
Where can I find an apartment in China?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-10-23

Foreign friend comes to China to live for a period of time, and needs to find an apartment to stay, what should you do?

You can check the rental platform through the Internet, find the right location and apartment type, and finally make an appointment with the landlord to see the house.

Please check these platforms:

Iroom 自如

Wellcee 唯心所寓

Anjuke 安居客

Douban 豆瓣租房

LianJia 链家

What should you pay attention to when renting a house?


For deposit

The landlords always charge for 1-3 months as deposit.


Utility bills

Such as water and electricity bills in the commercial and residential apartment is always double than the only residential usage.


The place recommendation

The landlords always charge for 1-3 months as deposit.It is suggested foreigners to choose an apartment with a lot of restaurants and bars nearby.


Apply for a residence permit

Foreigners should submit valid documents (passport, visa) and relevant documents to the public security organ that you can apply for residence permit.

It can be seen that foreigners who come to China generally hold a valid passport and obtain the appropriate visa before they can enter and stay in China. If you need to apply for a visa, renew your passport/visa or apply for a residence permit, please contact SOLUTIONS.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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