
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):35-Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。
Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深。
In ancient time, there was a great poet called Qu Yuan. He couldn't bear the anguish when his mother land was invaded, so he drowned himself in the river. Local residents rode boats to salvage and drop the rice balls into the river to distract fishes' attention from Qu's body.
Later people memorialised Qu's patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, Duanwujie. That's how the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi were started.  
A nation practice on Duanwujie is to put wormwood on the front door to repel evil things. In some places people drink realgar wine and children wear sachet. Now the family gets together on Duanwujie. 
Nowadays people have a variety of other activities to celebrate this traditional festival.

1. anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ]  n.剧痛;极度痛苦;苦恼  vi.使极度痛苦;使苦恼;悲痛万分感到极度的痛苦;苦恼
angu 苦恼 + ish 形容词后缀 → 苦恼的
A cry of anguish burst from her lips...
2. salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ]  n.(对财物等的)抢救;抢救出的财物  v.打捞,营救(失事船舶等);抢救(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物);挽救;挽回
salv 救助 + age 名词后缀 → 救助行为 → 抢救
the salvage of the wrecked tanker
3. patriotism [ˈpeɪtriətɪzəm] n.爱国主义;爱国精神
patriot 爱国者 + ism 名词后缀,表主义 → 爱国主义
patriot [ˈpeɪtriət]  n.爱国者
patri 父亲,引申为“祖国” + ot 名词后缀,表人 → 爱国者
They were staunch British patriots and had portraits of the Queen in their flat.
He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure...
4. repel [rɪˈpel]  v.击退;驱逐;推开;赶走;驱除;使恐惧;使厌恶
re 反 + pel 驱动;推 → 推回去 → 击退
The fabric has been treated to repel water.
5. wormwood [ˈwɜːrmwʊd]  n.蒿,洋艾(有些具苦味,可入药或用来制苦艾酒等)
Strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise.
6. realgar [ˌriɑlˈgɑr]  雄黄;雄黄酒;雄黄矿;雄黄之;鸡冠石
Objective: To explore the pharmacological mechanism of Cinnabar and Realgar in Angong Niuhuang powder ( ANP).
7. sachet [sæˈʃeɪ]  n.(塑料或纸质)密封小袋;(置于衣物中的)小香囊,小香袋
...individual sachets of instant coffee.

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):34-Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):33-Qixi Festival(七夕节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):32-Qingming Festival (清明节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):31-Spring Festival-(春节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):30 -Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):29 Traditional Chinese Medicine-(中药)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):28 Chinese Sword-(剑)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):27 -Tai Chi Chuan(太极拳)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):26 -Kung Fu(功夫)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):25 -Phoenix(凤)

