

2018-04-03 编译/李航菲 翻吧

TWO years ago Ayman Odeh, the pragmatic new leader of Israel’s Arab parliamentary bloc, said that within a decade Arabic would be “on Tel Aviv street signs as part and parcel of the urban environment”. It is happening faster than he predicted. Across Jewish as well as Arab towns, Arabic signage is sprouting on highways, bus routes and, most recently, railway stations. Some 40% of the digital panels on public buses now list their routes in Arabic alongside Hebrew, up from near zero two years ago. By 2022, says the government, the service will be fully bilingual. A new department pumps out road-safety warnings in Arabic.


In tandem, a five-year plan, Resolution 922, aims to narrow the gap between Jews and Arabs in education, housing and policing. Though not the first, it is by far Israel’s most ambitious. It costs 15bn shekels ($4.3bn), and unlike previous plans was devised together with Arab representatives.


The government of Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, is often derided as chauvinist. So its espousal of integration surprises many. Mr Netanyahu often plays up the Arab threat, particularly at election time. However, he sees pragmatic reasons for treating Israeli Arabs a bit better.


Israel’s 1.8m Arabs are citizens, and Arabic is an official language which most Jews study in school. But for decades after independence the authorities left most Arabs isolated in ill-funded villages and towns without transport to the country’s economic hubs. As of 2015, 53% of Arabs were poor, against 14% of Jews. The gap fed resentment. Israeli Arabs now fly Palestinian flags at their rallies. For years security officials have warned that, without integration, Israel’s Arabs would rally behind Palestinians in the occupied territories. Government economists add that including Arabs more fully in the economy would give it a boost—much as immigrants from the former Soviet Union did in the 1990s, says Amir Levy, who drafted the five-year plan.


Since the plan was approved in 2015, a third of the budget has been spent. The transport ministry is connecting Arab towns to Jewish hubs such as Tel Aviv with over 300 new and upgraded routes. One aim is to get more Arab women into work. Last month Mr Netanyahu opened the first of 17 police stations to be staffed by Arab officers in Arab towns. “If we want Israel to be strong, we need our minorities to be strong, with the same rights and budgets as everyone else,” says Gila Gamliel, the minister overseeing the plan.


The new policy has sometimes been implemented insensitively. Arab cities like Jaffa, Acre and Nazareth are given Hebrew names on Arabic signs. Especially galling is “Awrushaleem”, an Arabised version of “Jerusalem” in place of “Al-Quds”, the usual Arabic name for the city. Signs are also Hebraising what Arabs call “Tel Abib”: Arabic has no letter V, so the large sign at a Tel Aviv station has a workaround—three dots below the letter B—that make the sign look more like Urdu. “It’s humiliating to see Arabic treated with such disrespect,” says Mohammad Darawshe, an activist.

新政策有时执行的很迟钝。 像雅法,阿克里和拿撒勒这样的阿拉伯城市在阿拉伯语的标志牌上使用了希伯来语的名字。 尤其令人讨厌的是“Awrushaleem”,一个阿拉伯语的“耶路撒冷”版本,取代了“圣城”这一常见的阿拉伯城市名。 阿拉伯语中的“Tel Abib”标志也被希伯来语化:阿拉伯文没有字母V,所以特拉维夫电台的大标牌有一个解决方法 - 字母B下面三个点,这使得标志看起来更像乌尔都语。 穆斯林活动家穆罕默德·达拉舍(Mohammad Darawshe)说:“看到阿拉伯语受到如此不受尊重,我感到很羞耻。”

Some Israeli officials resist the spread of Arabic. The mayor of Beersheva, a southern town of 200,000 Jews surrounded by 100,000 Arabs, tried to ban bus announcements in the language. And Israel Railways has refused to follow Jerusalem’s tramline in announcing stops in Arabic over the tannoy. “It would be too noisy,” explained its chief executive. Banks offer online services in Arabic. But the only Arabic that visitors could find in the central bank’s corridors were prohibitions against smoking.

一些以色列官员抵制阿拉伯语的传播。 Beersheva市是一个南部城镇,有由10万名阿拉伯人和20万犹太人。该市市长试图禁止阿语的巴士公告。以色列铁路公司拒绝继耶路撒冷的电车之后宣布阿拉伯语停车。该公司首席执行官解释说:“这太吵了。” 银行提供阿拉伯语在线服务, 但游客在中央银行走廊里唯一能够找到的阿拉伯语是“禁止吸烟”。

Some Israelis fear that a bilingual country might become a binational one. Mr Netanyahu’s cabinet is backing a bill designating Israel the nation-state of the Jews and stripping Arabic of its official status. “The more Arabic we hear, the more the government wants to downgrade its status,” says Yonatan Mendel, an expert on Arabic education. Israelis are justly proud of having revived Hebrew as a spoken language—a feat akin to resurrecting Latin in everyday conversation. But for some, that is not enough; Hebrew should have no rival.

一些以色列人担心双语国家可能会成为一个双民族国家。内塔尼亚胡内阁坚持以色列为犹太人的民族国家,并剥夺其阿拉伯语的官方地位。阿拉伯语教育专家Yonatan Mendel说:“我们听到的阿拉伯语越多,政府越想降低其地位。”以色列人为恢复希伯来语作为口语而感到自豪 —— 这一壮举就像在日常谈话中复活拉丁文一样。 但对于一些人来说,这还远远不够,希伯来语不可战胜。














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