
亚洲视频 | 二即一:王绍强个展

亚洲艺术中心 亚洲艺术中心 2023-06-06

展名 / Title: 二即一:王绍强个展

IF TWO, THEN ONE: Wang Shaoqiang Solo Exhibition

策展人 / Curator: 张子康 Zhang Zikang

艺术家 / Artist: 王绍强 Wang Shaoqiang

展期 / Duration: 2021.7.24 (Sat) - 10.24 (Sun)

开幕/ Opening: 2021.7.24 (Sat)  3:00pm

地点 / Venue: 亚洲艺术中心(北京)

Asia Art Center (Beijing)


Dashanzi 798 Art District, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing


























































▲ 中国艺术研究院院长    韩子勇

 美术理论家、批评家、策展人    皮道坚

 中央美术学院教授、广州美术学院图像与历史高等研究院院长    尹吉男

 中央美术学院副院长    苏新平

 策展人、中央美术学院美术馆馆长    张子康

 艺术家、广东美术馆馆长    王绍强









编辑 / Editor:陈婉婷 Sherry Chen


关于策展人About Curator

1996年至今,主持策划、编辑出版各类文学、艺术图书千余册,多次荣获国家级图书奖项;著有《美术馆》(合著)、《文化造城》(合著)、《艺术博物馆理论与务实》(合著)、《跨界生存》(专著)、《张子康》油画作品集、《张子康——疆域》影像作品集等,并发表百余篇艺术理论相关文章。策划众多在国内外颇具影响力的大型艺术展览,如“雷安埃利希——太虚之境”、“卡普尔大展”、“悲鸿生命——徐悲鸿艺术大展”、“智识城市——2020深圳公共艺术季”等。作为艺术家, 他创作的绘画作品多次参加国内外重要学术展览。
Zhang Zikang, born in Hebei in 1964, is currently the director of CAFA Art Museum, professor and doctoral advisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the editor-in-chief of Art Museum magazine. He is the deputy dean of Art and Technology Research Institute of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is also a member of the Chinese Artists Association and the deputy director of the Experimental Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association. He serves as the deputy director of the Committee of Art Museum in China, and the chairman of the Alliance of University Art Museums of China. 
Since 1996, he has planned, edited and published over a thousand of various literary and art books, and won many national books awards. He has co-authored Art MuseumConstruct City with Cultural ElementArt Museum Theory and Practice, and authored Cross-Border Survival, published oil painting collections Zhang Zikang, photographic works collection Zhang Zikang - Territory as well as more than a hundred articles related to art theory. He has also curated many large-scale art exhibitions that are influential on home and abroad, such as Leandro ErlichThe Confines of the Great VoidAnish KapoorXu BeihongLiving Art ForeverIntellective City - 2020 Shenzhen Bay Public Art Season, etc.  As an artist, his painting works have been exhibited in many major exhibitions at home and abroad.

关于艺术家About Artist


重要个展:“二即一:王绍强个展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2021),“后山 · 心花”(七棵树艺术中心,广州,2021),“后山心图——王绍强作品展”(《湖上》杂志社林泉山房,杭州,2019),“‘后山——王绍强个展’艺术广东主题展”(广州流花展贸中心,广州,2019)


