

2017-06-26 翻吧君 翻吧






这篇短文共有七句话。从意 44 30413 44 13525 0 0 6544 0 0:00:04 0:00:02 0:00:02 6543群上来划分,第一句是总起句,统领整段话。第二句至第五句是讲明朝的市场经济和城市化,即第三四五句是说明第二句的。第六句是讲明代与世界的关系。第七句则是文化领域的代表。 






The Ming dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China – then known as the Empire of the Great Ming – for 276 years (1368–1644) following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. The Ming, described by some as "one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history."


The Ming Dynasty, which had ruled for 276 years, was described as one of the greatest eras of orderly government and stable society in human history.


在这一句中,”这一时期“,即是指整个明朝。不过,需要注意的是,”手工业的发展“是一个动态过程, 是与”市场经济“和“城市化”进程相呼应的。这里不宜用名词development 或progress 来翻译“发展”,而不是要用“动词+不定式”的句型,来显示发展会带来什么样的后果,如advance to promote。 


During the Ming, its handicraft industry advanced to promot the market-oriented economy and the urbanization.





A large amount of goods, including embroidered silk and alcohol, were sold in markets.





Meanwhile, a lot of foreign commodities, such as clocks and tobacco, were imported.




“商业中心”对应的表达是“commercial center”,也可以写成“business center”

“相继形成”的英语表述为“continuously”,也可以简化为“One after another”


Some business centers of Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou came into formation one after another.



本句的句子结构比较接单,“四大名著中的三部”可以用three of four…的结构。


“值得一提”对应的英语表述为“note worthy”,当然也可以简化为what’s more或者Besides。

“四大经典名著”是专有名词,为“Four Great Classical Novels”,需要注意大写。不过,也可以不用这个专有名词,用说明性的词汇,如four Chinese major fictions.  


What's worthy being noted, three of four classical fictions were developed into mature in the Ming Dynasty. 


The Ming Dynasty, which had ruled for 276 years, was described as one of the greatest eras of orderly government and stable society in human history. During the Ming, its handicraft industry advanced to promot the market-oriented economy and the urbanization. A large amount of goods, including embroidered silk and alcohol, were sold in markets.Meanwhile, a lot of foreign commodities, such as clocks and tobacco, were imported.Some business centers of Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou came into formation one after another. What's worthy noted, three of four classical fictions were developed into mature in the Ming Dynasty. 


Ming Dynasty ruled China for 276 years. People say it was organized and stable. It was one of the greatest eras in human history. At this period of time, the development of handicraft industry promoted the market-oriented economy and urbanization. Many products, including alcohol and silk, were sold in markets. At the same time, it imported many foreign products, such as clocks and tobacco. Commercial centers like Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou formed one after another. Zheng Healso led a fleet to the Indian Ocean for seven large adventures in Ming Dynasty. What’s more, three of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature were written in Ming Dynasty.



The Ming Dynasty, which had ruled China for 276 years, was depicted as the greatest era in human history because of its ordered and stable society. During this period, the market economy and urbanization was stimulated by the development of handicraft industry. A large amount of goods, including silk and wine, was sold in markets. Meanwhile, a lot of foreign commodities like clocks and tobacco were imported. Mass commercial centers like Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou were also aroused continually during this era. It was also in the Ming Dynasty that China dispatched large fleets for 7 times, all led by Zhen He to the Indian Ocean for great adventure. It was also noteworthy that three of Four Great Classical Novels of China were written in the Ming Dynasty.



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