

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Shanghai Disneyland tests 33K, closes 2 days over 1 contact

Associated Press

Fireworks boomed as the visitors at Shanghai Disneyland waited for their COVID-19 test results, surrounded by healthcare workers dressed from head to toe in the white protective suits.

Shanghai Disneyland suddenly announced Sunday evening that they were no longer accepting any visitors and they were cooperating with an epidemiological investigation from another province. They then locked down the park, as Shanghai city healthcare workers rushed to the scene to conduct a mass testing.

The park is shut for Monday and Tuesday as they continue to cooperate with the pandemic prevention efforts, Shanghai Disneyland said in a notice on Monday.

The park’s temporary closure underscored just how serious China is about enforcing its zero-tolerance pandemic prevention strategy.

Globally, many countries have turned to living with the virus, whether out of choice or necessity, although as virus surges come and go, many face overburdened healthcare systems, and excess deaths.

In China, the policy response has been to cut the chain of transmission of the virus as quickly as possible. With a strict quarantine on arrival policy, the authorities have aimed to stamp out each local outbreak to zero — helping China keep its reported totals to relatively lows of 4,636 deaths out of 97,243 cases since the pandemic began.

The case that prompted Disneyland’s actions involved one individual whose illness was discovered in the nearby city of Hangzhou and had visited the theme park on Saturday, local media reported.

For hours on Sunday night, tens of thousands of families and visitors were stuck in the theme park, as they waited for a negative test result that would allow them to leave.

One Disney superfan, who gave her last name as Chen, said that she was inside the park when she heard the announcement to get tested at 5 p.m., but had taken it all in stride.

“No one complained, and everyone behaved really well,” she said. Chen said she holds an annual membership and visits the park at least once a month. She is waiting at a hotel for her second COVID test result before she is allowed to leave and go back to Beijing.

The city announced Monday morning that all 33,863 people who had been at the park over the weekend had tested negative for COVID-19. They will be asked to get tested again in the next two weeks and monitor their health.

Shanghai Disneyland is just the latest example of how far Chinese authorities will go to stop the spread of the virus.

Last Thursday, Beijing Railway authorities notified health authorities in Jinan to stop a train that was traveling from Shanghai to Beijing because one passenger was a close contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.

Jinan health authorities then sent health care workers, transportation workers and police rushing to the station to quarantine the passengers and disinfect the train. They sent 212 people into centralized quarantine, including the close contact.

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Shanghai Disneyland tests 33K, closes 2 days over 1 contact

Associated Press

Fireworks boomed as the visitors at Shanghai Disneyland waited for their COVID-19 test results, surrounded by healthcare workers dressed from head to toe in the white protective suits.



1)表示“增长;迅速发展”,英文解释为“to increase or become successful and produce a lot of money very quickly”举个🌰:

The leisure industry is booming.


2)表示“发出低沉有力的声音;发出隆隆声,轰鸣”,英文解释为“to make a loud deep sound”举个🌰:

Outside, thunder boomed and crashed.



表示“环绕,围绕,包围”,英文解释为“to be everywhere around something”举个🌰:

She sat at her desk, surrounded by books and papers.


from head to toe

from head to toe/foot 表示“遍布全身;从头到脚;浑身上下”,英文解释为“completely covering your body”举个🌰:

The dog was covered in mud from head to toe.


Shanghai Disneyland suddenly announced Sunday evening that they were no longer accepting any visitors and they were cooperating with an epidemiological investigation from another province. They then locked down the park, as Shanghai city healthcare workers rushed to the scene to conduct a mass testing.



📍epidemiological /ˌepɪˌdiːmiəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ 形容词,表示“流行病学”,如:epidemiological research 流行病学研究。

📍epidemiology 名词,英文解释为“the scientific study of the spread and control of diseases”。

The park is shut for Monday and Tuesday as they continue to cooperate with the pandemic prevention efforts, Shanghai Disneyland said in a notice on Monday.


The park's temporary closure underscored just how serious China is about enforcing its zero-tolerance pandemic prevention strategy.