重要群展:“花非花”(新加坡画廊,新加坡,2021),“思想与践行:新中国广东美术叙事(1949-2021)——广东美术馆藏品专题展”(湖北美术馆,湖北,2021),“自然的双重性——第二届西安山水邀请展”(崔振宽美术馆,西安,2021),“新潮动力——2021当代艺术与设计展”(潮州美术馆,潮州,2021),“周而复始——综合材料绘画学术邀请展”(国家艺术基金2019年度传播交流推广资助项目)(中央美术学院美术馆,北京,2021),“人与自然——中欧当代艺术邀请展”(广州紫泥堂六号仓艺术馆,广州,2020),“在思想中——中国当代艺术的思想史与方法论”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“脚踏何地”(尚榕美术馆,广州,2020),“‘2020未来历史学’线上艺术展”(南京师范大学美术学院美术馆,南京,2020),“‘第三届大湾区生活艺术节’——‘重构现场’当代公共艺术展”(大湾区国际艺术品保税产业中心,广州,2020),“空间的再造——深圳首届抽象艺术展”(罗湖美术馆,深圳,2020),“臆象——粤港澳大湾区当代水墨艺术谱系(2000-2020)”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“济南国际双年展”(山东美术馆,济南,2020),“时代先声——广州文艺百年大展”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“青青熙春”(羊城晚报艺术研究院,广州,2020),“正如所见·观空间五周年特展”(观空间,广州,2020),“未来历史学”(南京师范大学美术学院美术馆,南京,2020),“2020水墨艺术实验研究展”(宝龙美术馆,上海,2020), “中国表现 - 第一回展”(华泰顶层艺术社区,上海,2020),“水墨进行时:2000-2019”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“同构——当代艺术作品邀请展”(罗湖美术馆,深圳,2020),“岭南意象——广东当代水墨八人展”(巴黎中国文化中心,法国,2019),“中国写意”(立陶宛国家画廊,立陶宛,2019),“南京水墨艺术双年展——纸性的语言”(南师大美术学院美术馆,南京,2019),“典雅艺博·水墨艺博”(香港会议展览中心 ,中国香港,2019),“新征程:第三届当代艺术双年展”(海上世界文化中心,深圳,2019),“深圳·洛里昂美术作品联展”(深圳画院美术馆,深圳,2019),“墨与物·第二届武汉水墨双年展”(武汉美术馆,武汉,2019),“历史的凝视”(木星美术馆,深圳,2019),“墨攻——武汉水墨双年展”(武汉美术馆,武汉,2019),“后笔墨时代:中国式风景”(广东美术馆,广州;浙江美术馆,杭州,2018),“时代新风·当代中国画大展”(陕西省美术博物馆,西安,2018),“墨因:当代艺术邀请展”(春美术馆,上海,2018),“脚本——广东美术馆藏影像作品展”(斯坦福大学艺术空间,美国,2018),“五柳先生的弦”(东莞万江壹号美术馆,东莞,2018),“水墨的地理与地理的水墨——十四人新水墨探索展”(21空间美术馆,东莞,2018),“闽江——关于水的想象”(威狮国际艺术中心,福州,2018),“时代风华·翰墨天河——广东名家中国画精品展”(天河区文化艺术中心,广州,2018),“足迹——广州美术学院粤东校友美术作品展”(陆丰甲子广东岭南美术馆,汕尾;广州美术学院大学城美术馆,广州,2018),“大潮起珠江——庆祝改革开放40周年全国美术作品展”(中国美术馆,北京;广东美术馆,广州,2018),“‘框架——当代绘画邀请展’第六届广州三年展”(华南农业大学艺术学院美术馆,广州,2018)


策展:“致甜蜜的生活——二十世纪以来岭南风物研究展”(广东美术馆,广州,2021),“交融的激流:广州影像三年展2021”(广东美术馆,广州,2021),“边界的自觉”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“西游南行——丁立人个展”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“为水:林若熹个展”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“青年力量”(广东美术馆,广州,2020),“‘珠江夜游’——后珠三角景观“(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“自然与田园——林丰俗的绘画世界”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“般若·明悟 郑泽生深圳个展”(深圳画院美术馆,深圳,2019),“磅礴:杨识宏作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“铭刻时代——汤小铭艺术研究展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“伟大的风格——王肇民艺术研究展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“注疏韶华——广州雕塑院优秀成果回顾展(1956-2019)”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“时代印记——广东省优秀美术作品收藏展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“弥散的光影:许永城油画作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“图绘新中国——广东国画的改造与转型”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“幻——鸥洋、杨缨双个展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“墨尚大观——当代长安、当代岭南中国画邀请展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“广东画院建院60周年优秀作品展暨院史研究展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“莽园画展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“润物细无声——许川如作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2019),“广州市立美术学校文献展”(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“笔墨纸砚——格式与想象”(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“时代风华——二十世纪中国美术名家精品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“大潮起珠江——庆祝改革开放40周年全国美术作品展(广东站)”(参与策划)(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“不仅仅看见——新现实主义水墨研究巡回展(广州站)”(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“1949年的廖冰兄——历史转型期的廖冰兄漫画作品文献展”(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“第六届广州三年展-诚如所思:加速的未来”(总策划)(广东美术馆,广州,2018),“共生·未来——社区当代艺术计划”(华侨城盒子美术馆、佛山市顺德区顺峰山公园,佛山,2018),“未来进行时——中国当代艺术邀请展”(紫泥堂艺术中心、5号仓艺术馆,广州,2018)
公共收藏:中国美术馆(北京)、广东美术馆(广州)、浙江美术馆(杭州)、山东美术馆(济南)、关山月美术馆(深圳)、西安美术馆(西安)、广州美术学院美术馆(广州)、亚洲艺术中心(北京 | 上海 | 台北)


