

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Taiwan Scrambles to Restore Power After Island-Wide Blackouts


Taiwan saw regional blackouts across the island Thursday in the latest sign its creaking electrical grid is struggling to meet rising demands for power from its technology manufacturers. 

A failure at the Hsinta coal-fired power plant in Kaohsiung led to a power outage in southern Taiwan Thursday morning. That triggered blackouts in parts of central and northern Taiwan, including the provincial capital Taipei, according to statements from the Taiwan Power Co. The electricity provider said power supply to northern Taiwan resumed by about noon.

While parts of the chip-making hub of Hsinchu were also impacted, the Hsinchu Science Park said its power supply remained normal. A representative for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. said it had not been affected, while ASE Technology Holding Co. said the impact was limited and that power supplies were gradually resuming. United Microelectronics Corp. said its facilities in southern Taiwan were also coming back online. 

“Initial investigation of the power outage shows that it’s due to tripping off of equipment, but it also highlights the dilemma and fragility that northern Taiwan needs to rely on the south for power supply,” said the spokesman Lo Ping-cheng.

The resilience of Taiwan’s power grid has become an increasing global concern in recent years. Home to TSMC, the world’s largest contract chipmaker, Taiwan plays a key role in the world’s supply of computer chips, and a few hours without electricity is enough to disrupt global supply chains. A worldwide shortage of semiconductors has heightened concerns, triggering a scramble among major companies, from consumer electronics brands to automakers, to secure scarce supplies of chips.

The local government’s aggressive push into renewable energy and phaseout of nuclear power coincides with a surge in demand as more manufacturers build plants. The latest power-hungry chipmaking equipment used by the likes of TSMC for their cutting-edge semiconductors are also an increasing burden on the grid.

The aging Hsinta plant was at the center of two outages in the space of a matter of days in May last year. Millions of households and nearly half of Taiwan’s industrial parks were affected by insufficient power supply and rolling blackouts.

The reliability of power was one of the main concerns raised by companies in the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan’s business climate survey for 2022 released in January. Energy sufficiency was the No. 1 issue the government should be focusing on, ahead of Covid-19, according to members’ responses.

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Taiwan Scrambles to Restore Power After Island-Wide Blackouts


Taiwan saw regional blackouts across the island Thursday in the latest sign its creaking electrical grid is struggling to meet rising demands for power from its technology manufacturers.



1)表示“艰难地(或仓促地)完成”,英文解释为“to manage to achieve sth with difficulty, or in a hurry, without much control”;

2)表示“仓促行动”,英文解释为“If you scramble to a different place or position, you move there in a hurried, awkward way.”举个🌰:

He threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed.


3)表示“争夺”,英文解释为“If a number of people scramble for something, they compete energetically with each other for it.”举个🌰:

More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets.



1)表示“灯火管制时期;断电时期;断电,停电”,英文解释为“a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure”如:wartime blackouts 战时灯火管制,举个🌰:

Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours.


2)表示“消息封锁”,英文解释为“the action taken to make certain that information about something is not reported to the public”如:a news blackout 新闻封锁。

🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,...


see作动词,熟词僻义,也有类似含义,表示“为...发生的时间/地点”(to be the time when an event happens / to be the place where an event happens)举个🌰:

This stadium has seen many thrilling football games.


📍这个用法,其实在政府工作报告很常见,比如:「Part 3」2021年政府工作报告提到:“天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等突破性成果不断涌现。Last year saw a stream of scientific and technological breakthroughs, like the Tianwen-1 Mars mission, the Chang'e-5 lunar mission, and the Fendouzhe (Striver) deep-sea manned submersible.


1)表示“(门、地板等)嘎吱作响”,英文解释为“When a door, floorboard, etc. creaks, it makes a long low sound when it moves or is moved.”举个🌰:

The door creaked on its hinges.


2)表示“(因过劳或紧张)显得虚弱(脆弱)”,英文解释为“show weakness or frailty under strain”,举个🌰:

The system started to creak.


A failure at the Hsinta coal-fired power plant in Kaohsiung led to a power outage in southern Taiwan Thursday morning. That triggered blackouts in parts of central and northern Taiwan, including the provincial capital Taipei, according to statements from the Taiwan Power Co. The electricity provider said power supply to northern Taiwan resumed by about noon.



