

Harrowshanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

Harrow’s Got Music Talent


Chamber Concert 


Here at Harrow, we are delighted to celebrate the wide range of music talent across our school, as our pupils performed in a series of Chamber concerts to highlight their abilities.



Pre-Prep Chamber Concert

The afternoon began with performances from our Year 1 & 2’s. They bravely performed in front of their peers and teachers, many for the first time. There was a lovely piano duet, violin and drums solos and numerous piano pieces. What humility and courage it takes to take the stage! We’re so proud of all of you!


This was quickly followed by our Year 3 and 4’s, who displayed great breadth of talent as they performed on the drums, piano, ukulele and violin. There was a piano and violin duet played by two sisters and the exciting drumbeats kept everyone on the edge of their seats. The concert climaxed with a surprise performance by our Head Master, Mr. Charles Ellison, who joined his daughter to sing “Say Something” together.


紧随其后的是三、四年级同学们的精彩演奏。他们在钢琴、小提琴、架子鼓以及尤克里里演奏上都表现出了极大的天赋和才华。来自三、四年级的一对姐妹为我们带来了一曲精彩的钢琴和小提琴二重奏。除此之外,还有我们节奏感极强的架子鼓表演,让每个听众的心都随着节奏而律动。哈罗上海校长 Mr. Charles Ellison和他的女儿在音乐会的最后为我们带来了精彩的歌曲演唱“Say Something”。


Upper School Chamber Concert


 Chamber Concert   -

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在中学音乐会上,同学们带来了不同表演形式以及风格的乐器表演。五年级的同学们更是第一次站上中学音乐会的舞台去展现自己的音乐才华。通过同学们的音乐表演,我们也看到了哈罗上海未来音乐发展的无限潜能和美好愿景。中学组的精彩表演也是他们对音乐的热爱与坚持,以及每日辛勤练习的最好成果展示。音乐会的最后,由哈罗上海九年级学生组成的乐队“The Bluer ”为观众们带来了精彩的乐队演唱,也为本次中学音乐会画上了圆满的句号。

In the evening, it was the turn of our Prep and Senior students who put on a great show, displaying a wide range of musical styles and abilities. Many of our Year 5 students were eager to show their talents on the “Upper School stage” for the first time and gave us a snapshot of how much potential and promise there is for music at Harrow in the years to come. Our seasoned performers in the older year groups also demonstrated the exceptional results of many hours of practice. The concert concluded with a performance by the “Bluer Band”, a rock band recently formed by a group of talented musicians in Year 9.

Scan the QR code to sign up now to hear our talented pupils perform on Thursday, December 1st. UPPER SCHOOL CHAMBER CONCERT POSTER with QR code.



We want to thank all the musicians, the music department, the staff and the parents for their amazing support! What extraordinary talent on display – the future of music is very bright!




Do you have talent in music, or any other talent for that matter? If so, scan the QR code below to receive our Harrow Shanghai Scholarship Brochure which describes the many scholarships we have available for all kinds of talented 10-16 year olds.


如果你在音乐或者其他方面有着自己的热爱并且颇具造诣,我们欢迎您申请哈罗上海奖学金。本次奖学金面向想要就读哈罗上海的10-16 岁青少年。赶紧扫描下方二维码,获取奖学金申请详情吧!


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