Wang Shaoqiang, literary name After Hiil, born in 1970 in Shantou, Guangdong. Wang Shaoqiang is the current director of Guangdong Museum of Art. He is also a professor, doctoral advisor, and is honored as an expert by the State Council. He is concurrently a director of the Chinese Artists Association and Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Artists Association. He is a member of the Steering Committee of Higher Education Ministry of Education, the Curatorial Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the Academic Committee, the National Art Museum Professional Committee. He is also the Director of the Curatorial Committee and Executive Vice President of the Guangdong Museum of Art Association. His honors as an educator include being a researcher and doctoral advisor at the Chinese Academy of Art, a professor and master’s student advisor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Wang simultaneously holds a professorship at the Macau University of Science and Technology of Arts College where he is also a doctoral advisor, and he is the former Dean of the School of Visual Art and Design of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. As a curator, Wang helped planning the Guangdong Centennial Art Exhibition and is the chief planner and documentary curator of the 2017 Guangzhou Image Triennial, the 2021 Guangzhou Image Triennial, and the 6th Guangzhou Triennial. Other honors include being selected in 2008 as a development model, part of provincial tertiary education’s, "Thousand, Hundred, Ten Project" in Guangdong, and, in 2009, Wang was again selected as a cultivation inspiration for the same event. In 2013, he was named as an outstanding teacher of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He is considered a leading cultural talent and was listed as a notable figure in the "Chinese Art Power List" twice in a row as well as within the "National Arts" list. Wang currently lives and works in Guangzhou.


Selected Solo Exhibitions: "If Two, Then One: Wang Shaoqiang Solo Exhibition” (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2021), "Last Mountain, Heart Flower” (Seven Trees Art Center, Guangzhou, 2021), "Last Mountain, Heart Chart - Wang Shaoqiang’s Exhibition" (Lin Quan Shan Fang of Hushang Magazine, Hangzhou, 2019), “Last Mountain - Solo Exhibition of Wang Shaoqiang' Theme Exibition of Art Guangdong” (Guangzhou Liuhua Exhibition & Trade Center, Guangzhou, 2019) 


Selected Group Exhibitions: "Flowers, Not” (Singapore Gallery, Singapore, 2021), "Theory and Practice: The Story of New China's Guangdong Art (1949-2021) - Special Exhibition of Guangdong Art Museum Collection” (Hubei Art Museum, Hubei, 2021), "The Twofoldness of Nature - The 2nd Xi'an Invitational Exhibition of Landscape Art” (Cuizhenkuan Art Museum, Xi'an, 2021), "New Trend Power - 2021 Contemporary Art & Design Exhibition” (Chaozhou Art Museum, Chaozhou, 2021), "Round & Develop - Academic Invitational Exhibition of Comprehensive Material Painting" (Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum, Beijing, 2021), “Imagerie de Lingnan” (Centre Culturel de Chine, Paris, France, 2019), “Chinese Freehand Style” (National Gallery of Art, Lithuania, 2019), "Paper & Ink Language - Nanjing Ink Art Biennale 2019” (Art Museum of Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 2019), "Fine Art Asia, Ink Asia” (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, 2019), "New start: The 3rd Shenzhen Biennale of Contemporary Art” (The Sea World Culture and Arts Centre, Shenzhen, 2019), "Shenzhen·Lorient Art Works Joint Exhibition” (Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, 2019), "Ink and things-The Second Biennial Exhibition of Wuhan Ink art” (Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, 2019), "The Gaze of History” (Jupiter Museum of Art, Shenzhen, 2019), "Wuhan Ink Art Biennale-Pursuit by Ink” (Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, 2019), "Ink Art West Lake-The 2nd International Ink Wash Fair” (Hangzhou Peace International Convention and Exhibition Center, Hangzhou, 2019), “Post-Brushwork Era: Chinese Landscapes” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou; Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2018), “Times New Image: Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition” (Shanxi Province Art Museum, Xi’an, 2018), “Ink Reasons: Contemporary Chinese Art” (Chun Art Museum, Shanghai, 2018), “Image-Script: The Video Works Collection of Guangdong Museum of Art” (Stanford Art Gallery, USA, 2018), “Chen Jing, Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition” (Wanjiang No.1 Art Museum, Dongguan, 2018), “The Geography of Ink & The Ink of Geography: An Exhibition of 14 Artist’s New Ink Exploration” (21 Space Art Museum, Dongguan, 2018), “Minjiang: Imagination about Water” (SeeWell International Art Center, Fuzhou, 2018), “Times Elegance: Ink Art Tianhe: Guangdong Masters’ Chinese Painting Works” (Tianhe Culture & Art Center, Guangzhou, 2018), “Footmarks: Eastern Guangdong Alumnus’ Art Works of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts” (Lufeng Jiazi Culture Art Centre, Lingnan Museum of Art, Shenwei; Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, 2018), “Great Tides Surge Along the Pearl River: 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up in Guangdong” (The National Art Museum of China, Beijing; Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Framework: Contemporary Painting Invitation Exhibition, the 6th GZ Triennial” (Art Museum of South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, 2018) 

