

LearnAndRecord 2023-02-22



1. upfront是什么意思?

2. unwind是什么意思?


How to cope with exam results stress if you didn't get what you wanted

From: BBC

It's the time of year when exam results come out.

For many people it will be the happy end to months of hard work, but for some it won't be so positive.

If you didn't get the grades you were predicted or wanted, there's lots you can do.

Below are some tips on how to react to disappointing news.

There's also guidance on how to handle social media if your mates are all congratulating each other on Instagam and Snapchat.

Zoe Large is from Young Minds, a charity which deals with the wellbeing and mental health of children and teenagers.

Try to ignore the noise of results day

"It might look like everyone has done better than you, but there will be plenty of people who will be sitting quietly and thinking about their results.

"They won't be so loud, just like you.

"So, do keep calm, read through your results carefully and don't just look at one and respond strongly to that. Take in the bigger picture as well.

"If you feel disappointed, you can sit with that feeling for a while.

"And that's natural and that's OK. But do wrap it up and move on from it and forgive yourself.

Radio 1's Gemma Cairney and Dr Radha also have advice on what to do after your exams, whatever your grades.

Find someone to talk through your options with

"If your chosen pathway isn't now possible, find somebody to discuss your options with - like getting a re-mark or a retake or alternative courses, checking offers criteria if you're applying for universities.

"You can try to be honest and be upfront.

"What would really impress them is if you say, 'OK, I didn't get the results that I wanted and I can't deny I'm disappointed but now I've decided I'm going to do x and y instead.'"

Move on - they're just grades

"Never forget that they're just grades. In a few year's time they'll probably be long forgotten. So stay focused on the most important aspects of your life.

"Take time to relax and unwind from it all. I think we all need to remember that school is really important, but not at the cost of your mental health.

"Keep yourself around people that can allow you to relax but do ask for help if you need it. Everyone does need help from time to time."

Don't share your results news with everyone

"We share details about our results and our personal feelings about them. Then we're sat there with the pressure of negativity and comparisons on social media.

"Whatever the outcome, we'd advise that people be mindful of what you choose to post on social media on results day.

"Think carefully about how much you want to share.

"If you're disappointed with your results, maybe take a step back. Try to ignore celebratory status updates from your friends.

"If you are elated, on the other hand, think carefully about how other people will feel when you share your good news online."

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How to cope with exam results stress if you didn't get what you wanted

From: BBC

It's the time of year when exam results come out.


For many people it will be the happy end to months of hard work, but for some it won't be so positive.


If you didn't get the grades you were predicted or wanted, there's lots you can do.


Below are some tips on how to react to disappointing news.


There's also guidance on how to handle social media if your mates are all congratulating each other on Instagam and Snapchat.



作名词,表示“朋友,伙伴”,英文解释为“a friend”举个🌰:

We've been mates since our school days. 我们从学生时代起就是朋友。

作动词,表示“(使)交配;交尾”,英文解释为“to have sex and produce young, or to make animals do this”。

Zoe Large is from Young Minds, a charity which deals with the wellbeing and mental health of children and teenagers.

佐伊·拉奇(Zoe Large)来自Yound Minds,这是一个解决儿童和青少年健康和心理健康问题的慈善机构。


charity /ˈtʃær.ə.ti/ 表示“慈善事业;慈善组织,慈善机构”,英文解释为“a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose of providing money or helping in this way”

Try to ignore the noise of results day 尽量忽略放榜日的噪音

"It might look like everyone has done better than you, but there will be plenty of people who will be sitting quietly and thinking about their results.


"They won't be so loud, just like you.


"So, do keep calm, read through your results carefully and don't just look at one and respond strongly to that. Take in the bigger picture as well.


"If you feel disappointed, you can sit with that feeling for a while.


"And that's natural and that's OK. But do wrap it up and move on from it and forgive yourself.


wrap sth up

此前在中国女排十冠王!一文中,就提到China's last opponents will be Argentina and are poised to wrap up the World Cup with all wins.

wrap up 1)表示“圆满完成,达成(协议)”,英文解释为“to complete something successfully举个🌰:

Ministers wrap up their meeting in China today. 部长们今天在中国圆满结束了他们的会议。

2)表示“(用纸、布或其他材料)包,裹”,英文解释为“to cover or surround something in paper, cloth, or other material”

Radio 1's Gemma Cairney and Dr Radha also have advice on what to do after your exams, whatever your grades.

