

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


东京奥运会旅程中,@杨大妞YYY 发布万众期待的首金博文,引来画手输出可爱头像、媒体大V齐打CALL;详见:杨倩yyds!!!

我国首次火星探测任务,@天问一号祝融火星车 寄来来自太空的家书,媒体和网友共同掀起火星文对话潮;详见:沵恏焱暒,狆國唻孒!

上海迪士尼核酸检测时,当地博主@打浦桥Leehom 记录烟花秀准时在上空绽放,全国各地共同见证梦幻与现实的交织……详见:迪士尼烟花绽放时他们逆行防疫



The Transformational Power Of Empathy To Find Common Humanity


“Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing. Not a career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity.”——Audrey Hepburn

Empathy is the one way a person can step into another person's shoes and see from their perspective. It gives us hope and meaning. It helps us solve problems. It makes our world happier and healthier. It is what moves people to act. And it is what is most needed now.

Know What Empathy Means

Did you know newborns experience the precursor of empathy? When they hear other newborns cry, they become distressed. According to Positive Psychology, infants feel concern for others but still have difficulty regulating their own emotions. Toddlers develop empathy in sharing, apologizing and helping others. In early childhood, kids start to imagine how others feel. As we grow up, empathy develops more. To develop it, examine your biases, become curious about others' experiences and ask for feedback on how you impact others.

Dr. Richard Davidson believes we are prosocial at birth and have innate basic goodness. In infants, we have the “seeds of empathy” and continue to become empathetic throughout our lives. He did a study where he had scans and metrics of biology to reflect participant's behavior. His experiment was having a randomized controlled trial. For two weeks, participants would engage in 30 minutes of compassion practices each day. They scanned the participants before and after. There were “objective changes in the brain” shown by the MRI and more prosocial behavior. He notes that we feel better doing good.

According to Dr. Dan Siegel, there's “me” and “we,” but put together it becomes MWE. That’s because there's no true separation between ourselves and others when looked through an empathetic lens. Empathy is about emotional resonance. You take on the feelings, perspective and understanding of another's experience. Empathy leads to compassion. Compassion is when you not only feel for another person's experience, but you feel the desire to help them. The third stage is action, or when you act to alleviate suffering in another. Ultimately, the actions you take come back to you making you feel better as well. You heal yourself by healing others. That's why MWE is so important. Dr. Siegel says, “It's the integrated self from which empathy blossoms.”  Empathy is also not sympathy. Sympathy is pity or feeling sorry for someone. Empathy is much deeper.

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The Transformational Power Of Empathy To Find Common Humanity


“Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being's suffering. Nothing. Not a career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we're going to survive with dignity.”——Audrey Hepburn

“没有什么比对另一个人苦难的共情更重要了。不是事业,不是财富,不是智慧,当然也不是地位。如果我们要有尊严地生存下去,我们就必须对彼此共情。”——奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)


表示“同感能力;共鸣;同情”,英文解释为“Empathy is the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.”举个🌰:

Having begun my life in a children's home, I have great empathy with the little ones.


🎬电影《谍影重重4》(The Bourne Legacy)中的台词提到:Amped mission fidelity, minimized empathy 增强了任务忠诚度,降低了情感因素。

🎬电影《爸爸的好儿子》(That's My Boy)中的台词提到:with unending empathy, encouragement and honesty, 永恒的爱 鼓励和忠诚。

📍sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθɪ/ 表示“同情(心),理解”,英文解释为“(an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering”举个🌰:

He don't have much sympathy for her.


Empathy is the one way a person can step into another person's shoes and see from their perspective. It gives us hope and meaning. It helps us solve problems. It makes our world happier and healthier. It is what moves people to act. And it is what is most needed now.


step into sb.'s shoes

fill sb's shoes/step into sb's shoes 表示“取代(某人);接替(某人)的工作”,英文解释为“If you fill someone's shoes or step into their shoes, you take their place by doing the job they were doing.”举个🌰:

Who do you think will step into his shoes when he goes?



