

2018-01-24 编译/韦兰如 翻吧

THE public markets in America are much less crowded than they once were. Twenty years ago America was home to 8,000 listed domestic firms; now the total is close to 4,000. In 2016, 74 firms made their stockmarket debut, compared with 600 two decades ago. This winnowing is unwelcome. Merger activity, which reduces the number of listed firms, is damaging competition. Overregulation, which deters younger firms from floating, deprives ordinary investors of opportunities to benefit from America’s corporate successes.

美国公共市场不再像过去那样拥挤不堪。二十年前,美国国内有8000家上市企业, 而现在总数接近4000家。2016年一年有74家企业上市,而二十年前有600家。这样的淘汰方式不太受人欢迎。并购活动减少了上市企业的数量,也正在破坏竞争力。过度监管限制了新兴企业的发展,同样也剥夺了它们从美国与他国成功的合作中获益的机会。

Less obvious is why the firms themselves, or their investors, should care. Companies that once had to go public to raise capital can happily fund themselves in private markets with money from sovereign-wealth funds and institutional investors. Unicorns, privately held tech startups with valuations exceeding $1bn, are common. Cash keeps pouring into the industry. This week Saudi Arabia promised up to $45bn to a $93bn technology fund run by SoftBank, a Japanese technology conglomerate (see article). Given a choice between red tape and freedom of manoeuvre, between quarterly earnings calls and long-term strategy, wouldn’t anyone in their right mind steer clear of the public markets? Actually, no.

不太明显的是,企业自身以及它们投资者们应关注这种现象的原因。 以前不得不通过上市筹资的企业现在通过私人市场,轻松地获得主权财富基金和机构投资者的投资。估值超过10亿美元私人控制的“独角兽”企业比比皆是。现金在不断涌入这个行业。本周,沙特阿拉伯承诺向日本软银科技集团(SoftBank)向一个总额为930亿美元的科技基金投入450亿美元。如果要在繁文缛节和决策自由之间作出决择,在季度收益与长期战略之间做出决择,任何人在他们的头脑中都会避开公开市场吧? 实际上,并非如此。

Take the argument that staying private lets unicorns operate more freely. The transparency that accompanies a public listing has its own benefits. Closer oversight might have more quickly rooted out problems at Theranos, a blood-testing startup whose $9bn valuation crumbled because of defects in its products. The rigmarole of public filings and quarterly calls might inject more sobriety into the brash culture of Uber, a ride-hailing firm. Astute startups like Slack, an online messaging firm, and Airbnb, a home-sharing site (see article), have deliberately taken on some of the accoutrements of listed firms, from regular audits to respected CFOs.


As for the costs saved by staying private, some are being transferred from firms to investors. Public companies bear the expense of the detailed reporting and formal governance processes needed to keep outside investors in touch. Unicorns may be under a weaker spotlight, but their investors still carry out due diligence and market valuations, which they pay for themselves. The savings of private ownership can be illusory.


Even if the public and private markets are converging, clear differences remain. Private markets are developing new ways for startups’ employees, the most valuable resource in techland, to cash in their shares. But public markets are far more liquid: that is one reason why Spotify, a music-streaming unicorn, is flirting with the idea of a direct listing, whereby a firm gets a ticker without raising any new capital.


Private markets have slowly opened up to a wider pool of investors, mutual funds among them. But the inclusive nature of public markets offers better protection against reputational damage. That is because technology firms are changing the way societies and economies work. For firms that are at the centre of public-policy debates, a broad base of shareholders, able both to benefit from firms’ success and to question their activities, looks better than one dominated by plutocrats.


Stock answers


Public markets are also behaving more like private ones, by enabling founders to retain an iron grip even when they list. Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, sold shares in March but gave up no voting rights. That bothers advocates of shareholder democracy. But it weakens an argument entrepreneurs often make against floating (even as investors acquire a useful ability to divest positions easily or to sell shares short).


Public markets are not perfect. But for unicorns to think of them as somewhere to steer clear of for as long as possible is wrong-headed. That is even truer of their investors.










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