不管你的成绩如何,第一电台的杰玛·凯尔尼(Gemma Cairney)和拉德哈博士(Dr Radha)也会就考试后该做什么提出建议。

Find someone to talk through your options with 找个人聊聊你的选择

"If your chosen pathway isn't now possible, find somebody to discuss your options with - like getting a re-mark or a retake or alternative courses, checking offers criteria if you're applying for universities.



alternative本身可以作名词也可以作形容词,表示“可替代的,供选择的(事物)”英文解释为“An alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one.”举个🌰:

The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy. 反对党到目前为止还没有提出其他的策略。


criterion /kraɪˈtɪərɪən/ 表示“(判断的)标准,准则,原则”,复数形式为criteria,英文解释为“A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.”举个🌰:

The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work. 参加的最重要标准就是申请人必须设计并制作自己的作品。

"You can try to be honest and be upfront.



upfront /ʌpˈfrʌnt/ 表示“公开的;坦率的”,英文解释为“speaking or behaving in a way that makes intentions and beliefs clear”举个🌰:

She's very upfront about why she wants the job - she'd earn a lot more money. 她毫不掩饰自己想要获得这份工作的原因——她想挣更多的钱。

"What would really impress them is if you say, 'OK, I didn't get the results that I wanted and I can't deny I'm disappointed but now I've decided I'm going to do x and y instead.'"


Move on - they're just grades 向前看-只是成绩而已

"Never forget that they're just grades. In a few year's time they'll probably be long forgotten. So stay focused on the most important aspects of your life.


"Take time to relax and unwind from it all. I think we all need to remember that school is really important, but not at the cost of your mental health.



unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ 1)表示“解开,打开,松开(卷绕之物)”,英文解释为“If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it becomes unfastened.”

2)表示“放松;轻松”,英文解释为“to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried”举个🌰:

A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work. 晚上一杯酒能让我在工作后放松一下。

"Keep yourself around people that can allow you to relax but do ask for help if you need it. Everyone does need help from time to time."


Don't share your results news with everyone 不要与所有人分享你成绩的消息

"We share details about our results and our personal feelings about them. Then we're sat there with the pressure of negativity and comparisons on social media.



negativity /ˌneɡ.əˈtɪv.ə.ti/ 表示“消极的态度”,英文解释为“an attitude that is not hopeful or enthusiastic”举个🌰:

There's too much negativity in the world today. 今天的世界上消极的态度太多了。

"Whatever the outcome, we'd advise that people be mindful of what you choose to post on social media on results day.



1)作名词,表示“职位,职务”,英文解释为“a job in a company or organization”举个🌰:

Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper. 星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。

📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到“顽强不屈的坚守”时,原句:holding posts with tenacity. 其中posts指的是岗位,(坚守)岗位。

📍二〇二三年新年贺词:每个人都不容易中提到:Officials and the general public, particularly medical professionals and community workers, have bravely stuck to their posts through it all. 广大干部群众特别是医务人员、基层工作者不畏艰辛、勇毅坚守。

2)此外,经常在网上冲浪的就比较熟悉,post除了作名词,表示“网站上公布的信息;帖子”,英文解释为“something such as a message or picture that you publish on a website or using social media”,也可以作动词,表示“(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)”,英文解释为“to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:

Lots of friends have commented on my post. 很多小伙伴给我的帖子评论了。

3)作动词,表示“公布(公司)财务结果”,英文解释为“to announce a company's financial results”举个🌰:

The oil company posted profits of $25.1 billion. 石油公司公布利润为251亿美元。

"Think carefully about how much you want to share.


"If you're disappointed with your results, maybe take a step back. Try to ignore celebratory status updates from your friends.


"If you are elated, on the other hand, think carefully about how other people will feel when you share your good news online."



elated /iˈleɪ.tɪd/ 表示“兴高采烈的;喜气洋洋的;欢欣鼓舞的”,英文解释为“extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved”举个🌰:

The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his daughter. 据报道,王子喜得千金。

📍三年了,文中出现了其名词形式elation 表示“兴高采烈;喜气洋洋;欢欣鼓舞”,On social media platforms, users greeted the news with a mix of disbelief and elation. 在社交媒体平台上,用户们对该消息表达了难以置信和兴奋之情。

- 今日盘点 -

mate、 charity、 wrap sth up、 alternative、 criterion、 upfront、 unwind、 negativity、 post、 elated

- Generated By ChatGPT -

Mark and Sarah were mates since college. They decided to set up a charity to help children with disabilities. After months of planning, they wrapped up the fundraising event with an auction, raising a lot of money. The two friends were elated, and Sarah suggested an alternative for their next fundraiser: a fun run. Mark agreed, but only if the participants met the criterion of raising a certain amount of money upfront. After the event, the friends decided to unwind with a picnic in the park, but Sarah couldn't shake off the negativity she felt towards a post she read online. Mark reminded her to focus on the positive impact they had made, and they both left feeling uplifted.

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