

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国候任副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris,中文名:贺锦丽)的丈夫道格·埃姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)表示,将辞去自己在律师事务所的工作,以支持哈里斯的政治事业。

Who is Kamala Harris' husband?


Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug, to give up job to help his wife

The Washington Post

Doug Emhoff, the 56-year-old husband of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, will leave his private law practice by Inauguration Day to focus on his role at the White House, a spokesperson said Tuesday. He’s said little so far about how he will approach the role and is working with the transition team on what issues he will tackle.

“We’ve been waiting for this sort of gender switch for decades now,” said Kim Nalder, a professor of political science who has focused on women and gender at California State University-Sacramento. She added, “There is a lot of symbolism from a man stepping back from his high-powered career in order to support his wife’s career.”

He took a leave of absence from the law firm in August when Joe Biden chose Harris, a U.S. senator from California, as his running mate.

While Emhoff built a career as a high-profile entertainment lawyer in Southern California, he’s been most visible to voters as Harris’s supportive husband. He quickly befriended other political spouses in the Democratic primary, when Harris sought the party’s nomination.

“I want more women in office, and I want more partners, whoever their partner is, to support them and to provide an opportunity and an environment for success,” Emhoff said in an October interview with the digital site NowThis News.

Emhoff developed a close friendship with Jill Biden, a former second lady, and the two campaigned together frequently during the primary. Jill Biden has said she wants to keep teaching at a community college, as she did when Joe Biden was the vice president.

Harris and Emhoff met in 2013 and married in 2014. It is Harris’s first marriage and Emhoff’s second. His children are in their 20s and call Harris “Momala,” a play on her name and a Yiddish word for “little mother.”

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Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug, to give up job to help his wife

The Washington Post

Doug Emhoff, the 56-year-old husband of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, will leave his private law practice by Inauguration Day to focus on his role at the White House, a spokesperson said Tuesday. He’s said little so far about how he will approach the role and is working with the transition team on what issues he will tackle.

候任副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)56岁的丈夫道格·埃姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)周二表示,他将在就职典礼日之前离开他的私人律师事务所,专注于他在白宫的角色。到目前为止,他对他将如何应对这个角色的说法不多,正在与过渡团队合作,研究他将处理什么问题。


president elect, prime minister elect,此处-elect表示“候任的”,英文解释为“the person who has been voted to be president, prime minister, etc. but has not yet started work”。


熟词僻义,表示“(专业性强的)工作,业务(活动)”,英文解释为“a job or business that involves a lot of skill or training”,如:a dental/medical/veterinary/legal practice 牙医/医疗/兽医诊所/律师事务所。


表示“就职典礼”,英文解释为“An inauguration is the process of swearing a person into office and thus making that person the incumbent. Such an inauguration commonly occurs through a formal ceremony or special event.”


1)表示“着手处理;对付”,英文解释为“to deal with something”举个🌰:

I'm not sure how to approach the problem.


2)表示“接洽;交涉;找…商谈”,英文解释为“If you approach someone about something, you speak to them about it for the first time, often making an offer or request.”举个🌰:

He approached me to create and design the restaurant.


3)表示“靠近;接近;临近”,英文解释为“to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount”,举个🌰:

In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (= come near in quality to) Mozart.


🎬电影《谍影重重5》(Jason Bourne)中的台词提到:As soon as we get eyes on bourne, I'll approach him. 只要一发现伯恩出现 我就会接手。

“We’ve been waiting for this sort of gender switch for decades now,” said Kim Nalder, a professor of political science who has focused on women and gender at California State University-Sacramento. She added, “There is a lot of symbolism from a man stepping back from his high-powered career in order to support his wife’s career.”

“我们已经等待这种性别转换几十年了,”加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校(California State University-Sacramento专注于女性和性别问题的政治学教授金·纳尔德(Kim Nalder)说。她补充说:一个男人为了支持妻子的事业,从他的高位事业中退下来,有很多象征意义。


symbolism /ˈsɪmbəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“象征意义;象征手法”,英文解释为“ou can refer to the symbolism of an event or action when it seems to show something important about a situation.”


表示“(人)十分成功的,位高权重的”,英文解释为“(of people) very successful or having a very important job”,如:a high-powered attorney 十分成功的律师。

He took a leave of absence from the law firm in August when Joe Biden chose Harris, a U.S. senator from California, as his running mate.

8月,当乔·拜登(Joe Biden)选择了来自加州的美国参议员贺锦丽作为他的竞选伙伴时,他向律师事务所请了假。

running mate

表示“(美国)竞选伙伴;(尤指)副总统候选人”,英文解释为“In an election campaign, a candidate's running mate is the person that they have chosen to help them in the election. If the candidate wins, the running mate will become the second most important person after the winner.”

📍在第三集来了!还是那对直播争宠的兄弟一文中,文中标题就提到run for president:Will Andrew Cuomo run for president, his brother asks? 'No. No'

此时run作动词,熟词僻义,表示“(尤指在美国)参加竞选”,英文解释为“to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US”,举个🌰:

Clinton ran a second time in 1996.


While Emhoff built a career as a high-profile entertainment lawyer in Southern California, he’s been most visible to voters as Harris’s supportive husband. He quickly befriended other political spouses in the Democratic primary, when Harris sought the party’s nomination.



profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.举个🌰:

A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.


2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目/关注;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

📍顺便插一句,如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。


表示“显眼的;引人注目的”,英文解释为“able or likely to attract public attention and be noticed”举个🌰:

In a very short period of time, she has become a highly visible leader.



表示“做(尤指需要帮助者)的朋友;友善对待;和…交朋友”,英文解释为“to become a friend of sb, especially sb who needs your help”举个🌰:

Shortly after my arrival at the school, I was befriended by an older girl.



熟词僻义,primary可以直接表示“(美国)初选”,或者说primary election,英文解释为“(in the US) an election in which people in a particular area vote to choose a candidate for a future important election”如:the Illinois primary 伊利诺伊州的初选。

“I want more women in office, and I want more partners, whoever their partner is, to support them and to provide an opportunity and an environment for success,” Emhoff said in an October interview with the digital site NowThis News.

“我希望有更多的女性担任公职,我希望有更多的伴侣,不管他们的伴侣是谁,都能支持他们,为他们提供成功的机会和环境。”埃姆霍夫在10月接受数字网站NowThis News采访时说。

Emhoff developed a close friendship with Jill Biden, a former second lady, and the two campaigned together frequently during the primary. Jill Biden has said she wants to keep teaching at a community college, as she did when Joe Biden was the vice president.

埃姆霍夫与前第二夫人吉尔·拜登(Jill Biden)建立了亲密的友谊,两人在初选期间经常一起参加竞选活动。吉尔·拜登曾表示,她希望继续在社区大学任教,就像乔·拜登担任副总统时那样。

Harris and Emhoff met in 2013 and married in 2014. It is Harris’s first marriage and Emhoff’s second. His children are in their 20s and call Harris “Momala,” a play on her name and a Yiddish word for “little mother.”



表示“意第绪语,依地语(一些犹太人使用的语言,和德语有密切关系)”,英文解释为“a language related to German that is spoken by some Jewish people”。









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