

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

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Wukong and Guanyin flew over the ocean and back to the wide river.
From the sky Guanyin called, “Dragon! Come out of the river at once. The Tang Monk is here!”
The dragon rose from the river and bowed. “Bodhisattva,” he said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the monk had arrived. I was trying to rest. A nasty monkey was . . .” The dragon stopped talking when he saw Wukong next to Guanyin. “That’s him!”
“This is Sun Wukong,” said Guanyin. “He is traveling with the Tang Monk.”
The monkey didnt tell me that,” said the dragon. I even asked him who he was, and he didnt answer.
“I know,” said Guanyin. She shot Wukong a look. “From now on, you must tell people who you are. There are others waiting for you too.”
“Okay,” said Wukong.
Guanyin looked back at the dragon. “You will carry the Tang Monk to the Western Paradise.”
Sparkling light surrounded the dragon. When the light faded, a horse stood where the dragon had been. It looked exactly like the Tang Monk’s horse.
After Guanyin left, Wukong led the horse to the Tang Monk.
“You got the horse back!” said the monk.      
“No,” said Wukong. “Guanyin was here. She turned the dragon into a horse. He’s supposed to come with us.”
The Tang Monk fell to his knees and bowed.
Wukong laughed. “Stand up, Master. The bodhisattva is back on Mount Potalaka by now.”
“Do you need a ride?” called a voice.
Wukong spun around. A boat had arrived next to the shore.
“I will take you across the river,” said the boatman.
The Tang Monk stepped onto the boat, and Wukong followed with the horse. The boatman didn’t speak as he rowed them across the river.
On the other side of the river, the monkey led the horse onto the shore. The Tang Monk stepped out of the boat. When he turned to thank the boatman, the boat was gone.
Wukong laughed when he saw how confused the monk looked. “He was the river’s spirit,” the monkey explained.
The monk and the monkey continued their journey over hills and across plains.
“How long will it take to reach the Western Paradise?” the Tang Monk asked one afternoon.
“A long, long time,” said Wukong. “We’ve barely started our journey.”
They walked some more until they reached a Buddhist monastery.
“Let’s stop here for the night,” said Wukong. “We’re Buddhists. The priests inside will gladly give us some food and a place to sleep.”
Later that evening the Tang Monk and Wukong ate a meal with the priests. When the head priest heard where the Tang Monk was going, he was excited.
“You are going to get the True Scriptures,” said the priest. “That is quite an honor. How did the bodhisattva choose you?”
“She said that only a true believer could make the journey,” said the Tang Monk. “I tried on a robe, and she saw that I was a true believer.”
“Do you have the robe with you?” asked the priest.
“Yes,” said the Tang Monk. “It’s a Buddhist treasure.” He reached into his bag and pulled out the robe.
The priest’s eyes sparkled. “May I hold it?”
The Tang Monk handed the robe to the priest.
The priest admired it for a moment. “May I borrow it, just for tonight?”
The Tang Monk hesitated. “I guess that would be okay.”
Late that night the priest was awake, gazing at the robe. “I can’t return this robe. I must have it!” 帮你记单词:
1. nasty [ˈnæsti]  adj.极差的;令人厌恶的;令人不悦的;不友好的;恶意的;令人不愉快的;危险的;严重的  n.令人不愉快的事物
nas 鼻(nose) + ty 形容词或名词后缀 → 鼻子总是流鼻涕 → 难闻的,厌恶的
The news gave me a nasty shock.
2. row [roʊ , raʊ]  n.一排;一列;一行;(剧院、电影院等的)一排座位;(编织中的)针行,一整行 v.划(船);划船送(某人)  n.严重分歧;纠纷;吵架;争吵;大的噪音  v.吵架;大声争辩
He rowed as quickly as he could to the shore...
3. Buddhist monastery [ˈbʊdɪst ˈmɑːnəsteri]  佛教寺院;佛寺;佛院;僧院
Shaolin Monastery is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world.
Buddhist [ˈbʊdɪst]  n.佛教徒;佛门弟子  adj.佛教的;佛的(Buddha + ist)
Buddhism [ˈbʊdɪzəm]  n.佛教 (Buddha + ism)
Buddha [ˈbʊdə]  n.佛陀(佛教创始人);佛像;佛,觉者,知者(佛教中觉行圆满的人)
Buddhist nun 尼姑
nun [nʌn]  n.修女;尼姑
monastery [ˈmɑːnəsteri]  n.隐修院;修道院;寺院
词源:圣本笃Saint Benedict本是意大利贵族,罗马求学时厌倦了世俗生活,孤身一人到深山里修行,无意中被别人发现后,很多修道之人自愿追随他左右,修道院这一事物就此产生。monas同monos,表alone,-tery表场所,修道院就是monk [mʌŋk] n.僧侣的灵修之地。From:童理民
4. priest [priːst]  n.(天主教、圣公会、东正教的)司祭,神父,司铎;(非基督教会的)教士,祭司,僧侣
priestess:['priːstɪs] n.女祭司
priesthood:['priːsthʊd] n.祭司职,神职,僧职
He had trained to be a Catholic priest.
5. sparkle [ˈspɑːrkl]  v.闪烁;闪耀;生气勃勃;热情奔放;神采飞扬  n.闪烁(或闪耀)的光;生动新颖;亮点
spark 火花 + le 表反复  → 闪耀;闪烁
Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight.
6. hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt]  v.(对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决;顾虑;疑虑
hes 黏附 + it 站 + ate 动词后缀 → 脚像被粘住 → 踌躇,犹豫
The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it...

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