
Right to Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

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Article 1032    A natural person shall enjoy the right to privacy. No organization or individual may infringe upon the right to privacy of any other person by spying, invading and harassing, disclosing or publishing the relevant information or by any other means.Privacy is a natural person's private life peace, as well as private space, private activities and private information that do not want to be known by others.第一千零三十二条 自然人享有隐私权。任何组织或者个人不得以刺探、侵扰、泄露、公开等方式侵害他人的隐私权。隐私是自然人的私人生活安宁和不愿为他人知晓的私密空间、私密活动、私密信息。
Article 1033    Unless otherwise prescribed by the law or specifically agreed by the right holders, no organization or individual may carry out any of the following acts:(I) Disturbing the private peace of others by means of telephone, text message, instant messaging tools, e-mails, leaflets, etc.;(II) Entering, taking pictures of or peeping into others' houses or hotel rooms or other private space;(III) Taking pictures of, peeping into, eavesdropping, or making public the private activities of others;(IV) Taking pictures of or peeping into any private part of the body of another person;(V) Dealing with the confidential information of others; or(VI)Infringing upon the right to privacy of others by other means.第一千零三十三条 除法律另有规定或者权利人明确同意外,任何组织或者个人不得实施下列行为:(一)以电话、短信、即时通讯工具、电子邮件、传单等方式侵扰他人的私人生活安宁;(二)进入、拍摄、窥视他人的住宅、宾馆房间等私密空间;(三)拍摄、窥视、窃听、公开他人的私密活动;(四)拍摄、窥视他人身体的私密部位;(五)处理他人的私密信息;(六)以其他方式侵害他人的隐私权。
Article 1034    The personal information of a natural person shall be protected by the law.Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or otherwise that can be used to independently identify or be combined with other information to identify specific natural persons, including the natural persons' names, dates of birth, ID numbers, biometric information, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, health information, whereabouts, etc.For the confidential information included in personal information, the relevant provisions on the right to privacy shall apply; if no provisions are available, the provisions on personal information protection shall apply.第一千零三十四条 自然人的个人信息受法律保护。个人信息是以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人的各种信息,包括自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份证件号码、生物识别信息、住址、电话号码、电子邮箱、健康信息、行踪信息等。个人信息中的私密信息,适用有关隐私权的规定;没有规定的,适用有关个人信息保护的规定。Article 1035    The processing of personal information shall be subject to the principle of legitimacy, rightfulness and necessity, with no excessive processing, and shall meet the following conditions:(I) With the consent of the natural person or the guardian thereof, unless otherwise provided by laws or administrative regulations;(II) Disclosing rules on processing information;(III) Expressly stating the purpose, method and scope of information to be processed; and(IV) Not violating the provision of the laws and administrative regulations and the agreement of both parties.Processing of personal information includes the collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision and disclosure of personal information, etc.第一千零三十五条 处理个人信息的,应当遵循合法、正当、必要原则,不得过度处理,并符合下列条件:(一)征得该自然人或者其监护人同意,但是法律、行政法规另有规定的除外;(二)公开处理信息的规则;(三)明示处理信息的目的、方式和范围;(四)不违反法律、行政法规的规定和双方的约定。个人信息的处理包括个人信息的收集、存储、使用、加工、传输、提供、公开等。
Article 1036    Where the processing of personal information falls under any of the following circumstances, the infringer concerned shall not bear civil liability:(I) Acts performed reasonably within the scope agreed by the natural person or his or her guardian;(II) Reasonably processing the information made public by the natural person himself or herself or other information that has been legally made public, unless the natural person explicitly refuses to do so or deals with the circumstance where such information infringes upon his or her major interests; or(III) Other reasonable acts performed to protect the public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of the natural persons.第一千零三十六条 处理个人信息,有下列情形之一的,行为人不承担民事责任:(一)在该自然人或者其监护人同意的范围内合理实施的行为;(二)合理处理该自然人自行公开的或者其他已经合法公开的信息,但是该自然人明确拒绝或者处理该信息侵害其重大利益的除外;(三)为维护公共利益或者该自然人合法权益,合理实施的其他行为。
Article 1037    A natural person may consult or copy his or her personal information with any information processor in accordance with the law; if any error is found in the information, the natural person has the right to raise an objection and request the information processor to take necessary measures such as corrections in a timely manner.Where a natural person discovers that an information processor has processed his or her personal information in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the agreement between both parties, he or she shall have the right to request that the information processor promptly delete the information.第一千零三十七条 自然人可以依法向信息处理者查阅或者复制其个人信息;发现信息有错误的,有权提出异议并请求及时采取更正等必要措施。自然人发现信息处理者违反法律、行政法规的规定或者双方的约定处理其个人信息的,有权请求信息处理者及时删除。
Article 1038    Information processors shall not divulge or tamper with personal information collected or stored by them; without the consent of a natural person, information processors shall not illegally provide personal information of such person to others, except for information that has been processed so that specific persons cannot be identified and that cannot be restored.An information processor shall take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information that is collected and stored and to prevent the information from being divulged, tampered with or lost; where personal information has been or may be divulged, tampered with or lost, the information processor shall take remedial measures in a timely manner, inform the natural person concerned in accordance with the provisions and report the case to the relevant competent department.第一千零三十八条 信息处理者不得泄露或者篡改其收集、存储的个人信息;未经自然人同意,不得向他人非法提供其个人信息,但是经过加工无法识别特定个人且不能复原的除外。信息处理者应当采取技术措施和其他必要措施,确保其收集、存储的个人信息安全,防止信息泄露、篡改、丢失;发生或者可能发生个人信息泄露、篡改、丢失的,应当及时采取补救措施,按照规定告知自然人并向有关主管部门报告。
Article 1039    State organs, statutory bodies assuming administrative functions and their functionaries shall keep confidential the privacy and personal information of natural persons that they come to know during the performance of their duties, and shall not divulge the same or illegally provide the same to others.第一千零三十九条 国家机关、承担行政职能的法定机构及其工作人员对于履行职责过程中知悉的自然人的隐私和个人信息,应当予以保密,不得泄露或者向他人非法提供。

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