表示“(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法”,英文解释为“a particular way of considering something”举个🌰:

Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.


Know What Empathy Means 了解共情/同理心的含义

Did you know newborns experience the precursor of empathy? When they hear other newborns cry, they become distressed. According to Positive Psychology, infants feel concern for others but still have difficulty regulating their own emotions. Toddlers develop empathy in sharing, apologizing and helping others. In early childhood, kids start to imagine how others feel. As we grow up, empathy develops more. To develop it, examine your biases, become curious about others' experiences and ask for feedback on how you impact others.

你知道新生儿一出生就有同理心吗?当他们听到其他新生儿的哭声时,他们会感到难过。根据积极心理学(Positive Psychology),婴儿心系他人,但仍然难以调节自己的情绪。幼儿在分享、道歉和帮助他人中产生同理心。孩童早期,孩子们开始想象别人的感受。随着我们的成长,同理心会越来越多。培养同理心,要审视自己的偏见,对他人的经历感到好奇,并就你如何影响他人征求反馈意见。


表示“先驱,先锋;先兆,前兆”,英文解释为“something that happened or existed before another thing, especially if it either developed into it or had an influence on it”举个🌰:

Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs.



表示“烦乱的,焦虑的,忧虑的”,英文解释为“upset or worried”举个🌰:

She was deeply distressed by the news of his death.



表示“婴儿”,英文解释为“a baby or a very young child”。

📍上面提到的newborn指新生(儿),不过一般作形容词,如:a newborn infant 新生儿。


toddler /ˈtɒdlə/ 表示“学步的儿童”,英文解释为“A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps.”举个🌰:

I had a toddler at home and two other children at school.


🎬电影《相助》(The Help)中的台词提到:She's trying to blame it on a toddler. 她想把错赖在小孩子身上。


表示“偏见;偏心;偏向”,英文解释为“a strong feeling in favour of or against one group of people, or one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement”举个🌰:

Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.


Dr. Richard Davidson believes we are prosocial at birth and have innate basic goodness. In infants, we have the “seeds of empathy” and continue to become empathetic throughout our lives. He did a study where he had scans and metrics of biology to reflect participant's behavior. His experiment was having a randomized controlled trial. For two weeks, participants would engage in 30 minutes of compassion practices each day. They scanned the participants before and after. There were “objective changes in the brain” shown by the MRI and more prosocial behavior. He notes that we feel better doing good.

理查德·戴维森博士(Dr. Richard Davidson)认为,我们在出生时就是亲社会的,性本善。在婴儿时期,我们有“同理心的种子”,并在我们的一生中不断变得有同情心。他做了一项研究,他用扫描检查和生物学指标来反映参与者的行为。他的实验是有一个随机控制的试验。两周内,参与者每天进行30分钟的同情心练习。他们在实验前后都对参与者进行了扫描。核磁共振成像显示了“大脑中的客观变化”和更多的亲社会行为。他指出,我们做善事会感觉更好。


表示“亲社会的;忠实于既定社会道德准则的”,英文解释为“relating to or denoting behaviour which is positive, helpful, and intended to promote social acceptance and friendship.”


1)表示“(素质)天生的,与生俱来的”,英文解释为“an innate quality or ability is something you are born with”,举个🌰:

Children have an innate ability to learn language.


2)表示“(信仰)根深蒂固的”,英文解释为“an innate belief is something you feel strongly about and are unlikely to change”,如:the innate conservatism of the farming community 农业社区固有的保守主义。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述判断力问题的文章中提到:Some people think that good judgment is innate. 有些人认为良好的判断力是与生俱来的


1)表示“试验,试用”,英文解释为“the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of sb/sth, especially before you make a final decision about them”。

2)表示“审讯,审理,审判”,英文解释为“A trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.”举个🌰:

I have the right to a trial with a jury of my peers.



