
Is there any good US dollar exchange settlement account?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-06-15

Changes in the currency market, the impact of foreign trade enterprises is self-evident. There are many foreign trade businesses that need a US dollar account in order to do business with customers and avoid foreign exchange and exchange rate hassles.

The simple choice of settlement currency makes a big difference to the actual profits of the firm. So, what kind of account settlement should you choose?

2 types of foreign

exchange settlement


Traditional offshore account

+ individual account

Advantages: The combination of traditional offshore account and the self-employed, offshore account collection, transfer to the self-employed settlement of foreign exchange. The amount of foreign exchange can be purchased without providing the information of foreign exchange settlement, and the foreign exchange can be settled to the director's personal card.


Emerging B2B offshore accounts

Advantages: Company name title, can be transferred to US dollars, safe and compliant settlement of foreign exchange to any RMB card/Alipay account.

The following are the emerging B2B offshore account solutions recommended today~



Open an account online with

easy conditions

Unlimited nationality, less industry restrictions; Easy to open an account, the fastest one working day off the account


Convenient management, receipt

and payment worldwide

Open a global multi-currency account in Hong Kong/Singapore


Safety compliance, sunshine settlement

Flexibly and quickly transfer RMB to your third-party bank account/Alipay; Diversify capital risks and avoid being "invited to coffee" by domestic banks due to large amount of RMB exchange settlement


Intimate service,

the whole journey without worry

Senior after-sales service, Chinese and English Wechat customer service one-on-one answer questions

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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