

2018-04-20 编译/王悦 翻吧

IN THE basement of Imperial College sits the London DNA Foundry. The word “foundry” calls forth images of liquid metal being poured into moulds—of the early phase of the Industrial Revolution, in other words. This foundry is, however, determinedly modern. Liquid is indeed being moved around and poured. But it is in minuscule quantities, and it is not metal. Instead, it is an aqueous suspension of the genetic codes of life.

伦敦DNA铸造厂(London DNA Foundry)座落在帝国理工学院的地下室里。“铸造厂”一词会让人想起液态金属被倒入模具的场面,也就是工业革命早期的场景。然而,这座铸造厂毫无疑问是现代的。的确有液体被四处移动和灌注,但量极少,而且也不是金属,而是包含生命遗传密码的悬浊液。

The laboratory is an example of a wider movement. Similar biofoundries are being set up around the world, from the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, via Silicon Valley, to the National University of Singapore. All offer ways of centralising the donkey work of genetic-engineering research. Instead of biotechnology companies buying and operating their own laboratories, foundries will do it for them.

这个实验只是一场范围更为广泛的运动一角。从马萨诸塞州剑桥市的布罗德研究所(Broad Institute)到硅谷,再到新加坡国立大学,类似的生物铸造厂正在全球各地建立。所有这些实验室都集中从事基因工程研究中乏味而又繁重的工作。生物技术公司无须再购入和运营自己的实验室,生物铸造厂将为之代劳。

London DNA Foundry’s operations room is filled with boxy devices, each designed to do one particular operation, such as pipetting, repeatedly and quickly. A robotic arm shuttles small plastic dishes between the machines. Each dish contains up to 1,536 minuscule wells. And in each of those wells sits several microlitres of liquid and a few strands of DNA. Using this arrangement, the foundry can mix, in the precise concentrations required, 150,000 samples of DNA in a morning.


The starting-point for the process is a library of what David McClymont, the foundry’s head of automation, calls “parts”. These are snippets of genetic code from which different genetic “circuits” can be assembled. A circuit, in biotech speak, is a collection of genes that work together towards a common goal—for example, generating a series of enzymes that convert one type of chemical into another. The genes comprising a potential circuit are then assembled into circular DNA molecules called plasmids.

这个流程的起点是一个库,存有该铸造厂自动化主管大卫·麦克利蒙(David McClymont)所说的“零件”。所谓“零件”其实是一些遗传密码片段,用于组装不同的遗传“回路”。在生物技术术语中,一个“回路"就是共同完成一个共同目标的一组基因,比如生成一系列酶,将某种化学物质转化为另一种化学物质。接下来,铸造厂会把有可能构成一组回路的基因组装成名为“质粒”的环状DNA分子。

To obtain appropriate plasmids the foundry’s customers may simply order parts from the library. They may also provide their own proprietary snippets. All the required parts are then transferred to bar-coded wells in the dishes and their contents mixed automatically. The whole process is controlled by a piece of computer code, provided by the customer, that describes the experiment.


Once the mixture is correct, the test plates are whisked into a machine which multiplies the number of plasmids in each well using a process called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). And then, when the PCR has done its work, the plasmids are introduced into living cells—either bacterial or yeast. After that, the cells are incubated, and the result is tested to see which, if any, of the circuits performs as expected.


Such is the London DNA Foundry’s scale that it can build and test about 15,000 different genetic designs in a day. True to its name, the foundry is set up to build and test DNA plasmids only. Some other biofoundries, however, offer a wider range of services. For example Transcriptic, a firm in Silicon Valley, will also allow customers to store entire cell lines that may be tested later, or to grow tissues from them for testing.














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