
Chinese Import and export increased by 5.8% in the first April!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-05-26

TOP3 Hot list recently

Source: Cailian Society

On May 9, the General Administration of Customs announced that the total value of China's foreign trade in the first four months of this year was 13.32 trillion yuan, up by 5.8% year on year, indicating a steady and positive momentum. Among them, exports reached 7.67 trillion yuan, up 10.6% year on year; Imports reached 5.65 trillion yuan, up 0.02% year on year.

Since the beginning of this year, China's foreign trade in the first four months of import and export growth accelerated, export orders increased for four consecutive months of the proportion of enterprises.

Hearing this news, do the bosses have any new ideas about the import and export company? Today, take a look with SOLUTIONS!

What are the necessary conditions?

for registered import and export companies


Start a business and have office address


Have a basic company bank account


The business scope of the company must have sub-item of "Import and export of goods" and "import and export of technologies", otherwise, it needs to be added by changing the mode of operation


The company has a customs officer (the information of the customs officer will be required when handling the "import and export" item)


The company has gone through tax registration and paid taxes according to law


Handle and pass the annual business report according to the regulations

If an enterprise needs to apply for a license for commodities and goods, it can only apply for an import and export license if it has obtained the import and export right. It takes two weeks for a newly registered company to get an import or export permit.


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Don’t miss this incredible opportunity! Feel free to contact SOLUTIONS, we will be glad to assist you.


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