

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26








Prada Ends Zheng Shuang Ambassadorship over Alleged Child Dispute


Less than 12 hours after Raf Simons unveiled his first codesigned men’s wear collection with Miuccia Prada, the Italian luxury brand is trending on China’s microblogging site Weibo for a whole different reason.

Chinese actress Zheng Shuang, who last week appeared in the brand’s Chinese New Year campaign alongside Chung Xia and Cai Xukun as a new ambassador, was accused by her ex-boyfriend, producer Zhang Heng, of considering forcing the U.S. surrogate carrying their child to terminate her seven-month pregnancy in 2019 because their relationship came to an end.

Zhang said in a Weibo post on Monday that he has been stranded in the U.S. for over a year because he and his family “must take care of and protect two young and innocent lives.”

Later, the local press obtained two birth certificates from the states of Colorado and Nevada, respectively, for the couple’s elder son and younger daughter. It appeared that Zheng’s name was listed on both documents, with a date of birth matching her Chinese legal documents.

A court hearing scheduled for March 22 for “dissolution and permanent orders” was uncovered by China’s netizens with both of their names on the case.

Later, a self-claimed friend of Zhang shared a recording with the media in which the two and their parents allegedly discuss what to do with the then-unborn children.

Zheng allegedly can be heard saying that she is gutted that the fetuses can’t be aborted since they are seven months old inside their surrogate mothers. Her father allegedly proposed to give them up for adoption, while her mother added they wish never to see the two children.

While abortion is a sensitive topic, Zheng’s attitude during the alleged call and the fact that she allegedly considered forcing the surrogate mothers to terminate their pregnancies because she doesn’t want the babies — even though it might not be illegal in China as the surrogacy happened in the U.S. — has caused heavy criticism online.

Her appointment as the face of Prada in China already raised some eyebrows online last week since many see her as an unequal match for the brand. Zheng rose to fame with soap operas and reality TV shows, lacking the type of intellectual associations for which the brand is known.

After the scandal broke, Prada’s post about its fall 2021 men’s wear show was filled with more than 5,000 comments about the scandals, most of them either urging the brand to distance itself from Zheng, or making fun of the brand for associating itself with her.

Some internet users even blame Zheng for the continuous decline in Prada’s shares over the past week, and call Zheng the “true devil wears Prada.”

On Tuesday, Prada announced that it has terminated Zheng’s ambassadorship, making her the most short-lived brand ambassador in the brand’s history, lasting only nine days.

In a brief announcement sent to WWD, Prada said “Following significant recent media coverage of her personal life, Prada Group has today decided to cancel its collaboration with the actress Zheng Shuang, which was announced January 11, 2021.”

While many within the industry sympathize with the brand’s situation, some are predicting that the incident may have a lasting impact on the same level as Dolce & Gabbana’s China debacle in 2018. In China, the concept of family — especially continuing the bloodline — is highly emphasized in traditional values.

The hashtags of their birth certificates and the alleged recording saw 1.53 billion and 1.96 billion views on Weibo, respectively. In comparison, the hashtag of the Prada fall 2021 men’s wear collection had 120 million views.

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Prada Ends Zheng Shuang Ambassadorship over Alleged Child Dispute


Less than 12 hours after Raf Simons unveiled his first codesigned men’s wear collection with Miuccia Prada, the Italian luxury brand is trending on China’s microblogging site Weibo for a whole different reason.

在拉夫·西蒙(Raf Simons)发布与缪西娅·普拉达(Miuccia Prada)合作设计的首个男装系列后不到12小时,这个意大利奢侈品牌就在中国的微博登上了热搜,但并不是因此而火的。


表示“(某位服装设计师的)一系列新装作品;时装系列”,英文解释为“a range of new clothes produced by one clothes designer”举个🌰:

Her spring/summer collection for this year deliberately uses both simple and rich fabrics.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。

Chinese actress Zheng Shuang, who last week appeared in the brand’s Chinese New Year campaign alongside Chung Xia and Cai Xukun as a new ambassador, was accused by her ex-boyfriend, producer Zhang Heng, of considering forcing the U.S. surrogate carrying their child to terminate her seven-month pregnancy in 2019 because their relationship came to an end.




📍surrogacy /ˈsʌrəɡəsɪ/ 不可数名词,表示“代孕”,英文解释为“Surrogacy is an arrangement by which a woman gives birth to a baby on behalf of a woman who is physically unable to have babies herself, and then gives the baby to her.”

📍surrogate 1)作形容词,表示“替代的;代理的”(something that replaces or is used instead of something else)

2) 作名词,表示“替代者;替代物”,也可以直接指“代孕妈妈”,等同于surrogate mother,举个🌰:

For some people, reading travel books is a surrogate for actual travel.



1)原意表示“(使…)结束,停止,终止”,英文解释为“to (cause something to) end or stop”举个🌰:

They terminated my contract in October.


2)也可以指“终止妊娠,人工流产”(to end a pregnancy intentionally, usually by a medical operation)举个🌰:

After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.


Zhang said in a Weibo post on Monday that he has been stranded in the U.S. for over a year because he and his family “must take care of and protect two young and innocent lives.”



表示“(因缺乏交通工具、金钱等)滞留的,被困住的”,英文解释为“unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money举个🌰:

He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.


Later, the local press obtained two birth certificates from the states of Colorado and Nevada, respectively, for the couple’s elder son and younger daughter. It appeared that Zheng’s name was listed on both documents, with a date of birth matching her Chinese legal documents.


