
Too hard to name a trademark?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

The premise of trademark registration is to determine the name of the trademark, but to name the trademark is a headache for many people. Trademarks need to meet legal requirements to be successfully registered. So, as an applicant, what should we pay attention to when naming a trademark?

The name of the trademark should be easy to recognize, easy to spell, easy to read, easy to oral, easy to remember. Therefore, the following 3 points should be grasped as far as possible when naming:



The shorter the name, the easier it is to remember. Such as Haier, Changhong, SONY, IBM and other trademarks, people will remember at a glance, but also easy to identify.



I have a strong sense of language. Trademarks must be easy to pronounce, catchy, read a good sense of language, loud pronunciation, should avoid the use of difficult to pronounce or bad phonological words.



It is unique and innovative. Trademarks should have a sense of The Times, reflect the spirit of innovation, it will emphasize the brand personality, expand the sense of difference, so as to achieve a memorable effect.

Common elements of trademark registration:

Text, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, colors, sounds and other elements.

The design of the trademark should be original, and the probability of being rejected is relatively high if the LOGO is completely copied or partially modified after plagiarism.

Trademark registration 

name taboo:

1. It is prohibited to be identical with or similar to a registered trademark, and it needs to be unique;

2. Prohibit the use of geographical names of administrative divisions above the county level and some words of specific nature (refer to the Trademark Law for details);

3. It is prohibited to use common words for registration;

4. Prohibit the use of false, exaggerated, adverse moral terms;

5. It is prohibited to imply product characteristics in the same category of industry classification;

6. It is forbidden to "near famous brand" and "near celebrity", the name should not be too long or too short, Chinese characters 2-4 words is the best, and English is limited to 3 words.

Other points to note:

1. It can be iterated by changing the word, adding the word to the beginning and end, and changing the order. It is also feasible to make the difference between the shape, meaning or overall appearance of the trademark obvious after replacement, but adding Spaces or symbols is ineffective to increase the significance;

2. Trade name and company name can be inconsistent.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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