熟词僻义,作名词,表示“工厂;电厂”,英文解释为“A plant is a factory or a place where power is produced.”


文章开头用的是blackout,此处用了power outage。

power outage表示“停电”,英文解释为“an interruption in the supply of electricity”举个🌰:Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night. 风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。

还可以说power cut:A power cut is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is stopped, sometimes deliberately.

以及power failure,欢迎补充。


1)作动词,除了表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:

Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.


2)作名词,表示“扳机”,英文解释为“The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it.”举个🌰:

A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.



📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


1)表示“(中断后)继续,重新开”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring.


2)表示“恢复;重新回到,重返(某地或某位置)”,英文解释为“If you resume a place or position that you have left for a period of time, you return to it.”如:to resume your post/job 重返工作岗位 举个🌰:

Please resume your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情之下学生上课问题的文章中提到复课就用的resume classes:As well as letting final-year secondary-school students facing exams resume classes, Denmark has also begun to reopen crèches and primary schools. 丹麦除了让面临毕业考试的中学毕业班复课外,还开始逐步重开幼儿园和小学。

While parts of the chip-making hub of Hsinchu were also impacted, the Hsinchu Science Park said its power supply remained normal. A representative for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. said it had not been affected, while ASE Technology Holding Co. said the impact was limited and that power supplies were gradually resuming. United Microelectronics Corp. said its facilities in southern Taiwan were also coming back online.

虽然新竹(Hsinchu)的部分芯片制造中心也受到了影响,但新竹科技园区(Hsinchu Science Park)表示其电力供应仍然正常。台湾半导体制造公司的一位代表说它没有受到影响,而日月光投资控股股份有限公司(ASE Technology Holding Co.)说影响有限,电力供应正在逐步恢复。联华电子股份有限公司(United Microelectronics Corp.)说它在台湾省南部的设施也正在恢复运行。


hub一词可以理解为“(某地/活动)中心,枢纽,核心”,如:the commercial hub of the city 城市的商业中心,a hub airport 大型中转机场,举个🌰:

The kitchen was the hub of family life.

📍郑州挺住,河南加油!文中,路透社(Reuters)介绍河南就说的是: a major logistics hub in central China 中国中部的主要物流中枢,原句:Many train services across Henan, a major logistics hub in central China, have been suspended. Many highways have also been closed and flights delayed or cancelled. 河南是中国中部的一个主要物流中枢,整个河南的许多火车服务已经暂停。许多高速公路也被关闭,航班被推迟或取消。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)2018年8月一篇提到B站的文章是这么表达的,Bilibili, an online hub for fans of comics and games.


表示“半导体”,英文解释为“A semiconductor is a substance used in electronics whose ability to conduct electricity increases with greater heat.”


表示“设施;设备”,英文解释为“the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose”如:shopping facilities 购物设施。

“Initial investigation of the power outage shows that it’s due to tripping off of equipment, but it also highlights the dilemma and fragility that northern Taiwan needs to rely on the south for power supply,” said the spokesman Lo Ping-cheng.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“转动(开关);转动开关开动(或关掉);触发(开关);(松开开关)开动”,英文解释为“to move a switch that operates an electrical system, or to cause such a system to start or stop working by moving a switch”举个🌰:

A special system prevents the circuitry from being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike.



表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:

The report highlights the need for improved safety.



dilemma /dɪˈlɛmə/ 表示“(进退两难的)窘境,困境;进退两难的局面”,英文解释为“a situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance”举个🌰:

He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.


The resilience of Taiwan's power grid has become an increasing global concern in recent years. Home to TSMC, the world’s largest contract chipmaker, Taiwan plays a key role in the world’s supply of computer chips, and a few hours without electricity is enough to disrupt global supply chains. A worldwide shortage of semiconductors has heightened concerns, triggering a scramble among major companies, from consumer electronics brands to automakers, to secure scarce supplies of chips.



resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ 表示“快速恢复的能力;适应力”,英文解释为“the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.”


表示“打断,中断,扰乱”,英文解释为“to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected”举个🌰:

Heavy snow disrupted travel into the city this morning.



