
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):64 Alcoholic drinks-(酒)

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深。

Jiu plays an amazing role in the daily life of Chinese people. Chinese started to brew jiu 6,000 years ago, according to archaeological findings.

People have worked hard to improve the process of making jiu for thousands of years. Chinese mainly drink white spirits and rice wine. White spirits are distilled from sorghum or maize. The equipment used for drinking has changed a lot over the course of history. The jiu culture developed with the containers changing from wine goblets to handless cups.

As a magical beverage and custom, it has accompanied important occasions, such as weddings and birthdays for more than 6,000 years.


1.brew [bruː]  v.酿制(啤酒);沏(茶);煮(咖啡);冲泡;沏  n.(尤指某地酿造的)啤酒;(茶)一次的冲泡量;(不同思想、事件等的)交融,混合
The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic.
2.archaeological [ˌɑrkiəˈlɑdʒɪkəl]  adj.考古的;考古学的;考古学上的
archaeology + ic + al 形容词后缀 → 考古的
archaeology [ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒi]  n.考古学
The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics.
3.white spirits [waɪt ˈspɪrɪts]  白酒;石油溶剂
rice wine [raɪs waɪn]  米酒
4.distill [dɪˈstɪl]  v.蒸馏,提取;滴下
dis 分开 + till〔= still〕小水滴 → 通过形成水滴来分离 → 蒸馏
拓展:still= small drop 小水滴
distillate  n. 蒸馏液
dis 分开 + till 小水滴 + ate 表化学名词 → 蒸馏液 
distillation n. 蒸馏
dis 分开 + till 小水滴 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 蒸馏 
distillery n. 蒸馏所;制酒厂
dis 分开 + till 小水滴 + ery 场所 → 蒸馏所;制酒厂 
instill v. 滴注
in 进入 + still 小水滴 → 滴进去 → 滴注 
instillation n. 滴注;灌输
instill 滴注 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 滴注;灌输
5.sorghum [ˈsɔːrɡəm]  n.高粱;高粱米
maize [meɪz]  n.玉蜀黍;玉米
We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot.
6.goblet [ˈɡɑːblət] n.(玻璃或金属制)高脚酒杯
来自gob,嘴。let, 小词后缀。
Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
7.beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ]  n.(除水以外的)饮料
bever 喝 + age 集合名词,总称 → 饮料
laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages


《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):63 Tanghulu-(糖葫芦)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):62 Hotpot-(火锅)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):61 Beijing Roast Duck-(北京烤鸭)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):60 -Dumplings(水饺)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):59 -Shaolin Monastery(少林寺)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):58 Dunhuang-(敦煌)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):57 -Taishan Mountain(泰山)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):56 Dujiangyan Irrigation Dam-(都江堰)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):55 -(Three Gorges)三峡

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):54 -Chinese Garden(中国园林)

Windy Castle

