
郭亚冠个人项目|寻找大熊星座Searching for the Great Bear

郭亚观 Mstudio 2020-09-02

M'room Art  project

海报 Poster

开幕:2018年5月27日  晚7:00

opning : 2018.5.27.   19:00




add : Mstudio,Hei Qiao central kindergarden,Chao Yang district,Beijing


mail : minostudio@163.com


massage : foxsoda(to visit by appointment)

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=g0665btmti1&width=500&height=375&auto=0▲预告视频 Preview video









郭亚冠  2018-05

In Greek mythology, Zeus transforms Aktasinto a little bearin case he would hunt his mother who has become a bear by Zeus too, in this way they meet each other again and aremade constellations the Great and Little Bear.

Is there a new conversation system createdamong different things, if their surface are processedunder one property? What if only onekind of color is left in the world?

Color has become a significant method forpeople to recognizeand tell things in this colorful world.

If there is only one color, our routine way to sense the world would be completely upset. We can’t tell the nuance of things through color recognition anymore, but through the vague outline and the contrast oflight and shad. Only when the superficies fades away will its inner power bemoved. In such an environment, we might see harmony orchaos, but they finally turn into nothingness.

However, we aren’t satisfied with the worldwe know by our senses we usually know. What I intend toexpress in an artwork isn’t important to the spectators, instead I want a new order to be built in the chaos when everyelements in the space has been transformed and interrelated mutually. It’s ableto awake the unknown seed of sense buried deep in the ground.

The usual “six senses” is put into effectby eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and consciousness. The foregoing five senseenable us feel things around; The sixth is about imagination and thinking;The Consciousness-onlycreate the seventh sense called “Mano-vijnana” which means potential self-consciousness,including self and all the individual’s consciousness; The eighth “Alaya” isthe root and core of the foregoing seven sense, which is also called “the seedsense”, the spirit factor that generates the object in the world. Meanwhile, Alayahas another name “Maintaining consciousness” because it maintains the seed,body and soul. It is the ultimate sense that runs us to live for the moment.

Guoyaguan  May,2018


<Searching for the Great Bear>Yellow series





The color of the art work is picked randomly by Mino.She loves yellow. I once assumed to put my daily life situation into this space as a painter. I might be painting or any other things. If Iwere painting there, with a model, I would draw a#color  person on a #color canvas with a # color in the a # color space.


If there is only one color, could the artpainting still exist with its planarity? What is different in the reality is thatwe can never keep all things in the same kind of color.


It is special that the building of room Mis yellow itself, which sites in ruins, glowing. The blue iron wall in the construction site is the only thing that fight with the brilliant yellow. It blinds all above the horizon, without the tall poplars at far away which gaze there in differently. When the excavator works, the grating metallic sound seems canpenetrate the iron wall and wipe out all the mystery here. The place Heiqiaobecome lonely and desolate, the noisy days has gone. The noisy in old daysseems veiled and insecure.

Guoyaguan  May,2018


Guo Yaguan

1990  Born in Jining city, Shandong Province

2015  Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from 4thStudio, Oil Painting Department, Fine Art School, Central Academy of Fine Art (CAFA)

2016 Matriculated as Master Candidate of the CAFA Oil painting Department

Now Based in Beijing



2015  “千里之行” 全国优秀作品展,罗中立美术馆,重庆;   

2016  “青岛青鸟”个人作品展,山东青岛;

2016  “三天”时间主题展览,清华大学美术学院美术馆,北京;

2016  “花家地双年展”,花家地单元房,北京;

2017  “艺术北京”,北京;    

2017  “漳洲国际当代艺术展”,福建漳州;

2017  入围 “学院本色2017——中央美术学院校内作品展”,中央美术学院,北京;

2017  入围“学院本色2017——美术学院学生作品展”,清华大学美术学院,北京;

2017  “素描现相”,莞城美术馆,广东东莞;

2017  “中国当代数字艺术展”,中华世纪坛,北京;

2017  “隐而未现”,多伦美术馆,上海;

2018 “我的春天藏在衣袖里” 郭亚冠石子媛双个展,中央美术学院 北京


2014 Creative Sketches Show of The Misty Drizzle in Maiji, CAFA Main BuildingExhibition Hall, Beijing;

2015 “Run as You Can, Boys and Girls” Young Artist Group Show, Dayuntang Art Museum,Beijing;

2015 “New Youth Art Movement” Group Exhibition, 798 Enjoy Art Museum, Beijing;  

2015 “A Journeyof Thousands of Miles” Outstanding Graduates Exhibition, CAFAMuseum, Beijing;

2015  “A Journey ofThousands of Miles” National Excellent Art Works Exhibition, Luo Zhongli Art Museum,Sichuan Province;  

2016 “Qingdao, Qingdao City” Individual Show, Qingdao City, Shandong Province;

2016 “Aspects ofthe World” Group Exhibition, Qingdao City, Shandong Province;

2016 “Three Days” About Time, Academy of Arts & Design , TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing;

2016 “Huajiadi Biennale”, A Flat in Huajiadi,Beijing;

2017 “Seven Deadly Sins”, Personal Project in a Flat in Huajiadi, Beijing;

2017 “Orpiment”, Dezi Art Center, Beijing;

2017 “Art Beijing”, Beijing;   

2017 “Zhangzhou International Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Zhangzhou City, FujianProvince;

2017 “Originality by The Academics Creative Art”, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing;

2017 “Narration”, Oil Paintings of Chinese Key Art Academy Exhibition, Luxun Academyof Fine Arts, Beijing;

2017 “Contemporary Sketch”, Guancheng Art Museum, Dongguan City;

2017 “On Balance” CAFA Graduating Students' Exhibition, Central Academy of FineArt, Beijing;

2017 “China Contemporary Digital Art”, China Millennium Monument, Beijing;

2017 “2017 INTER-YOUTH Art·Letter Home Exhibition”, CAA Art Museum;

2017 “Under Cover” The Sixth Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition, Duolun Museumof Modern Art, Shanghai;

2017 “Excellent Adolescence”, Front Gate Quanye Chang, Beijing.












