

2018-01-22 编译/靳婷 翻吧

WHEN Amazon announced in June that it would buy Whole Foods, an upmarket grocer, for $13.7bn, other firms shuddered. The spread of Amazonian tentacles is worrying to those wary of concentrated corporate power. But shoppers entering their local Whole Foods these days find oddly low prices alongside the new stacks of Echoes, Amazon’s voice-activated digital helpmate. This raises a question. Is Amazon hellbent on building a world-straddling monopoly, or merely injecting innovation and competition into yet another new market? For antitrust regulators, the welfare of the consumer is the priority. Yet working out how to protect it is harder than ever.


Competitiveness in most industries is a matter of degree. In the idealised marketplace of economics textbooks, the price people pay for goods equals the cost of producing an additional unit. Any higher, the theory goes, a competitor could cut the price a smidgen, sell another unit and profit. Yet outside commodity markets, most firms can charge more than marginal cost. Competing products are not perfect substitutes (no two brands of pasta sauce are exactly the same) and rivals cannot swoop in at once. The more distinctive a product, and the higher the barriers to entry, the more its seller resembles the nasty monopolies of the textbooks: raising prices and gouging profits. Breaking up such monopolies—as America’s regulators once carved up Standard Oil and AT&T—is good for consumers and the economy as a whole.


If the competitiveness of markets is a spectrum, research suggests that American business has been moving along it, and not in the right direction. A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, by Jan De Loecker of Princeton University and Jan Eeckhout of University College, London, provides some stark evidence. The authors analyse data on publicly traded American firms from 1950 to 2014. From 1950 to 1980, average mark-ups—that is, what firms charge customers above their cost of production—were relatively low (and flat), at about 18% over cost. Since 1980, however, mark-ups have risen steadily, to 67% on average. That translates into growth in the consumer-price level, relative to firms’ costs, of about 1% per year.

有研究表明,如果市场的竞争力是一个频谱,美国企业一直在跟随它的脚步,而不是朝着正确的方向前进。普林斯顿大学的Jan De Loecker和伦敦大学学院Jan Eeckhout的一份新的研究报告提供了一些确凿的证据。报告作者分析了1950年到2014年美国上市公司的数据。从1950年到1980年,平均价格——即企业在生产成本之上对客户收取的费用——相对较低(持平),约为18%。然而,自1980年以来,涨价幅度稳步上升,达到了平均水平的67%。这意味着消费者价格水平的增长,相对于公司的成本每年约为1%。

But this rise in market power comes in several guises, with varying implications for consumers. In some industries—such as airlines, telecoms and retail banking—the public seems to be getting a raw deal. Consolidation has been accompanied by high profits and shoddy service. Elsewhere, however, margins are probably rising as a result of product differentiation and personalisation. A name-brand designer, for instance, can charge a premium because the fashions sold by competitors, whatever their beauty, cannot (legally) carry that name. A firm selling bespoke IT services is in an analogous position. In tailoring its services to a customer’s unique circumstances, it provides something of value and raises the cost of switching, earning itself room to charge a premium. Niche products seem to be on the rise in some professional services, in corners of the retail industry and on the high street—where quirky cocktail bars can charge far more than less funky mass-market watering holes. Such markets fall short of the ideal of perfect competition, but nor are they examples of lazy monopolies ripping off hapless consumers.


Amazon and other big internet firms belong to a different category from both the lumbering bullies of the airline industry and wallet-draining boutiques. High rates of profit combined with industry consolidation suggest there is no shortage of market power in the tech world. But it is tricky to work out what that means for consumers. In some cases, market power (and associated profits) can be seen as the prize for costly innovation. That, after all, is the logic behind patents, which reward inventors for making knowledge public by granting them a temporary monopoly. Indeed, market power can be a lure to innovation. Constructing a new telecoms network is good for consumers but expensive; the reason to do it is the knowledge that it will not be viable for latecomers to compete away the first mover’s profits.


When there are benefits to scale, dominant firms can cut costs and fatten margins without raising prices. The pile of data amassed by Google, for example, gives it an extraordinary edge in selling personalised advertisements, but also allows it to serve all its customers more effectively. And in the tech world, market power can be tenuous. New platforms displace old ones, and fresh technologies can undercut the value even of sprawling physical networks. Yet innovation-derived market power should not give firms a free pass—even if prices fall as a result.


Kale joys


Tech giants like Apple and Facebook work to enmesh their customers in ecosystems that are difficult to escape from. Big firms can use the hordes of customers acquired in one business to put pressure on suppliers or squeeze customers in another. Microsoft once argued that bundling its browser with its Windows operating system gave consumers an extra boon at no cost; rivals thought consumers would lose out by becoming more captive to Microsoft’s systems. The question hanging over today’s antitrust debates is whether startling deals for consumers—from Gmail to cut-price organic almond butter—are the happy by-products of innovation or the foundations of formidable barriers to competition, which will ultimately harm consumers.


For now, the grocery market seems healthy enough. Amazon’s annual sales are less than a third those of Walmart and its share of the grocery market is an unimpressive 2%, even after its recent acquisition. Both Amazon loyalists and Whole Foods shoppers are likely to enjoy the perks of the combination, and cheaper avocados will come as a relief to hungry hipsters. But regulators must be vigilant, lest the time come to say: Stop! Good buy to all that.

就目前而言,杂货市场的发展似乎足够健康。 亚马逊的年销售额不到沃尔玛的三分之一,即便在最近的收购行动之后,其在食品杂货市场的份额仍然是不起眼的2%。 亚马逊的忠实粉丝和全食超市的消费者都可能享受这种组合的津贴,更便宜的鳄梨将成为饥饿的时尚人士的解脱。 但监管机构必须保持警惕,以免到了该说:“停!所有人都买得起。”的时候。









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