
全国自然教育论坛 | 自然教育+项目式学习=?Nature Education+ PBL=?

Upbeing 2020-10-02

第四届全国自然教育论坛将在金秋十月在杭州举办, Upbeing 非常荣幸能参与到本届论坛,成为全国12家工作坊坊主之一,为大家带来自然教育与项目式学习的结合与应用的工作坊。The forth China Nature Education Forum will be held in Hangzhou this Oct , Upbeing is honored to be invited to bring  the fusion of nature education and project-based learning workshop as one of the 12 organizations in China.


 Forum Topic : For Tomorrow's Agreement 


Organizor: China Nature Education Forum, Alibaba Foundation

100多年前,约翰·杜威等教育家提出体验式学习、做中学. 教育水平总是走在世界前沿的芬兰整个国家的教育改革已经走向项目式学习的模式。

More than ten decades ago, John Dewey and other educators raised up the idea of project-based learning and learning by doing. Finland has already reformed their education system and launched the project-based learning model.


There are some schools in China, which have been experimenting with this new concept, but it might take some time to explore possibilities. The cost of  project-based learning still very high and needs more experimental spirits and pioneers to join. It is also really a challenge for teachers or parents to become a project based learning facilitator, so what can we do?

△ 四川藏区孩子给游客做自然教育 Sichuanese local kid giving a lecture about nature to a traveler


We strive to let children interact with the nature and develop love for it, before cultivating STEM thinking. We wish people to explore the fusion of nature education and project-based learning.


How to help learners to go beyond rather than just developing life skills?

Come and join the project-based learning about nature conducted by Chinese and foreign teachers to be able to help your students and children grow in a more sustainable way, while cultivating growth mindset. 

△ 环保卫生巾工作坊


Basic info


Theme: Fusion of nature education and project-based learning

时间:10月30日 (全天)30th October, 2017

Time: October 30th(whole day)


Place: Hangzhou Jiangyangpan eco park


Price: 800RMB/person (early bird price: before 22nd Sept, 600RMB/person)


Participants: min 10 people


Costs: fees include tuition fees, material fees, translation fees, etc .;

Doesn't cover local accommodation, transportation, meals, travelling to and from Hangzhou and personal expenses


Registration and payment deadline: October 20th, 2017

△ Upbeing 在 2017 上海设计周




We hope that trainers will be able to apply the project-based learning principles and methods into the nature education, improve the creative and system thinking ability. The goal is to design programs related to project based learning of nature education together with the people in the same field , and build a community to exchange, share, practice and cooperate.



> 国内外协作技术(facilitation)学习,应用于活跃气氛,发掘自身角色和进行团队建设等

Chinese and foreign facilitating skills learning, how to create a positive atmosphere, encourage people, build teams based on their roles, how to open their mind.

> 开发创造力的七个方法

Seven ways to develop creativity

> 用具象的方式提升系统思维

Use representational way to enhance the systematic thinking

> 如何帮助学生创建一个有环境影响力、社会影响力和经济影响力的项目

How to help students create a project with environmental, social and economic impact

> 如何设计自然教育的项目式学习周末营等活动

How to design a natural education project-based learning weekend camp and other activities

△ 海南社会创新商赛


You will gain:

> 如何将项目式学习应用于自然教育实践中;

How to apply project-based learning in natural education practice

> 中外老师详细的教学技巧分析与指导的实操;

Detailed teaching skills analysis and guidance of the actual process from Chinese and foreign teachers

> 提高创造能力和系统思维能力

Improve creativity and system thinking

> 与各地志同道合的朋友一起设计自然教育的项目式学习周末营等活动

Work together with people from different places to design a project-based learning program

> 一个后期长期实践、交流与合作的社群

A community for long-term practice, communication and cooperation


Projects Playground| 12岁的二次元少女对活动物料的不可持续 say no

一个椰子味的社会创新商赛营 A coconut taste social innovation camp

项目式学习 | 冰桶挑战让全球认识了渐冻人,你用什么方式让更多人了解亨廷顿舞蹈症?


  • 对自然教育或项目式学习感兴趣,希望进一步深化理念和提升方法的自然教育从业者或志愿者

  • 想要自己带孩子进行自然教育和项目式样学习的家长

  • 其他对教育和社会创新感兴趣的伙伴

Who can participate?

- Teachers and facilitators, who are interested in nature education or project-based learning, would like to get a deeper understanding of these concepts.

-Parents who want to guide their children to get engaged in nature education and project-based learning

-Others partners that are interested in education and social innovation


Registration and payment instructions


Register: Click on " Read more" and complete the payment.

▲ 缴费方式

支付宝账号:qiuling.wu.ep@gmail.com (If you don't have Alipay, please reach wechat account 13816920760 )




▲ 退出机制

Cancellation Policy


After payment fees will not be returned, but the ticket can be transfered to others


If the course is not launched (less than 10 applications), fees will be fully refunded.




Qiuling Wu

Upbeing founder, participated in various eco community projects in different countries since 2012, and has the certificate of Permaculture sustainable design. She has many years of working experience in social enterprise and NGO world, joined and held many international exchange programs, and access to leadership trainings from Canadians and American influencers. She is the alumni of American Express Academy and member of IUCN Commission on Education and Communication. She also has multi project experience on Industrial design, independent film festivals, tea Taoism workshops, ecological construction, charity concert, Waldorf education, organic farm, etc.

Ildiko Kissimonova

欧洲人,曾在布达佩斯商学院、上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院就读,并前往芬兰名校(欧盟伊拉斯谟项目)、以色列名校做交换, 在交通大学任教。有过印度实习经历,并有4年多青少年外语培训经验。熟悉产品战略,尤擅长品牌与战略创新,希望创造积极的社会影响力。

Ildiko has more than 5 years of experience of teaching youth and conducting corporate trainings in China. She is AIESEC alumni and through this organization she has participated in education and leadership development programs in India and Hungary. Graduated from Budapest Business School and currently pursuing her master in business administration degree at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Her expertise is marketing and branding strategy and CSR. She has participated in learning and working exchange programs in Finland, India, USA and Israel.


Thank you for China Nature Education. 

👇 点击查看自然教育论坛发布的关于本次活动的信息👇



在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在行动中学习,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