Curation: "To the Sweet Life - Art Exhibition on Lingnan Terroir Since the 20th Century” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2021), "Intermingling Flux Guangzhou Image Triennial 2021” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2021), "Consciousness of Borders” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2020), "A Southbound Trip of the Journey to the West - Ding Liren’s Exhibition” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2020), "Research on Water, Drawing for Water-Works By Lin Ruoxi” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2020), "Exhibition of Young Power” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2020), “Night Tour of the Pearl River: The Landscape of the Post—Pearl River Delta” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), “Nature and Pastoral: Art World of Lin Fengsu” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), “Wisdom and Awareness: Zheng Zesheng’s Art Works” (Shenzhen Art Institute, Shenzhen, 2019), “Inscribe the Time: Art Research Exhibition of Tang Xiaoming” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), “Majestic Momentum: Yang Chihung” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), “A Great Character: Research Exhibition of Wang Zhaomin’s Art” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Comments on Spring - Retrospective Exhibition of the Outstanding Achievements of the Guangzhou Sculpture Institute (1956-2019)” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Sign of the Times–Exhibition of Guangdong Outstandig Art Works for Collection” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Dispearesed Dis Light and Shadow: Xu Yongcheng’s Oil Painting Exhibition” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Painting New China: Renewal And Transformation of Guangdong Traditional Chinese Painting (1949-1978)” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Fantasy - Ou Yang & Yang Ying” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Ink of the View - Contemporary Changan & Lingnan Ink Painting Exhibition” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Exhibition of Excellent Works and Institute History Research in Commenration of 60th Anniversary of Guangdong Art Institute” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Exhibition of Guo Mangyuan’s Art” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2019), "Moisturizing Everything in Silence - Xu Chuanru's Works” (Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, 2019), “Documentaries of Guangzhou Municipal School of Art” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “BI MO ZHI YAN: Form and Imagination” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Prime of the Times: Collection Exhibition of Chinese Art Masters in the 20th Century” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Great Tides Surge Along the Pearl River—40 Years of Reform and Opening-up in Guangdong” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Not Only View: Research Exhibition of Neorealism Wash Painting” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Liao Bingxiong in 1949: Liao Bingxiong’s Comics and Literature in Historical Transitional Period” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “The 6th Guangzhou Triennial: As We May Think: Feed Forward” (Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2018), “Symbiosis/Future: Contemporary Art in Community” (Boxes Art Museum OCT, Foshan, 2018), “Future Progress: Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Art” (Zinitang Art Centre, Guangzhou, 2018)
Public Collections: The National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou), Zhejiang Art Museum (Hangzhou), Shandong Art Museum (Jinan), Guan Shanyue Art Museum (Shenzhen), Xi'an Art Museum (Xi’an), Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Guangzhou), Asia Art Center (Beijing | Shanghai | Taipei)



* 亚洲评论 | 王绍强作品《列宿垂象》系列

* 亚洲评论 | 王绍强:二即一

* 亚洲评论 | 张子康:人文山水景观探索

* 亚洲报道 | “二即一:王绍强个展”入围雅昌月度(2021年7月)画廊影响力、策展人影响力榜单

* 亚洲讲堂 | 王绍强:我的创作

* 亚洲现场 | 二即一:王绍强个展

* 亚洲展讯 | 二即一:王绍强个展




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