
Good news! New policy for Hong Kong entry!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2022-08-30

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Hong Kong government has adopted a strict quarantine policy in epidemic prevention. Non-Hong Kong residents are prohibited from entering hong Kong and all overseas passengers are restricted from arriving in Hong Kong. With the gradual easing of the epidemic and the decline in the number of imported cases from overseas, the Hong Kong government has relaxed the entry of non-Hong Kong residents from overseas areas into Hong Kong from 1 May 2022, so that Hong Kong's tourism and business will gradually recover.

Due to the good development of the epidemic situation, Hong Kong's epidemic prevention measures have been adjusted again. The Hong Kong government announced that from 12 August 2022 Hong Kong time, the quarantine period for overseas or Taiwanese entry into Hong Kong will be shortened, from the original 7-day hotel quarantine to the  "3+4" model, that is, 3-day hotel quarantine + 4-day home quarantine.

The information is sourced from the Press Release Of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

❗️❗️TIPS: Streamline the quarantine testing process for registration and arrival

In order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention measures, from 0:00 a.m. Hong Kong time on 12 August, visitors to Hong Kong must complete the Health and Testing Consultation Declaration Form of the Department of Health online in advance, declare the record of completing vaccination, provide relevant information such as the reservation of the designated quarantine hotel, and present the QR code of the health declaration form generated after completing the declaration (which can be a downloaded version of the QR code, a screenshot or a printed picture) for the airline to check before arranging boarding.

Overseas travelers who want to travel to Hong Kong can take action! For more inbound news inquiries, please feel free to contact Solutions.

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