

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天上午,我国天问一号着陆巡视器成功着陆于火星乌托邦平原(Utopia Planitia)南部预选着陆区,中国首次火星探测任务着陆火星取得圆满成功。


China lands unmanned spacecraft on Mars for first time

The Guardian

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft has successfully landed on the surface of Mars, Chinese state news agency Xinhua has reported, making China the second space-faring nation after the US to land on the red planet.

The official Xinhua news agency said the lander had touched down on Saturday, citing the China National Space Administration.

China’s Tianwen-1 probe, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from southern China’s island province of Hainan in July, around the same time as a US mission.

It sent back its first picture of Mars in February. A photo released by the China National Space Administration showed geological features including the Schiaparelli crater and the Valles Marineris, a vast stretch of canyons on the Martian surface.

The state-run Global Times newspaper said Tianwen-1 had “spectacularly conquered a new major milestone” with the landing.

The lander carrying the rover, Zhurong, completed the treacherous descent through the Martian atmosphere using a parachute to navigate the “seven minutes of terror” as it is known, aiming for a vast northern lava plain known as the Utopia Planitia.

Its arrival makes China the first country to carry out an orbiting, landing and roving operation during its first mission to Mars – a feat unmatched by the only other two nations to reach the red planet, the US and Russia.

Zhurong, named after a Chinese mythical fire god, arrived a few months behind America’s latest probe to Mars – Perseverance – as the show of technological might between the two superpowers played out beyond the bounds of Earth.

Six-wheeled, solar-powered and roughly 240kg, the Chinese rover is on a quest to collect and analyse rock samples from Mars’ surface.

It is expected to spend around three months there.

The launch of China’s Tianwen-1 last July marked a major milestone in China’s space programme.

The spacecraft entered Mars’ orbit in February and after days of silence state media announced it had reached the “crucial touchdown stage” on Friday.

The complicated landing process has been called the “seven minutes of terror” because it happens faster than radio signals can reach Earth from Mars, meaning communications are limited.

Several US, Russian and European attempts to land rovers on Mars have failed in the past, most recently in 2016 with the crash-landing of the Schiaparelli joint Russian-European spacecraft.

The latest successful arrival came in February, when US space agency Nasa landed its rover Perseverance, which has since been exploring the planet.

The US rover launched a small robotic helicopter on Mars which was the first ever powered flight on another planet.

The country has come a long way in its race to catch up with the US and Russia, whose astronauts and cosmonauts have decades of experience in space exploration.

China successfully launched the first module of its new space station last month with hopes of having it crewed by 2022 and eventually sending humans to the moon.

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China lands unmanned spacecraft on Mars for first time

The Guardian

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft has successfully landed on the surface of Mars, Chinese state news agency Xinhua has reported, making China the second space-faring nation after the US to land on the red planet.



表示“宇宙飞行,航天”,英文解释为“the activity of travelling in space”如:space-faring nations 航天国家。

The official Xinhua news agency said the lander had touched down on Saturday, citing the China National Space Administration.



表示“着陆器,着陆舱,登陆载具”,英文解释为“a spacecraft designed to land on the surface of a planet or moon”。

touch down

touch down就等于land,表示“着陆”,英文解释为“When an aircraft touches down, it lands.”举个🌰:

The space shuttle touched down yesterday.


🎬 《虎胆龙威》(Die Hard)中的台词提到:When they touch down, we'll blow the roof. 当他们着陆时,我们会炸掉屋顶。

China's Tianwen-1 probe, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from southern China's island province of Hainan in July, around the same time as a US mission.



恏渏 亾類哋夲能文中提到了probe作名词有“探索;探查;查究;调查”的意思,英文解释为“an attempt to discover information by asking a lot of questions”,如:an FBI probe into corruption 联邦调查局对腐败的调查;也可以指“(医生或科学家用的)探针”,英文解释为“a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to examine parts of the body”。

📍此处probe解释为“探测器”,英文解释为:a device that is put inside something to test or record information. 如:a space probe 航天探测器/太空探测器。

🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:That videotape will be placed in a space probe 录影带将放在太空探测器中。


1)表示“调查;探寻”,英文解释为“If you probe into something, you ask questions or try to discover facts about it.”举个🌰:

The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.


