

2018-01-17 翻吧君 翻吧

Amid the glitz and glamour of the CES consumer electronics show in Las Vegas last week, one piece of news struck a particularly sour note for Chinese phone-maker Huawei. Despite months of preparation, the giant US mobile carrier AT&T announced last Monday that it was pulling out of a deal to sell Huawei's smartphones.

pulling out of a deal 是什么意思?



“冰花男孩”走红一周后,在他位于鲁甸县转山包村的家中,依然接待着络绎不绝地访客。1月10日至今,家里不断有来自各地的爱心人士到访,“有个人来的,也有以公司名义来的。”这些到访者不仅为王刚奎一家带来食物、御寒衣物,还有现金捐助。王刚奎估算了一下,一周以来,自己共收到各类捐助8000元左右。——“冰花男孩”之父:已收到8000元捐助 将去新岗位报到,新京报,2018年1月16日

参考译文:After a picture of his ice-covered hair went vira a week ago, the boy, Wang Fuman, saw a flock of visitors at his home in Luadian county, Yunnan Province of the southwestern China. Since January 10, many warmhearted people have visited his home, "personally, or for the business."  They brought in food, winter clothes, and even cash donation. Wang Gankui, the boy's father, said the family  has received various donations valued about 8, 000 yuan. ——Snowflake boy's father received 8K yuan valued donation and a new job. New Beijing Paper, Jan. 16, 2018. 

解析:1)重点词汇的翻译要注意。“冰花男孩”既可以指这个男孩,也可以指这个男孩的照片。在译文里可以从两个方面来入手。“捐助”一词用donation,不仅是cash donation, 也包括food donation 和winter clothes donation。同时,“各类捐助8000元”并不是单纯是指cash,也包括food,winter clothes的折价,即动词value,所以英文里要用8,000 yuan valued donation。“有个人来的,也有以公司名义来的”即来访的形式,可以接着动词visited,用状语形式来表达。Personally 即是“以个人名义”,“for the business”则是“代表公司”。2)增译。在中文里有一些信息并不完整,或让外国读者古不解。如,地名。中文报道通常会直接写某一县级地方,而在英文里,要扩大到省级,甚至写所在的区域。在译文里除了写Ludian county,还要加上Yunnan Province,以及Southwestern China。



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