
eLearning Continues at Wellington

WCIH WellingtonCollegeHZ 2020-10-12

Last week, pupils at Wellington College International Hangzhou had their first academic review after transitioning to eLearning six weeks ago. Ms. Kathryn Richardson, Principal of Wellington College International Hangzhou, wrote in a letter to parents: ‘The resilience of our staff and pupils continues to inspire me and I was thrilled to read how many pupils have gained house points and special recognition for their work during this time.’ Below we are excited to showcase some of the learning that has taken place in subjects like Math, Music and Drama, Art and DT, and Mandarin. Our teachers continue to inspire their pupils with their innovative curriculum design. To learn more about some of our other subjects, please visit this link. 

Mr. Bradley Dennon

Year 8 Tutor / Mathematics Teacher

Teaching online has probably been the most interesting time I have had as a teacher. The pupils have responded perfectly, and we have tried to keep lessons as close to our in-class routine as possible. When we are in the classroom, I begin by showing examples, working through examples with my pupils, and then instructing them to continue working through different ones on their own. This has remained very much the same during our transition to eLearning and the pupils have gained confidence in asking questions online. Pupils have handed in some fantastic work during this time, some of which has exceeded the expected ability level for their year groups. This shows our pupils’ determination to improve and succeed. I am proud of the time, effort and values that they have shown during this time. I hope they can look back on this experience fondly and be proud of all that they have learned.

Craig Perkinton

Music/Drama Teacher

Quentin (Year 2): composition and performance

Music and Drama are, by their very nature, social activities. Even solo performers need an audience to perform to. We have all experienced the joy of sharing our favourite film or song with someone and have them respond positively to our personal choices.

For this reason, this period of eLearning has presented many challenges. My own approach to performing arts classes has been to maintain an active and socially interactive environment, which might not be the first thing that comes to mind when presented with eLearning. The computer can, at first glance, be extremely limiting but - to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke - correct use of this technology is indistinguishable from magic.

This is exactly what one needs to be truly creative. Paradoxically, by limiting and restricting pupils, they are required to think creatively to achieve the set task. 

Ciara (Year 6): whole poem in one breath

‘You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.’ – Dr.  Seuss

This is the key skill that any educator can give to children. The ability to think creatively is the key to advancing not only as individuals, but also as part of humanity.

Aaron (Year 7)

Album cover design

Alice (Year 3)


To listen Alice's composition, please visit this link: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/6571686239404032

Chloe (Year 7)

Stage backdrop design

Jammie (Year 2)

Adjectives to describe yourself

Louise (Year 2)

Drama Facial Expression

Goerge (Year 1)

Create your own in strument

Edward ( Year 2)

Adjectives to describe yourself

Li Miller

Visual Art/DT Teacher

Leaning art and DT online is a new challenge and experience for all of us. I have been so impressed with our pupils’ independence and problem-solving skills, which they have exhibited many times during this eLearning period. I have had pupils finishing work using recycled materials like old magazines, Lego boxes, and string, among other unique materials, to make a collage colour wheel. One pupil demonstrated ingenuity by using a black baking tray to represent the blackness of space. Some of the pupils do not have printers at home, but this has not stopped them from trying their very best. One had the idea of taking a picture of her research page, locating an image on the Internet and then using Photoshop to attach the image with her research page to complete her work. Pupils solving problems in this way demonstrates their determination for learning. This is what we aim to see in each of them.  

Christy Wang

Mandarin Teacher

Like all languages, Chinese needs continuous learning. During this special period, we have faced many challenges, but our pupils’ Chinese learning has not been interrupted. The children are cooperative and enthusiastic even when they are finding some things challenging. 

For children in our upper years, this is a good opportunity for them to develop the identity of independence. We have stayed in constant communication with parents throughout this time and they have been supporting their children very well. We all hope to resume face-to-face learning in school as soon as possible, but in the meantime, we hope that children will take advantage of this opportunity to continue to develop their independence and cherish the opportunity to learn in this online format.

Wellington’s holistic educational philosophy also includes a focus on project-based learning. Teachers across all our year groups encourage their pupils to think about situations creatively - from those that occur every day to more complicated problems - and respond to them in a way that is active, dynamic, and thoughtful. Below is a stop motion video created entirely through the hard work of our Year 2 pupils using Legos. We hope you enjoy their imaginative storytelling! 

Year 2: George's Birthday Party

If you would like to learn more about what makes Wellington education unique or you are planning to join Wellington, our Admissions team is back on campus and available online to provide assistance and guidance for you. 

In order to recognise and reward the pursuit and achievement of excellence in our pupils, and to make a Wellington education accessible to a broader range of pupils throughout Hangzhou and surrounding regions, scholarships, awards and bursaries are available to different year levels at Wellington. For more information, please visit this link or contact our Admissions team directly.  

  • Phone:

+(86-571) 8239 6366

+(86) 136 1653 0633 

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  • Email: admissions.wcih@wellingtoncollege.cn 

Wellington College International Hangzhou

Wellington College International Hangzhou officially opened its doors to pupils in September 2018, offering a world-class international education for children of expatriate families from the ages of 2 to 18. In Pre-Prep and Prep-School, the College follows the English National Curriculum, which is enhanced through the cross-curricula International Primary Curriculum. In Senior School, pupils will complete the IGCSE and then follow the A Level Programme. As with all Wellington College schools, the Wellington Values and Identities form the core of the holistic education provided by Wellington College International Hangzhou.

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