
World’s top 1% AMC winners at Huili School

杭州惠立 杭州惠立学校 2023-03-30

American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) is hosted by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) that dates back to 1950. It is one of the most influential mathematics competitions for young people around the world. In recent years, AMC has welcomed almost 300,000 participants annually from 6,000 schools in over 30 countries.

Over 60 grade 7 and grade 8 students from Huili School Hangzhou participated in the AMC 8 2020, and they have achieved astonishing results! You may see from the list below that our students have won one Distinction Honor Roll (Top 1% in the world), two Honor Roll (Top 5%), two High Distinction in China, one Distinction Award in China, and six Merit Award in China. Congratulations!

Some of the winners shared their experience with us after the competition.

Grade 8 - Solar Z

Grade 7 - Lochlann L

AMC 8 competition is undoubtedly challenging. To be well-prepared, my classmates and I have practiced with many previous AMC 8 test papers. In school, teachers helped me to learn the fundamentals and to improve the accuracy of my calculations. Extra training on solving highly challenging questions is also imperative. Whenever I am stumbled, my teachers are always there for me so I will not find a similar question hard next time. This competition, however, is not merely about mathematics ability, but also time management skills. I knew that my effort was not in vain when the result came out and I became one of the Top 5% winners around the world. I will aim for the Top 1% next time!

Grade 8 - Annie Z 

It is an honor to be one of the world's Top 5% winners in this AMC 8 competition. I have always had an interest in maths growing up and enjoyed solving maths puzzles. Figuring out a solution for a question from a different angle where the routine does not apply endows me with a wonderful sense of achievement. In my leisure time, I also work on Mathematical Olympiad puzzles to improve my logical thinking.

Our teachers’ professional guidance is also essential. Ms. Li, Head of Junior High Mathematics, shared her experience.

Molli Li

As the tutor for the Mathematical Olympiad group of rade 8, I am extensively proud of what my students have achieved. Our weekly training is based on topics ranging from arithmetic, geometry, algebra, statistics and probability to problem-solving skills. When coming across certain content and concepts that our students have not yet learned in class, I usually extend the class knowledge and lead our students to experience a more advanced maths theory.

In preparing for the competition, we do not rely on our weekly extra training; the key, however, is what students learn from their daily maths classes. As important as it is, maths knowledge itself is not everything. It is mathematical thinking that is pivotal in winning the competition, and even in the individual development of our students. My focus in class is to cultivate their critical thinking by presenting specific examples for them to explore and finally apply certain maths thinking and methods, such as combining numbers with shapes, the method of undetermined coefficients, and the listing method. Learning these helps our students to develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which will equip them with an ability to think critically both academically and in their daily lives and provides them a rational perspective on the world. This, after all, is the core and fundamental of our maths curriculum.




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