
Latest News! China improves service quality for foreigners!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

Yesterday, the Ministry of Public Security issued a number of measures for the high-quality development of public security organs service guarantee, in the fifth and sixth points of the measures, optimize the management services for foreigners in China, more convenient and higher quality.


Foreigners applying for residence permits are exempt from retaining passports.

Foreigners applying for residence permits may not retain the original passport after verification of their valid passports in accordance with regulations, so as to facilitate foreigners to handle relevant matters with their passports during this period.


Business port visas are gradually being opened.

Foreigners who come to China for business work and do not have time to apply for a visa abroad can apply for a visa on arrival with the invitation letter and supporting materials of the enterprise. For those who need to return multiple times due to commercial business, they can be replaced with a valid business visa for multiple entry within 3 years after entry.

* The actual operation is subject to the specific regulations of each city.


Have you passed the interview for a Chinese visa? SOLUTIONS help you spot common problems and give helpful tips, prepare properly and increase your chances of success.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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