2)表示“用探针探查”,英文解释为“If a doctor or dentist probes, he or she uses a long instrument to examine part of a patient's body.”举个🌰:

He probed around the sensitive area.



表示“轨道飞船;(绕天体作轨道运行的)宇宙飞船;轨道飞行器”,英文解释为“a spacecraft that orbits a planet or other celestial body (= a moon, star, etc.)”。


rover常见意思是“流浪者;漫游者”(a person who roves; wanderer),此处rover的英文解释为“a vehicle for exploring the surface of an extraterrestrial body (as the moon or Mars)”,即指部署在火星/月球上的探测器,即火星车/月球车,此前在「嗯,用不了多久...」一文中就提到美国的火星探测车(亦称为机遇号/机会号/火星探测漫游者-B,MER-B)因火星尘暴与地球“失联”3个多月时就这么表达:An American rover called Opportunity stopped working six months ago in a dust storm, but may revive if wind blows the dust off its solar panels.

📍此外,我们常听说的汽车品牌“路虎”的英文就是“Land Rover”。

Land Rover is a luxury car brand that specialises in four-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover, which has been owned by India's Tata Motors since 2008.(Wikipedia)


It sent back its first picture of Mars in February. A photo released by the China National Space Administration showed geological features including the Schiaparelli crater and the Valles Marineris, a vast stretch of canyons on the Martian surface.

它在2月发回了第一张火星照片。中国国家航天局发布的一张照片显示了地质特征,包括斯基亚帕雷利陨石坑(Schiaparelli crater)和水手谷(Valles Marineris),这是火星表面的一段巨大的峡谷。

China National Space Administration (CNSA) photo from its Mars probe, Tianwen-1.


表示“火山口;(火山口似的)坑”,英文解释为“the round hole at the top of a volcano, or a hole in the ground similar to this”如:craters on the moon’s surface 月球表面的坑。



1)表示“一片;一泓;一段;(尤指狭长的)一片地域,一片水域”,英文解释为“an area of land or water, especially one that is long and narrow”,如:a beautiful stretch of countryside 一片美丽的乡村;

2)表示“连续的一段时间”,英文解释为“a continuous period of time”,举个🌰:

She doesn’t leave the house for long stretches of time.


📍上周,比尔盖茨宣布离婚时,他们25岁的女儿珍妮弗·盖茨在Instagram上写道,“对我们整个家庭来说,这是一段具有挑战性的时光。”用的就是:It's been a challenging stretch of time for our whole family.

canyon /ˈkænjən/

表示“峡谷”,英文解释为“a large valley with very steep sides and usually a river flowing along the bottom”。

The state-run Global Times newspaper said Tianwen-1 had “spectacularly conquered a new major milestone” with the landing.



表示“壮丽地,壮观地,令人惊叹地;引人注目地”,英文解释为“in a very beautiful way that people admire”举个🌰:

At night, the city is spectacularly lit.



表示“里程碑;重大事件;转折点”,英文解释为“an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life”举个🌰:

He felt that moving out of his parents' home was a real milestone in his life.


The lander carrying the rover, Zhurong, completed the treacherous descent through the Martian atmosphere using a parachute to navigate the “seven minutes of terror” as it is known, aiming for a vast northern lava plain known as the Utopia Planitia.

搭载着火星车“祝融号着陆器在火星大气层中完成了险峻的降落,使用降落伞在所谓的“恐怖七分钟”中下降,目标是被称为乌托邦平原(Utopia Planitia)的广阔北方熔岩平原。

treacherous /ˈtretʃərəs/

表示“(地面或大海尤因气候恶劣)极端危险的,凶险的”,英文解释为“If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather conditions.”举个🌰:

Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and drivers are warned to use caution.



