
WUE·Atlanta | Dog Day of Atlanta

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09




Before human beings can move to Mars, we still live on the same earth. Regardless of national boundaries, race, faith, or time zone, we are all citizens of the earth. At WUE-WeUnitedEarth, let us understand, connect, cooperate, support and love each other.


“Let's all help each other out of here.”

photo from  Robin

A lot of people don’t know that across the street from the CDC, there is a pretty nice sushi-burrito restaurant. Two or three times a week — a right and three lefts from my apartment — I would order a crispy tempura shrimp burrito, sit down with my tray, and stare out at the looming building in front of me. CRUNCH.


At that time, I thought the only connection between me and CDC is my alumni who work at the CDC. Yeah, Emory School of Medicine is is famous throughout the United States.

It's March 18 now.  About two weeks ago, COVID-19 started to outbreak in America. Although Georgia haven’t been severely influenced by the pandemic(197 people had been tested positive at that time, and the account is 5,444 up to April 2), New York and California have been the pandemic epicenter, which brings anxiety and panic to every people throughout the United States.

Fast forward a week —  grocery stores have started to clear out, traffic boomed then cleared, and now the shrimp burritos are delivery only.

photo from  Reuters

This week, I occasionally go out for food. Being close to the CDC, you hear the metronome helicopters and see the busting groups of suits and lab coats; but everything was being handled inside those walls… right? The laboratories and researchers will bring the most timely and accurate information to us… right?

I have moved to Atlanta from New Jersey for more than four years. I have been studying and working here. Atlanta is the city with the Headquarters of CNN and CDC, so I’ve definitely heard the news and advice from around the world (featuring differing levels of truth). Sometimes, even the hosts of CNN New would question the data reported by CDC. They will express doubts about any institution.  I love Atlanta, and I recognize myself as a half-Atlanta, so I am held to my observations.

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CNN News hosts: Christiane Amanpour, Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon

photo from  CNN

Looking back on March 6th:

photo from 11alive

In the past two weeks, Atlanta's “biggest news" is Trump's visit to the CDC on March 6. He gave a speech here. Trump’s motorcade halted Atlanta traffic for seemingly the entire day. After pinning the recent COVID-19 outbreak as a Democratic “hoax,” many people here found his all-of-a-sudden seriousness to be fairly comical. Our president boasted, "Maybe I have a natural ability.

Things were normal, people complained about traffic, criticizing president's decision, praying that the US epidemic will be brought under control as soon as possible.


photo from  Instagram @matthayesphoto


On Monday (3/16), most restaurants closed which have been implemented in New York and New Jersey several days ago. and that was the parrot in the cage. People bought a lot of the same items most people in the world are buying. People checked their insurance like everyone else.( At that time, if you didn't have insurance, a COVID -19 test could cost thousands of dollars.) People were people.

My largest observations after this was that things were truly getting worse, but at the same time people became kind-er. Now I am not going to pretend that everyone sewed on their angel wings, but the sense of community and understanding became apparent. We are in this together.

Firstly, the schools and restaurants shut down while in motion, and caused quite the panic. Many of my non-local peers whose home is in East and West Coast, either had to find a flight home or a new home for the next few months. As I have an off-campus apartment, I did not face this issue yet still received many offers to sleep on friends’ couches free of rent.

The catering industry has also been severely influenced. My Italian restaurant’s employer is worried about his restaurant, at the same time, he offers unemployment benefits for their at-home servers. He also told me that he sent multiple emails a day just to keep us updated on CDC health regulations, even supplied free food to store and free cleaning supplies (as they are all sold out in local markets). And his hometown, Italy, is also hit by the pandemic , which made him anxious.


In such difficult time, warmth still exists. Many non-profit organizations try to exert their strength.

The Atlanta Food Bank, city-wide food bank run by only 150 people, fed about 800,000 food insecure Atlantans annually. They are one of my favorite “big” non-profits in Atlanta. While schools closed down, they fed families immediately while focusing on sanitary procedures before our President even would. In Georgia, 1 out of 5 families in school face food insecurity, and the Food Bank of Atlanta seems to have strengthened their commitment to these families.

photo from  Robin

The Food Bank of Atlanta is one of many doing great work alongside its younger siblings: Atlanta Survival Program (food/delivery for senior citizens) and Open Hand Atlanta. In this outbreak, the elderly are the most vulnerable and should be better protected.

Almost all universities in the United States are temporarily closed. Many graduates have to graduate early, especially those medical students. While those students who would have applied for universities and scholarships have also been seriously affected. Fortunately, the school and the professors are as always concerned about the future of the students.

My school (Emory University, which is called Harvard of the South) should have been the application season these days. Using the time that is saved from remote work, professionals and academics video chat with under-served high school students to help prepare for scholarship and college application. The Scholarship Academy has also interestingly picked up speed. Professors would “adopt-a-month” and schedule hour-long meetings with their students to help plan and build their academic prospects.

Hell yeah!! The Scholarship Academy is showing us that donating your time/expertise can also help our communities.  I certainly want to do my best!

photo from  Atlanta Humane Society 


But there are also ways to help people out by simply making all of us happy. The Atlanta Humane Society (a charity organization that assists animals) is holding a “Cutest Self Quarantine Dog” contest, and I must say, everything about this is adorable.

Here are the prizes:

Prize for the Cutest Self-Quarantined Pet

photo from: Atlanta Humane Society 

Here are my favorite so far (in no particular order):

Oh. Daisy is working hard here.

photo from: Atlanta Humane Society 

Pablo’s skin looking smooth.

photo from: Atlanta Humane Society 

Bored of owner already.

photo from: Atlanta Humane Society 

As cute as these pupperonis are, it is really pleasant to see altruism and generosity in a time like this. This kindness, I realize, does not come out of nowhere. We are all inspired by the musings of Italian Balcony Concerts, the ingenuity of Chinese anime remote classes, the foresight of online-view zoos in Melbourne. The age of social media has nuzzled itself into our lives, and even though it is hard to avoid the bad news, it is nice to see that kindness follows closely behind. The world is taking an intermission, we can take this opportunity to support, care, and inspire each other.


Vote for your favorite dog!

March 18,2020



Robin Yang, in the middle of the photo taken in the NGMW(Next Generation Men and Women, a non-profit organization)fund raiser event at Atlanta. Robin is born in New Jersey, now lives in Atlanta, Georgia, a professional in marketing and service industries. As the marketing associate of NGMW , he is  very active in social events as well as enthusiastic in non-profit activities within local communities. Close to CDC and observing how East-southerners conduct daily life under Coronavirus pandemic unfold.

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WUE|We expect to hear from you amid the pandemic!

Author / Robin Yang

Editor / Cici

Editor in chief / Ohia

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