表示“突出显示强调”,英文解释为“If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance.举个🌰:

The figures underscore the state of the economic recovery.


🎬电影《笔下求生》(Stranger Than Fiction)中的台词提到:lts desperate attempts to escape... only underscore the hopelessness of its plight. 它绝望的挣扎 只能强调它无望的处境。

Globally, many countries have turned to living with the virus, whether out of choice or necessity, although as virus surges come and go, many face overburdened healthcare systems, and excess deaths.


come and go

表示“来来去去;时有时无;忽隐忽现”,英文解释为“to exist or happen somewhere for a short time and then go away”举个🌰:

The feeling of nausea comes and goes.



表示“使不堪重负;使负担过重;使装载过多”,英文解释为“to make someone or something work too hard or carry, contain, or deal with too much”举个🌰:

Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.


In China, the policy response has been to cut the chain of transmission of the virus as quickly as possible. With a strict quarantine on arrival policy, the authorities have aimed to stamp out each local outbreak to zero — helping China keep its reported totals to relatively lows of 4,636 deaths out of 97,243 cases since the pandemic began.



剑桥词典2020年度词汇就是quarantine /ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn/.

1)作名词,表示“隔离,检疫”,英文解释为“If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease that could spread.举个🌰:

She was sent home and put in quarantine.


2)作动词,表示“对…进行隔离”,英文解释为“If people or animals are quarantined, they are stopped from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or leaving it.”举个🌰:

Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they'll let them in.


stamp out

表示“消除,消灭”,英文解释为“to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful”举个🌰:

The new legislation is intended to stamp out bullying in schools.


🎬电影《上帝也疯狂》(The Gods Must Be Crazy)中的台词提到:You stamped out the fire. I saw you. 是你把火踏灭的,我看见了。

🎬电影《1984》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)中的台词提到:We must stamp them out. 我们必须消灭他们。

The case that prompted Disneyland's actions involved one individual whose illness was discovered in the nearby city of Hangzhou and had visited the theme park on Saturday, local media reported.



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

For hours on Sunday night, tens of thousands of families and visitors were stuck in the theme park, as they waited for a negative test result that would allow them to leave.


One Disney superfan, who gave her last name as Chen, said that she was inside the park when she heard the announcement to get tested at 5 p.m., but had taken it all in stride.


take sth. in stride

take sth. in your stride / take sth. in stride 表示“从容处理,对…泰然处之”,英文解释为“to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly and not to allow it to influence what you are doing”举个🌰:

When you become a leader, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.


“No one complained, and everyone behaved really well,” she said. Chen said she holds an annual membership and visits the park at least once a month. She is waiting at a hotel for her second COVID test result before she is allowed to leave and go back to Beijing.


The city announced Monday morning that all 33,863 people who had been at the park over the weekend had tested negative for COVID-19. They will be asked to get tested again in the next two weeks and monitor their health.


Shanghai Disneyland is just the latest example of how far Chinese authorities will go to stop the spread of the virus.


Last Thursday, Beijing Railway authorities notified health authorities in Jinan to stop a train that was traveling from Shanghai to Beijing because one passenger was a close contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.



表示“ (正式)通报,通知”,英文解释为“to formally or officially tell sb about sth”举个🌰:

Competition winners will be notified by post.


Jinan health authorities then sent health care workers, transportation workers and police rushing to the station to quarantine the passengers and disinfect the train. They sent 212 people into centralized quarantine, including the close contact.



disinfect作动词,表示“给…消毒”,英文解释为“to clean sth using a substance that kills bacteria”,如:to disinfect a surface/room/wound 给表面/房间/伤口消毒。

disinfectant作名词,表示“消毒剂;杀菌剂”,英文解释为“a substance that disinfects”,如:a strong smell of disinfectant 呛人的消毒剂气味。









- 那年今日 -

2020 怎么李姓消费?现在依萍如洗

2019 林俊杰吊水针头被出售?

2018 关乎爱情、无关鬼怪「万圣节」

2017 在宜家“蹭床蹭睡”你怎么看?

2016 奥巴马的最后一个白宫万圣节

2015 Russia Promises Thorough Investigation...


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