
Happy graduation! Do you want to work in China?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

After graduation, many foreign students consider staying in China for development, so can they directly convert their student ID into a work visa?

According to the application conditions of the previous work visa, you need two years or more of relevant work experience, but for recent graduates, experience is blank, so can you still get a work visa in China?

The answer is YES. The outstanding college students can transfer the student visa into work visa directly!

Application requirements:


1.Over 18 years old and in good health;

2. No criminal record, and no record of bad behavior during the school;

3. Excellent academic performance, with an average score of not less than 80 or B+/B (grade scale) or above.

4. Obtain the appropriate education and degree;

5. There is a definite employer and engaged in the job position and the major;

6. The salary standard shall not be lower than the average salary of employees in local urban units;

7. Hold a valid passport or other international travel document in place of a passport.

* The state implements quota management, the amount of each city is different, the amount will stop processing.


For outstanding foreign students, there are opportunities to work in China or do postdoctoral research in China after graduation. The country's employment policy for international students provides foreign graduates with more equal opportunities to compete, while also meeting the demand of the labor market for unskilled jobs.

If you plan to stay in China and are unsure about the job search situation or have other questions, you can contact Solutions.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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