A court hearing scheduled for March 22 for “dissolution and permanent orders” was uncovered by China’s netizens with both of their names on the case.



表示“(官方组织的)解散;(法律合约的)解除”,英文解释为“the act or process of ending an official organization or legal agreement”,如:the dissolution of their marriage 他们婚姻关系的解除。

Later, a self-claimed friend of Zhang shared a recording with the media in which the two and their parents allegedly discuss what to do with the then-unborn children.


Zheng allegedly can be heard saying that she is gutted that the fetuses can’t be aborted since they are seven months old inside their surrogate mothers. Her father allegedly proposed to give them up for adoption, while her mother added they wish never to see the two children.



表示“非常沮丧的;非常失望的;极度伤心的”,英文解释为“extremely disappointed and unhappy”举个🌰:

He was gutted when she finished the relationship.


fetus /ˈfiːtəs/

表示“胎儿,胎”,英文解释为“a young human being or animal before birth, after the organs have started to develop”,英式拼写:foetus.


表示“(通常指通过手术)堕胎,人工流产”,英文解释为“to stop the development of a baby that has not been born, usually by having a medical operation”举个🌰:

Do you think it's wrong to use aborted foetuses for medical research?


While abortion is a sensitive topic, Zheng’s attitude during the alleged call and the fact that she allegedly considered forcing the surrogate mothers to terminate their pregnancies because she doesn’t want the babies — even though it might not be illegal in China as the surrogacy happened in the U.S. — has caused heavy criticism online.


Her appointment as the face of Prada in China already raised some eyebrows online last week since many see her as an unequal match for the brand. Zheng rose to fame with soap operas and reality TV shows, lacking the type of intellectual associations for which the brand is known.


raise eyebrows

表示“扬起眉毛(表示惊讶、不赞成)”,英文解释为“If something causes you to raise an eyebrow or to raise your eyebrows, it causes you to feel surprised or disapproving.举个🌰:

An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.


He raised his eyebrows over some of the suggestions.


此前,在“这是COVID-19,不是COVID-1啊,朋友们!”文中就提到赫芬顿邮报(HUFFPOST)用了raise (a few) eyebrows这个表达来表示美国白宫高级顾问凯莉安妮·康韦(Kellyanne Conway)愚蠢的言论「使人吃惊,令人震惊」(to cause surprise or shock)。

rise to fame

表示“成名,出名”,英文解释为“to become famous”,举个🌰:

(动词) He rose to fame in the 90s as a TV presenter.


soap operas

soap operas就是我们所谓的“肥皂剧”,英文解释为“A soap opera is a popular television drama series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people who live in a particular place.

📍Wikipedia对“soap opera”的定义:A soap opera is an ongoing drama serial on television or radio, featuring the lives of many characters and their emotional relationships.



The first serial considered to be a "soap opera" was Painted Dreams, which debuted on October 20, 1930 on Chicago radio station WGN. Early radio series such as Painted Dreams were broadcast in weekday daytime slots, usually five days a week. Most of the listeners would be housewives. Thus, the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience. (Wikipedia)

After the scandal broke, Prada’s post about its fall 2021 men’s wear show was filled with more than 5,000 comments about the scandals, most of them either urging the brand to distance itself from Zheng, or making fun of the brand for associating itself with her.


distance sb. from sth.

distance作动词,distance sb. from sth.表示“疏远与…的距离,不接近”,英文解释为“to become or seem less involved or connected with something”。

Some internet users even blame Zheng for the continuous decline in Prada’s shares over the past week, and call Zheng the “true devil wears Prada.”


《穿普拉达的女王/女魔头》(The Devil Wears Prada)

On Tuesday, Prada announced that it has terminated Zheng’s ambassadorship, making her the most short-lived brand ambassador in the brand’s history, lasting only nine days.



表示“短暂的;短命的”,英文解释为“If a feeling or experience is short-lived, it only lasts for a short time.”举个🌰:

I had a few relationships at college, most of which were fairly short-lived.


In a brief announcement sent to WWD, Prada said “Following significant recent media coverage of her personal life, Prada Group has today decided to cancel its collaboration with the actress Zheng Shuang, which was announced January 11, 2021.”


While many within the industry sympathize with the brand’s situation, some are predicting that the incident may have a lasting impact on the same level as Dolce & Gabbana’s China debacle in 2018. In China, the concept of family — especially continuing the bloodline — is highly emphasized in traditional values.

虽然行业内很多人同情品牌的处境,但也有人预测,此次事件产生的持续性影响可能会与2018年Dolce & Gabbana在中国的溃败类似。在中国,传统价值观中高度强调家庭观念--尤其是延续血脉。


debacle /dɪˈbɑːkl; deɪˈbɑːkl/表示“(尤指因计划和组织不周而导致的)彻底失败,一败涂地,崩溃”,英文解释为“a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization”举个🌰:

The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history.


The hashtags of their birth certificates and the alleged recording saw 1.53 billion and 1.96 billion views on Weibo, respectively. In comparison, the hashtag of the Prada fall 2021 men’s wear collection had 120 million views.

他们的出生证明和涉嫌录音的话题在微博上分别有15.3亿和19.6亿的浏览量。相比之下,Prada 2021秋冬男装系列的话题仅有1.2亿的浏览量。








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