

2018-04-19 翻吧君 翻吧


On Saturday, President Trump __1__ in the military efficiency of the joint strike by the United States, Britain, and France on three chemical-weapons facilities in Syria. The tightly __2__ multinational operation—involving aircraft and ships in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf—took less than two hours. More than a hundred missiles—nearly double the size of the 2017 U.S. strike on Syria—hit their targets. A production site, command post, and storage facilities were __3__. Neither the Russians nor Iranians tried to __4__ the strike or intervene militarily. Syria’s air defenses failed miserably. All allied aircraft and personnel __5__ safely to their bases. “A perfectly executed strike last night,” Trump tweeted, on Saturday morning. “Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!”

A. returned   B.choreographed C. obliterated D.revelled  E. stop




“The day we prayed would never come has come again,” said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.“Chemical weapons have once again been used on Syrian men, women, and children.”

“Only a monster targets civilians and then ensures that there are no ambulances to transfer the wounded,”declared Ambassador Haley. “No hospitals to save their lives. No doctors or medicine to ease their pain.”

The Russian regime's “hands are all covered in the blood of Syrian children,” said Ambassador Haley. She added that the international community “must not overlook Russia and Iran's roles in enabling the Assad regime's murderous destruction. Russia and Iran have military advisers at Assad's airfields and operations centers. Russian officials are on the ground helping direct the regime's ‘starve and surrender' campaign, and Iranian allied forces do much of the dirty work.”


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