此处表示“下降,下落;下沉”,英文解释为“a movement down”,举个🌰:

The plane began (to make) its final descent into the airport.


📍descent作名词还有“血缘关系,家族关系;祖先;出身,血统”的意思,英文解释为“the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past”,如:of Asian descent 亚裔,举个🌰:

She's a woman of mixed/French descent. 她是一个混血/法裔女人。

📍还可以表示“不期而至,突然到达”,英文解释为“an occasion when a group of people arrive somewhere, usually suddenly or unexpectedly”,举个🌰:

We weren't prepared for the descent of thousands of journalists on the town.



lava /ˈlɑːvə/ 表示“(火山喷出的)熔岩,岩浆”,英文解释为“hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano”。

Its arrival makes China the first country to carry out an orbiting, landing and roving operation during its first mission to Mars – a feat unmatched by the only other two nations to reach the red planet, the US and Russia.



💯 unmatched表示“无双的;无比的”,英文解释为“better than all others”举个🌰:

He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century.


💯 unrivalled含义类似,表示“无与伦比的;无双的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as unrivalled, you are emphasizing that it is better than anything else of the same kind.”


💯 unsurpassed表示“无比的;卓绝的;出类拔萃的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as unsurpassed, you are emphasizing that it is better or greater than anything else of its kind.”

Zhurong, named after a Chinese mythical fire god, arrived a few months behind America's latest probe to Mars – Perseverance – as the show of technological might between the two superpowers played out beyond the bounds of Earth.



表示“神话的;只存在于神话中的”,英文解释为“existing only in stories”如:a mythical hero 神话中的英雄。


熟词僻义,作名词,表示“力量;威力;能力”,英文解释为“power, strength, or force”举个🌰:

She struggled with all her might to get free.


play out

表示“发生;出现”,英文解释为“When a situation plays out, it happens and develops.”举个🌰:

The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two.


Six-wheeled, solar-powered and roughly 240kg, the Chinese rover is on a quest to collect and analyse rock samples from Mars' surface.


It is expected to spend around three months there.


The launch of China's Tianwen-1 last July marked a major milestone in China's space programme.


The spacecraft entered Mars' orbit in February and after days of silence state media announced it had reached the “crucial touchdown stage” on Friday.


The complicated landing process has been called the “seven minutes of terror” because it happens faster than radio signals can reach Earth from Mars, meaning communications are limited.

复杂的着陆过程被称为“恐怖七分钟”,因为它的速度比无线电信号(radio signals)从火星到达地球的速度快,这意味着通信受到限制。

Several US, Russian and European attempts to land rovers on Mars have failed in the past, most recently in 2016 with the crash-landing of the Schiaparelli joint Russian-European spacecraft.


The latest successful arrival came in February, when US space agency Nasa landed its rover Perseverance, which has since been exploring the planet.


The US rover launched a small robotic helicopter on Mars which was the first ever powered flight on another planet.


The country has come a long way in its race to catch up with the US and Russia, whose astronauts and cosmonauts have decades of experience in space exploration.



📍cosmonaut /ˈkɒzməˌnɔːt/ 表示“(前苏联的)宇航员,航天员, 太空人”,英文解释为“an astronaut from the former Soviet Union”

📍astronaut表示“宇航员”,英文解释为“An astronaut is a person who is trained for travelling in a spacecraft.”

📍taikonaut表示“太空人,中国宇航员”,实际上这个词是由汉语拼音taikong和astronaut缩合而成,英文解释为“an astronaut from the People's Republic of China”。


From Mandarin 太空 (tàikōng, “space”) +‎ -naut, modelled after astronaut, cosmonaut, spationaut, etc. The term was coined on 19 May 1998 by Chiew Lee Yih (赵里昱) from Malaysia, who used it first in newsgroups. Almost simultaneously, Chen Lan coined it for use in the Western media.

📍类似的还有spationaut指的是“法国的宇航员,太空人”(A French astronaut)。

China successfully launched the first module of its new space station last month with hopes of having it crewed by 2022 and eventually sending humans to the moon.









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