
How do Hong Kong company handle equity transfer?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

The transfer of shares of a Hong Kong company, also known as the transfer of shares of a Hong Kong company, means that the current shareholder sells all or part of the shares of a Hong Kong company to others. Generally, it is because of the adjustment of operation and management or personnel changes after the registration of the Hong Kong company, and the shareholders of the Hong Kong company need to be changed.

Transfer shares

In Hong Kong, any shareholder of any company can transfer or buy or sell shares through mutual agreement, but it must be stamped with stamp duty by the Hong Kong Stamp Duty Office and pay a fixed percentage stamp duty. According to the regulations of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department, the stamp duty is 0.13% of the transferor's share capital, that is, the buyer and seller combined 0.26%. There is also a transfer fee of HK $5 per copy.

Information required for share transfer

Valid certificates and address information of both parties to the transfer of shares;

Valid certificates and address information of both parties to the transfer of shares;

A copy of the English articles of association of the company;

If it is a partial transfer, it is also necessary to determine the proportion of new shareholders.

Conversion process

Review whether the articles of association impose any restrictions on the transfer of shares;

Preparation of minutes of board meetings on the transfer of shares to Hong Kong;

Prepare stock transfer documents, arrange stock transfer documents to stamp stamp office and pay stamp duty;

Upon receipt of the above documents, the share transfer procedure shall be completed within 2-5 working days.

Notes on share transfer

First check to see if the company owes any foreign debt and government fees;

Check the business registration certificate and registration certificate to verify whether the company is real;

The transfer of shares to the buyer needs to go through the equity transfer procedures, the equity transfer must be changed, the company directors also need to change, if the new shareholders have the request, the company can also change the new name, which will incur costs;

If the company has a bank account, after the company name is changed, the bank shall be contacted in time to change the company name.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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