
Why do I need to change my residence permit?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-10-23





Foreigners live in China for a long time to study, work and live, so the residence information often changes. This is when you need to change the residence permit information.

According to the law, the registration items of a foreigner's residence permit include: the holder's name, gender, date of birth, reason for residence, duration of residence, date and place of issue, and the number of a passport or other international travel document. When the above registration items are changed, foreigners need to do the residence permit change formalities in advance.

What needs to be changed?

(1) The residence permit holder whose reason for residence, passport number, etc., has changed shall apply for a new residence permit to the residence permit issuing authority within 10 days.

(2) If the residence permit holder's address, school, office or employment unit has been changed, he shall apply to the residence permit issuing authority for change within 10 days.

(3) Those who move from one city to another may apply to the Exit and Entry Administration of the public security organ at the place of relocation or the place of relocation for change.

What materials

are needed?

1. Submit the original valid passport and residence certificate (the original of the old passport must also be submitted if the new passport has been applied for);

2. Submit the completed Application Form for Foreigner Visa Documents, and submit a recent 2-inch half-length headless photo;

3. Submit relevant certification materials for changing residence registration items:

(1) If you change your residence address, you must first update the temporary accommodation registration form for overseas personnel;

(2) To change the name, passport number and other relevant passport information page information, first update the temporary accommodation registration form for overseas personnel, and submit the original and copy of the change certificate issued by the passport issuing authority;

(3) If the accompanying person is changed, the temporary accommodation registration form for overseas personnel shall be updated first; If you want to add a companion, you must also submit a recent 2-inch half-length headless photo of the applicant and the companion, as well as the corresponding proof of family relationship (can be issued by the relevant civil affairs, health, public security and other government departments, notary departments or the embassy (consulate) of the corresponding country in China, issued by foreign institutions, and must be certified by our embassy (consulate) abroad. If it is not in Chinese, a Chinese translation document issued by a domestic translation qualification agency should be provided);

(4) Change of work unit (school), must also submit the original work (study) residence reason has been terminated relevant proof.

Kindly contact SOLUTIONS

if you need to change your residence permit

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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