

2018-04-27 翻吧君 翻吧


The latest bank to take a shot is Barclays, which devotes a lot more of its “Equity Gilt Study 2018” to The impact of technological change on finance and The economy than it does to either equities or gilts. its report describes crypto-technology as “a solution still seeking a problem”.






As the Marvel Cinematic Universe approaches its 10-year mark with the apocalyptic Avengers: Infinity War, its films have begun to move in a similarly dark direction. After kicking things off with stirring origin movies like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger, the series has gradually started to examine the shaky underpinnings of its heroic Avengers, and is now laying the groundwork for their calamitous upending. The villain they face is as godlike as they come: the alien Thanos, a massive brute in search of celestial power that he can use to wipe out  half the universe. Infinity Warpromises to be a loud, clanging finale of a movie—and, because Marvel titles keep printing money  at the box office, also a fresh start, a radical rebooting of much of the films' staid world order.

A.printing money   B. groundwork   C. kicking things off   D. mark   E. underpinnings   F. wipe out

参考答案:A1、D 2、C 3、E 4、B 5、F 6、A 

解析:wipe out 的英文解释是:To wipe out something such as a place or a group of people or animals means to destroy them completely. “摧毁”。underpinning的英文解释是:If one thing underpins another, it helps the other thing to continue or succeed by supporting and strengthening it.“巩固”


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