
运输合同纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

北大法宝 2023-03-22
⊙ 本文长约4880字,阅读需时13分钟






China Ocean Shipping Agency Shanghai Co., Ltd. v. Nantong Jianghaitong Container Transportation Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over a transport contract)


Hangzhou Shuangye Import & Export Co., Ltd. v. COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over a contract for carriage of goods by sea)


Sinotrans Hubei Company Limited v. Wuhan COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd. (retrial case regarding dispute over a contract for carriage of goods by sea and by waters connected to sea)


China Ocean Shipping Agency Shanghai Co., Ltd. v. Nantong Jianghaitong Container Transportation Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over a transport contract)



[Judgment Abstract]

The carrier in a contract for carriage of goods by sea may consign the transportation of goods to other parties. This creates two independent legal relationships, namely the external relationship between carrier and consignor and the internal relationship between carrier and actual carrier. In the external legal relationship, the carrier should bear the legal consequences for serving as a captain or an owner of the vessel to the consignor. While in the internal relationship, if the actual carrier is liable for the accident, the carrier may recover compensation from the actual carrier after the settlement of external compensation. Therefore, the carrier has the right to recover compensation from the actual at-fault carrier after it has assumed compensation liability to the consignor.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.8272543(EN)


Hangzhou Shuangye Import & Export Co., Ltd. v. COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over a contract for carriage of goods by sea)



[Judgment Abstract]

The original bill of lading refers to the bill of lading signed and stamped by the carrier, the shipmaster or their agents and indicating the date of issuance. Delivery of goods without a bill of lading, also known as delivery of goods without an original bill of lading, means that the carrier or its agent (freight forwarder) or the port authority or warehouse manager, without taking back the original bill of lading, deliver the goods to the consignee or the notified party recorded on the bill of lading by virtue of a duplicate or a copy of the bill of lading and a letter of guarantee. In general cargo transportation, the carrier must deliver goods by virtue of the original bill of lading. Even if the original bill of lading has not ever been issued during transportation, the carrier should deliver the goods upon the confirmation of the owner of the goods and the person who books the cargo space, or by virtue of a letter of guarantee issued by such person. If the carrier fails to take back the original bill of lading, and hands over goods without the confirmation of the owner of the goods or by virtue of a letter of guarantee, it should be liable for breach of contract due to improper delivery of the goods.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.8272556 (EN)


Sinotrans Hubei Company Limited v. Wuhan COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd. (retrial case regarding dispute over a contract for carriage of goods by sea and by waters connected to sea)



[Judgment Abstract]

In a multimodal transport contract, if it's impossible to determine in which specific segment of multimodal transport the goods are damaged, the statute of limitations stipulated by relevant laws when an action is brought shall apply. In practice, the parties enter into a contract for carriage of goods by sea under which goods are actually transported by inland waters, coastal waters, land and other means of multimodal transport, rather than simply by sea or waters, and it's impossible to determine in which specific segment of multimodal transport the goods are damaged, then the case should be governed by the general statute of limitations as provided by laws and regulations when an action is brought, rather than directly subject to the provisions of the Maritime Law in this respect.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.88689663(EN)















责任编辑 | 金梦洋

稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)

审核人员 | 伍小凤 张文硕


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