📍trail作名词则表示“小路,小径”,如:a forest/mountain trail 林间/山间小道,以及“臭迹;踪迹;痕迹;蛛丝马迹,线索”等意思(the smell or series of marks left by a person, animal, or thing as it moves along;various pieces of information that together show where someone you are searching for has gone)个🌰:

The dogs are trained to follow the trail left by the fox.



表示“同情;怜悯”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them”。

📺美剧《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)中的台词提到:I'm touched by your outpouring of compassion. 我都被你流露出的怜悯感动了。


表示“磁共振成像;核磁共振成像”,英文解释为“magnetic resonance imaging (a method of using a strong magnetic field to produce an image of the inside of a person's body)”

According to Dr. Dan Siegel, there's “me” and “we,” but put together it becomes MWE. That's because there's no true separation between ourselves and others when looked through an empathetic lens. Empathy is about emotional resonance. You take on the feelings, perspective and understanding of another's experience. Empathy leads to compassion. Compassion is when you not only feel for another person's experience, but you feel the desire to help them. The third stage is action, or when you act to alleviate suffering in another. Ultimately, the actions you take come back to you making you feel better as well. You heal yourself by healing others. That's why MWE is so important. Dr. Siegel says, “It's the integrated self from which empathy blossoms.”  Empathy is also not sympathy. Sympathy is pity or feeling sorry for someone. Empathy is much deeper.

根据丹·西格尔博士(Dr. Dan Siegel)的说法,有“我”和“我们”,但放在一起就变成了MWE。这是因为通过共情视角看,我们和他人之间没有真正的区别。同理心是关于情感的共鸣。你接受他人经历的感受、观点和理解。同理心会引起同情心。同情心是指你不仅对另一个人的经历感同身受,而且渴望帮助他们。第三阶段是行动,或者说当你采取行动来减轻另一个人的痛苦。最终,你所采取的行动会反馈到你身上,使你也感觉更好。你通过治愈他人来治愈自己。这就是为什么MWE是如此重要。西格尔博士说:“它是共情绽放的完整自我。”同理心也不同情心。同情是怜悯或为某人感到遗憾。同理心要深得多。


词典中没查到MWE是什么含义,后来发现应该是丹·西格尔博士(Dr. Dan Siegel)自己创造的一个词,具体含义:Dan Siegel, clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, suggests we create a new word, mwe, to represent that we are an individual self (me) linked and interconnected to everyone and everything else (we). 表示我们是一个独立的自我(Me),与其他所有人和事物(We)联系在一起并相互关联,就成了MWE.


resonance /ˈrezənəns/ 表示“共鸣(一个作品或一曲音乐使你产生的感情、思想、回忆等,也可指作品或乐曲中使这种情况发生的特质)”,英文解释为“a feeling, thought, memory, etc. that a piece of writing or music makes you have, or the quality in a piece of writing, etc. that makes this happen”


alleviate表示“减轻;缓和,缓解”,英文解释为“to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe”举个🌰:

The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.


📍2018年政府工作报告中提到:产业扶贫 alleviate poverty through the development of local industries;生态扶贫 alleviate poverty through the development and conservation of local ecological resources;


1)表示“(植物)开花”,英文解释为“When a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before producing fruit that can be eaten.”举个🌰:

The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.


2)表示“(人)变得更有魅力(或更成功、更自信);(好的感觉或关系)深入发展,增强”,英文解释为“When people blossom, they become more attractive, successful, or confident, and when good feelings or relationships blossom, they develop and become stronger.”举个🌰:

She is suddenly blossoming into a very attractive woman.










- 那年今日 -

2020 时代周刊:这是最糟糕的一年

2019 AWSL!!!

2018 2019年度流行色出炉

2017 特朗普税改

2016 新西兰总理突然宣布辞职

2015 Obese Dad's Sperm May...


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