring to the industry / employment and so on?


David:I think there have been some areas like in hospitals where it has accelerated the thinking around why robots are useful.  Not just the fact they can provide efficiencies but solve problems humans can’t – for example limiting the risk of exposure.  Covid-19 also presented this immediate shortage of human labor in many industries, which has made organizations reconsider the risk of this type of event and increased their priority on investigating physical automation using robotics. This however has coincided with maturity of robotics being capable of solving these challenges, so a significant portion of demand is in fact related to solutions now being mature and available and not necessarily Covid-19, but that however has absolutely increased the priority of this for many organizations.






Q:What is Rocos' current core technology + product or barrier / differentiation advantages? How to keep your advantages?

David:Rocos’ team is unique in that we understand robotics as well as cloud technology at a world leading level.  On top of this, we have a design team focused on new unique usability challenges managing robot fleets present.  These are very rare skillsets globally, which allows us to design completely new unique technical solutions. A second component of this is the pace and efficiency you can scale your business. Our head office in New Zealand sometimes presents disadvantage in terms of physical access to our global customer base but it also provides certain market advantages, one being the fact that companies like us are forced to be ‘born global’. This means our systems and processes such as engineering, sales or marketing are built immediately for scaling globally rather than organizations that often would focus on their local market before expanding and then run into scale challenges that slow them down.  The disadvantage is that it takes more energy up front to prepare the business, but the significant reward is the friction in scaling your start-up is significantly reduced due to the discipline of the business being architected for this from day one.


There is a very high technical barrier of entry for any new entrants.  Timing also a key factor in getting global market advantage.  We were early into the market and already are years ahead in terms of ‘leveling-up’ the solutions we are building.  This type of technology is typical of needing some fundamental building blocks (which we have built over the last 2 years) and now able to build higher order solutions on top of that.  New entrants don’t have that advantage.  We also get to work with the best robotics companies in the world like Boston Dynamics, which means our product maturity, and fit with these organizations is ahead and creates defendable position.


Q:What is the current development direction of the robot market? Since Rocos has cooperation worldwide, in your opinion, are there any differences between the New Zealand market, the Chinese market and the global market?


David:The New Zealand robotics market is not necessarily unique compared to the US.  NZ similarly world-class engineers and is evident by some of our largest success stories such as Rocket Lab providing delivery of small payloads into space.  The US seems to have some advantage in unique robotic form factors; an example is the lead Boston Dynamics have in bipedal and quadruped robots.  China seems to have a significant lead on high quality, low cost production, rapid evolution and adoption of robotics.  A great example is DJI’s global leadership in drones, and we see similar robotics companies in China leading hardware platforms like delivery robots (Keenon), cleaning robots (Gaussian) and many other rover type formats from companies like UBTech.  There is a heavy use of embedding Android based interfaces and architecture in China which we don’t see in other regions. This may be related to the rapid adoption in using robotics to as assistance in areas like restaurants and public services that require human input on the robot.

与美国相比,新西兰的机器人市场并不一定是独一无二的。新西兰同样是世界级的工程师,我们一些最大的成功案例证明了这一点,例如火箭实验室向太空提供了小型有效载荷。美国在独特的机器人外形方面似乎有一些优势;例如波士顿动力公司(Boston Dynamics)在两足和四足机器人方面具有领先地位。而中国在高质量、低成本生产、快速发展和采用机器人技术方面具有显著的领先地位。例如大疆在无人机领域的全球领先地位,我们看到类似的机器人公司在中国也有领先的硬件平台,如送货机器人(Keenon)、清洁机器人(Gaussian)和来自优必选等公司的许多其他应用。在中国,大量使用基于Android的界面和架构,这是我们在其他地区看不到的。这可能与在餐厅和公共服务等需要人进行机器人输入的领域中,机器人被迅速普及并用作辅助工具有关。

At Rocos we are very focused on supporting the global market and feel companies from both the US and China have a huge amount of value to offer in terms of a leap in the world’s productivity and solving some significant global challenges like food shortages, access to water and cleaning the planet.







What are the difficulties of technology R&D? Has the product encountered any problems or difficulties in actual application, such as customer acceptance of the product? Would the cost of educating customers about the products high? And how are you going to solve such kind of problems?

David:We have been lucky to attract some amazing talent and work with world class partners in the R&D space. We also work with some of the world’s leading research institutes like the Australian CSIRO. Customer acceptance has been excellent due to our focus on making sure the system was quick and easy to get up and running with almost any type of robot and the effort on having a good user interface. We currently put a lot of energy into onboarding customers to ensure they are using the platform correctly, but this energy is rewarded with us getting a deep understanding how organizations are using our system and picking up and solving any challenges they have.  Over time, onboarding is becoming easier and lower effort on our side as the documentation and onboarding processes are refined.


Q:What is the biggest achievement and fun of entrepreneurship?


David:The biggest fun is working with customers on solving their problems.  We are constantly amazed by the wide range of use cases robots are being used for.  Robotics engineers are both incredible creative as well as deeply technical which means the projects are very impactful as well as interesting to work on.


Q:What do you want to say to entrepreneurs of G5?


David:Entrepreneurship can be challenging and stressful but the rewards are enormous in terms of being able to be a leader and shape a new industry. We’ve also really enjoyed working with organizations from all over the world and find it very rewarding to have a global view of the industry rather than a local view. We highly encourage startups to continue to build world class partnerships in all regions of the world.







认真采访的 G5全球

