
中国范儿 49 花生油——中国人的橄榄油

Love English 2 2022-12-23



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Peanut Oil: the Chinese Version of Olive Oil


Beijing Roast Duck, Kung Pao Chicken, Mapo Tofu……Chinesecuisine has long been enjoying high reputation in the world. Famous for itsdazzling methods of cooking, Chinese cuisine is also distinctive in itsselection of cooking oil. In the west, people are fascinated with olive oil. InChina, however, peanut oil is people’s favorite.

Why do the Chinese people choose to extract oil frompeanuts? Peanut has been one of the most favorite traditional snacks in China.With higher concentrations of protein and fat than meat and egg, peanut isdubbed as “the meat-like vegetable” or “meat-like plant” in China. According torelevant ancient literature, peanut oil consumption started in China since theQing Dynasty. Later, peanut oil gradually became one of the major cooking oilsin China. Peanut is widely cultivated across the country. Today, China’s annualpeanut output accounts for nearly 40% of the total of the world. As the majorgrowing regions and producers of peanut in China, Shandong Province and HenanProvince also have the highest number of peanut oil factories nationwide.
Peanut is also renowned for its health benefits. AncientChinese called peanut “the long-life nut”. Ordinary Chinese believe that peanuthas a lot of health benefits. Therefore, some people call peanut oil “theChinese version of olive oil”. According to the scientific experiments bydietitians both at home and abroad, diets cooked with peanut oil caneffectively lower the risk of heart and blood disease. Moreover, peanut is richin many noteworthy health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health andwellness like oleic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin E, zinc, and calcium etc.
徐会茹(鲁花科研中心工程师 ):花生油香味浓郁,含有很多的有益物质,包括维生素E、甾醇等等。经常食用花生油有益于我们人体的心脑血管健康,并且花生油适合烹炒煎炸,非常符合我们中国人的饮食习惯。

XuHuiru(Dietitian of Luhua Nutrition Research Center):Peanutoil is pleasantly fragrant and rich in many health-benefiting elements likevitamin E and sterol etc. Consuming peanut oil regularly can improve the healthof our cardiovascular system. In particular, peanut oil is suitable for fryingand fits well with the eating habits of most Chinese people.

In recent years, China has put on the market anindigenously-developed peanut oil product, which has a concentration of oleicacid over 75%, a level that can match olive oil. Besides, it is healthy, tasty,fragrant and nutrient-rich. It is well received by consumers.
徐会茹(鲁花科研中心工程师 ):油酸被营养界称为“安全脂肪酸”,它本身具有抗氧化作用,稳定性特别好,可以降低人体内坏的胆固醇,同时呢又能升高人体内好的胆固醇,可以有效降低心脑血管的发病率,降低血压减少炎症,降低阿尔茨海默症的发病率。

XuHuiru(Dietitian of Luhua Nutrition Research Center):Dietitianscall oleic acid “safe fatty acid”, which is noteworthy for its stableantioxidative property. Oleic acid can lower “bad cholesterol” and increase“good cholesterol” in the blood and have a protective function againstcardiovascular disease, hypertension, inflammation, and Alzheimer's disease.

There are two ways to extract oil from peanut, namely,pressing (the physical method) and solvent extraction (the chemical method).Compared with the chemical method, which could engender certain food safetyrisks, the pressing method follows a way to extract oil by purely physicalpressure, without the use of any chemical additive in the process. Peanut oilextracted by pressing is safe, clean, pollution free and can keep naturalnutrients intact. With amazing color, fragrance and odor, pressed peanut oilcan keep the original goodness of peanuts. The pressing method is veryrestrictive in the selection of peanuts, especially with a higher standard ontheir freshness.

As one of the favorite cooking oils in China, Chinesepeanut oil also enters overseas markets like Japan, South Korea and SoutheastAsian countries etc. An increasing number of peanut oil companies make safecooking oil for customers and enjoy a great business success as a result. Inthe future, Chinese peanut oil will continue to make their presence felt aroundthe globe.



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