
中国范儿 50 梵净山:大自然的基因宝库

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

梵净山:大自然的基因宝库Mountain Fanjing: the Gene Pool of Nature

Mountain Fanjing is a shining diamond of Wuling Mountain Range. It is well-known for its unique biodiversity, natural scenery, and ecological system. In July 2018, the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee inscribed Mountain Fanjing on the World Heritage List under natural criteria.

Mountain Fanjing, formerly known as Sanshan Gu, is situated in the triangle of Jiangkou, Yinjiang, and Songtao of Tongren City, Guizhou Province. As the main summit of Wuling Mountain Range, Mountain Fanjing is 2493 meters above the sea level and 95% of the mountain is covered by forest. In late days, it got its name “Fanjing”, meaning “the paradise and virgin place”. As one of the cherished natural reserves nationwide, Mountain Fanjing is also one of the most sacred Buddhist Mountains in China, as famous as Mountain Wutai of Shanxi Province, Mountain Putuo of Zhejiang Province, Mountain E’mei of Sichuan Province, and Mountain Jiuhua of Anhui Province.

Mountain Fanjing emerged between 1 billion to 1.4 billion years ago. The tectonic plate that Mountain Fanjing is situated on is one of the two oldest tectonic plates in South China and has enormous value for scientific research. In hundreds of millions of years, winds and rains have carved out numerous peaks in Lao Jinding area and some of them, like the Mushroom Stone, the Eagle Peak, the Roll of Books, and the General Head, are marvelously vivid and astonishingly amazing. The New Golden Peak is particularly sharp and towering, reaching the clouds and the sky like a sword. The New Golden Peak is cut in half by the Golden Sword Valley, which is extremely steep and people can only pass through connecting bridges above.

The stairway is the only access to the summit of Mountain Fanjing. Built by the local people since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, this stairway was continuously extended during the period of the Republic of China and after the establishment of PRC. Today, it has 7896 steps and 8 km in length altogether. It is a testament to the creativity and perseverance of the humans. Every stepping stone there is a witness of the ever-changing history. 

Mountain Fanjing is as magnificent as Huangshan, as beautiful as Mountain E’mei, as breathtaking as Huashan, and as spectacular as Taishan. Thus, ancient Chinese once valued Mountain Fanjing for its unmatched magnificence and mysteries and called it “the best of the best mountains on earth” 

Mountain Fanjing has four climate zones. There are the mid-subtropical zone, the north subtropical zone, the south temperate zone and the mid-temperate zone successively between the mountain feet and the summit. It has a mild temperature, abundant sunshine, and rich rainfalls. Its winter season is not harsh and its summer season is pleasantly comfortable. Every season is the best season.

Mountain Fanjing Natural Reserve has the most well-preserved primeval forest in Southwest China. Its unique ecological system earns it the reputation of “the treasure of the earth and the mankind”. The biodiversity of Mountain Fanjing lies in its diversity of gene, species, and ecological zones. Mountain Fanjing has more than 2000 higher plants and 801 vertebrates, in which 31 plants and 19 animals are respectively listed in National Key-protected Plants and National Key-protected Animals of China. Mountain Fanjing is the last sanctuary of some old rare species that emerged between 2 million and 70 million years ago. As the world-renowned gene pool and research base for biodiversity, Mountain Fanjing is an invaluable asset from nature, which calls for more protection and exploration from us.


“Love English 2”一周年了!

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