

2018-02-23 外交部 翻吧




Q: The ROK Foreign Ministry said that afterthe Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the ROK side will strictly follow the SecurityCouncil sanctions against the DPRK. It will make diplomatic efforts topeacefully resolve the nuclear issue by making good use of the ROK-DPRKinteraction momentum created by the Olympics. The ROK will endeavor to persuadethe DPRK to talk with the US at an early date and sees DPRK-ROK and US-DPRKtalks as pillars of any dialogue aimed at denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.What is your comment?



A: We have taken note of these remarks madeby the ROK side. As a close neighbor to the Korean Peninsula, China welcomesand supports these positive interactions and friendly cooperation taken placeon the stage of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.



We have been saying that the only way tobreak the deadlock where the Korean Peninsula situation has been stuck in avicious cycle is to have dialogue and negotiation. Now with the ROK and theDPRK having taken the first precious steps, we hope that all the other relevantparties could jointly preserve and sustain such hard-won momentum ofengagement, so that interactions between the ROK and the DPRK would be expandedto those among all parties, especially between the DPRK and the US, and we willbe nearing the goal of pushing open the door for dialogue to resolve the KoreanPeninsula issue.



We hope that all parties could refrain fromprovocative and aggravating behaviors, since what is needed now is our bestefforts to ensure a relatively stable Peninsula and create enabling conditionsfor dialogue and negotiation. As this window of opportunity presents itself, wehope that the DPRK and the US could seize it, demonstrate goodwill, and worktowards the same direction, something that should be cheered on by theinternational community.



Q: Japan's Foreign Ministry said onFebruary 20 that it had spotted what seemed like a cargo transfer between asmall ship with Chinese characters on it and a DPRK vessel, possibly inviolation of UN sanctions. Does China have any comment on that?



A: We attach great importance to therelevant information and are carrying out investigation.



China has been fully and strictlyimplementing the Security Council resolutions and discharging its internationalobligations. Some time ago, the relevant departments of the Chinese governmentissued a notice which follows the Security Council resolutions in explicitlyprohibiting smuggling by ship-to-ship transfer. If any individual or companyunder China's jurisdiction is found violating the Security Council resolutions,China will act upon solid evidence and seriously handle that in accordance withChinese laws and regulations.



Q: There was a report saying that China hasbeen involved in talks with Baluchistan separatists in Pakistan, asking themnot to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Obviously, this issomewhere where China is investing a lot of money, especially for the Belt andRoad projects. Is this true and can you give us any details of the talks?



A: I have never heard of such things as youmentioned. The Chinese and the Pakistani governments have been working incoordination on security matters regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC). We appreciate that Pakistan has already taken a series of importantmeasures for the effective protection of the CPEC projects and Chinesecitizens. We hope and believe that the Pakistani side will continue with theseefforts to ensure the safety of the CPEC.



Q: Nepal's new Prime Minister K. P. Olisaid in an interview that China and India are major neighbors of Nepal. Hewants to deepen ties with China and get more leverage in his dealings withIndia through implementing the current cooperation agreement between Nepal andIndia. What is your comment?



A: China congratulates Mr. Oli on takingoffice as the new Prime Minister of Nepal and stands ready to work with the newNepali government to carry forward China-Nepal friendly cooperation in variousfields and realize common development so as to contribute to regional stabilityand prosperity.



As neighbors that are important to eachother, China, Nepal and India should enhance positive interactions for greatermutual benefits and win-win results.



Q: Reports say that the Chinese military isstrengthening air defenses along the China-India border, which has beenreported as a counteraction to the threat from India. What prompted thisparticular measure by the Chinese military, especially in the light of theefforts by both countries to work out a kind of de-escalation after last year'sstandoff in Dong Lang?



A: I am not aware of the specifics, andsuggest you try the Defense Ministry.



What I can say is that we hope that Indiacould work with us to maintain peace and stability in the border areas, whichserves the common interests of the two sides.



Q: In the 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Gala,there was a skit in which a Chinese actress was wearing blackface, pretendingto be an African. This caused a fair amount of angry reaction on the ChineseInternet as well as internationally. I was wondering if the Chinese sidebelieves that this skit was racist?



A: This does not seem like a diplomaticquestion. Do you honestly believe that it has reached the diplomatic level?



Reporter: It is kind of a diplomaticquestion because it is about China's image in the eyes of Africans, especiallybecause in September, we will have the China-Africa Cooperation Forum summit inBeijing and many African leaders are expected to be here.



A: If you want to ask something about theSpring Festival Gala, you may contact its organizer.



As the Spokesperson of the ForeignMinistry, I can tell you that China opposes racism in all its manifestations.



I do have read some reports and commentsmade by many media, especially western media. If someone is trying to make useof this issue to drive a wedge between China and Africa, I have to say thatthey are doomed to fail. China and Africa have forged impregnable friendshipafter going through hardships hand-in-hand, and the mutually beneficialcooperation between the two sides has yielded substantial outcomes. As regardshow the China-Africa relations and cooperation have fared, no one knows betterthan the African countries and people.

















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