1)熟词僻义,作动词,表示“获得;设法得到;争取到”,英文解释为“to get something, sometimes with difficulty”举个🌰:

He was disappointed by his failure to secure the top job with the bank.


2)表示“使安全;保护;保卫”,英文解释为“to make certain something is protected from danger or risk”举个🌰:

This form of investment is an excellent way of securing your children's financial future.



表示“缺乏的;不足的;稀少的”,英文解释为“if sth is scarce , there is not enough of it and it is only available in small quantities”,如:scarce resources 稀缺资源,举个🌰:

Food and clean water were becoming scarce.


The local government’s aggressive push into renewable energy and phaseout of nuclear power coincides with a surge in demand as more manufacturers build plants. The latest power-hungry chipmaking equipment used by the likes of TSMC for their cutting-edge semiconductors are also an increasing burden on the grid.



表示“逐渐停止,逐步淘汰”,英文解释为“a gradual stopping (as in operations or production)”。

coincide with

1)表示“(两件或更多的事情)同时发生”,英文解释为“(of two or more events) to take place at the same time举个🌰:

It's a pity our trips to Hangzhou don't coincide.


I timed my holiday to coincide with the children's.



2)表示“(想法、意见等)相同;相符;极为类似”,英文解释为“(of ideas, opinions, etc.) to be the same or very similar”举个🌰:

The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide.



1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:

The company's profits have surged.


2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:

An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.


🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。

the likes of sb/sth

the likes of sb/sth = sb's/sth's like 表示“…之类”,英文解释为“a person, thing, or group similar in character or quality to the one mentioned”举个🌰:

They're competing with the likes of Microsoft.


He was a very great actor - we won't see his like again.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述奢侈品集团思索清空库存方法的文章中提到:Every frock sold by the likes of Gucci or Givenchy is billed as a must-have that season. 古驰或纪梵希之类的品牌把它们的每条裙子都标榜为当季必买。


cutting-edge表示“尖端的,前沿的”,英文解释为“Cutting-edge techniques or equipment are the most advanced that there are in a particular field.”举个🌰:

What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.


🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:I'm thinking this is a cutting-edge multinational enterprise. 我想是某先进跨国组织干的。

📍state-of-the-art表示“(技术上)最先进的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as state-of-the-art, you mean that it is the best available because it has been made using the most modern techniques and technology.”

📍leading edge表示“(某活动领域的)最重要位置,领先地位;(尤指技术上的)前沿,尖端”,英文解释为“The leading edge of a particular area of research or development is the area of it that seems most advanced or sophisticated.”如:at the leading edge of scientific research 在科学研究的前沿。

The aging Hsinta plant was at the center of two outages in the space of a matter of days in May last year. Millions of households and nearly half of Taiwan's industrial parks were affected by insufficient power supply and rolling blackouts.


in the space of ...

in/within the space of ... 表示“...之内(等等)”,英文解释为“during a period of six weeks, three hours, etc.”如:in/within the space of six weeks, three hours, etc. 6个星期/3个小时之内,举个🌰:

It all happened in the space of ten minutes.



1)表示“逐渐的;逐步的;规则的;周而复始的”,英文解释为“gradual;done in regular stages or at regular intervals over a period of time”举个🌰:

The plan is for a rolling extension of the tax over the next ten years.


2)表示“(山峦)平缓起伏的”,英文解释为“(of hills) gently rising and falling”举个🌰:

The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills.


📍什么是rolling blackout?轮流停电 A rolling blackout is an intentionally engineered electrical power shutdown in which electricity delivery is stopped for non-overlapping periods of time over different parts of the distribution region. Rolling blackouts are a last-resort measure used by an electric utility company to avoid a total blackout of the power system.

The reliability of power was one of the main concerns raised by companies in the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan's business climate survey for 2022 released in January. Energy sufficiency was the No. 1 issue the government should be focusing on, ahead of Covid-19, according to members’ responses.


chamber of commerce

表示“商会”,英文解释为“an organization consisting of people in business, who work together to improve business in their town or local area”,注意复数是chambers of commerce.







- 那年今日 -

2021 Hello Kitty将拍真人电影

2020 杰克·韦尔奇去世


2017 看完表示深深的惭愧...

2016 CPPCC begins its annual session

2015 Under the dome




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