
Registration is now opening for academic year 2023-24

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Huili Nursery Shanghai’s Early Years educational model is informed by cutting-edge educational research that prepares children for the future.

We offer a unique bilingual education and create a caring and supportive environment where children build the foundations for success in their academic careers and on into life after they graduate. Children are encouraged to explore, enquire and discover in our indoor and outdoor learning spaces. Meanwhile, they acquire the skills needed to be independent, curious and collaborative with their fellow learners. 


We would like to invite all parents to join us for our coffee morning. Here, you will learn more about what makes a Huili education so unique.

2023-24 Academic Year: Registration is now opening!

Space is limited, so invitations will be issued based on the year group that you wish to apply for and the number of seats available. If seats are available, you will receive an email with an invitation and further details. 

To request an invitation, please scan the QR code below and fill in our form

Please note that even if you have previously registered your interest in joining Huili Nursery Shanghai, you will still need to register again.

To learn more about applying to Huili Nursery please visit our website: 



To view our Nursery Website

