

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Narcissistic personality disorder,简称为 NPD,是一种长久性的人格疾患。患者往往会过度夸大强化自我的重要性,过度渴求别人的赞赏,缺乏同理他人行为的能力。患者会花很多时间,思考如何获得权力、成功或提升外在形象。最大的特征之一就是患者经常无意识地利用身边的人。














How To Spot A Narcissist On The Very First Date

The Huffington Post

Spotting a narcissist in the early stages of dating isn’t as easy as you’d think, which is why so many people end up in relationships with them.

It’s possible to have some characteristics of narcissism without having full-blown, clinically diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder. There are some telltale signs, though, says psychologist Craig Malkin, author of the book Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad — And Surprising Good — About Feeling Special.

“Although there are many varieties of narcissism (outgoing and bombastic, shy and introverted, or proudly self-sacrificing), there are common traits,” Malkin said. “What they all have in common is a powerful aversion to sharing authentic emotional vulnerability.”

What other traits do they have in common? Below, Malkin and other experts share six red flags.

1. They’ve planned your date itinerary to a T.

You have to hand it to your date: He or she picked the restaurant, effusively recommended things on the menu and knew exactly what bar you should head to after dinner. It might be nice to have someone plan everything out for you for a change, but narcissists call the shots for a very particular reason, Malkin said. Open-ended plans might end with them not getting their way ― something they don’t respond well to.

“Instead of asking for what they want, narcissists often arrange events to make them happen,” he explained. “If your date insists on planning out the entire date, it could be a fun sweep-you-off-your-feet experience, but it could also signal something far more ominous: someone who demands that everything always goes their way.”

2. They love-bomb you.

You’re still waiting for your appetizers, and your date has already expounded on all the weekend getaways you should plan and how well you click. Their clear interest in you may be alluring at first, but watch out: Love-bombing ― overblown demonstrations of attention and affection meant to win someone over ― is a marker of narcissism, said Virginia Gilbert, a Los Angeles-based marriage and family therapist.

“The adoration is so intoxicating that you may ignore the fact that it’s way too soon to be planning a future together,” Gilbert said. “Reality check: Your date is using love-bombing to hook you so you’ll give him what he wants ― most likely physical intimacy, money, connections, or taking care of them.”

3. They subtly slip humble brags about themselves into the conversation.

Most narcissists brag, but those who rate high on the narcissism scale have figured out ways to do it covertly. That’s because they’re experts in impression management and have learned to keep their arrogance in check in the early stages, said Tina Swithin, a divorce coach and the author of Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield.

“A highly skilled narcissist may casually mention the high-end gym that they belong to or that they only fly first-class, but it is done with such subtle sophistication that their target may not even register it as a red flag,” she said. “The less-skilled narcissist will openly and obnoxiously discuss their Ivy League degree, or the square footage of their new apartment.”

4. They’re rude to the waitstaff.

Pay attention to how your date treats your waiter: It could be an indication of how they’ll eventually treat you, said Darlene Lancer, a marriage and family therapist and the author of Codependency for Dummies and Dealing with a Narcissist.

“How do they treat the waitress, the car hop, or staff at the ice cream shop? Rudeness and arrogance signal low self-esteem and narcissism,” Lancer said. “Their rudeness to the waiter and hostess could hint at pent-up rage and demanding and possibly emotionally abusive behavior.”

5. They assure you they’re looking for long-term love, but most of their relationships were short-lived.

If you’re on a date with a narcissist, they might tell you that they’re looking for a life partner, but can’t seem to find anyone who’s worth investing in, Lancer said.

“Chances are, their relationships have frequently ended after intimacy developed,” she said. “They’re looking for perfection but usually find some flaw, and end the relationship so they can continue their search.”

Unfortunately for you, the problem might lie with your date.

“Pay attention to the negative facts people divulge about relationships,” Lancer said. “Ignore their vulnerability, bragging, and compliments.”

6. They pry about your insecurities but never reveal theirs.

Narcissists will grill you about getting passed up for a promotion at work or joke about where you went to college, but they’ll get unnerved if you put them in a similar hot seat, Malkin said.

“The two of you will talk about your vulnerabilities or tough experiences you’ve had, but they’ll never once volunteer their own struggles,” he said. “You feel like you’re opening up, until you realize you’re the only one who’s laid your soul bare. With a narcissist, it’s likely that you’ll always be in the hot seat.”

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How To Spot A Narcissist On The Very First Date

The Huffington Post

Spotting a narcissist in the early stages of dating isn't as easy as you'd think, which is why so many people end up in relationships with them.



narcissist /ˈnɑːr.sə.sɪst/ 表示“自我陶醉者,自恋者”,英文解释为“someone who has too much admiration for himself or herself”。

📍narcissism /ˈnɑːr.sə.sɪ.zəm/ 表示“(对容貌和能力的)自我陶醉,孤芳自赏,自恋”,英文解释为“too much interest in and admiration for your own physical appearance and/or your own abilities”。

📍narcissistic /ˌnɑːr.sɪˈsɪs.tɪk/ 形容词,表示“自我陶醉的;自恋的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as narcissistic, you disapprove of them because they think about themselves a lot and admire themselves too much.”。

It's possible to have some characteristics of narcissism without having full-blown, clinically diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder. There are some telltale signs, though, says psychologist Craig Malkin, author of the book Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad — And Surprising Good — About Feeling Special.

即使没有全面的、经临床诊断的自恋型人格障碍(Narcissistic Personality Disorder),也有可能具有自恋的某些特征。心理学家克雷格·马尔金(Craig Malkin)说,会有一些明显的迹象。他是《重新思考自恋:感觉自己很特殊不仅有弊,居然也有利》(Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad — And Surprising Good — About Feeling Special)一书的作者。


表示“具所有特征的;充分发展的;成熟的”,英文解释为“completely developed”如:a full-blown crisis 全面危机。


1)表示“混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章”,英文解释为“a state of untidiness or lack of organization”举个🌰:

he whole office was in a state of disorder.


2)表示“失调,紊乱”,英文解释为“an illness of the mind or body”如:a blood disorder 血液失调。


表示“泄露秘密的”,英文解释为“allowing a secret to become known”举个🌰:

She found lipstick on his shirts - the telltale sign that he was having an affair.


“Although there are many varieties of narcissism (outgoing and bombastic, shy and introverted, or proudly self-sacrificing), there are common traits,” Malkin said. “What they all have in common is a powerful aversion to sharing authentic emotional vulnerability.”



这里表示“(人)开朗的,外向的,友好的,爱交际的”,英文解释为“(of a person) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others”。

📍其实outgoing还有一个含义表示“向外的;离开的”(going away from a particular place rather than arriving in it)。

📍前两天吃瓜内容中,有人问,这个outgoing voice call是什么意思?从字面上来看就是“向外出去的”,指的就是呼出的,拨出去的电话,当然,反过来就是呼入的,接听的电话(incoming call)。


表示“夸夸其谈的;夸大的”,英文解释为“using long and difficult words, usually to make people think you know more than you do”如:a bombastic statement 夸大的言辞。


introverted /ˈɪntrəvɜːtɪd/ 表示“内向的;不喜欢交往的”,英文解释为“Introverted people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people.”


表示“厌恶,反感;讨厌的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“(a person or thing that causes) a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something”举个🌰:

LR felt an instant aversion to him.



vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ 表示“易受伤害;有弱点;脆弱”,英文解释为“the quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable”。

What other traits do they have in common? Below, Malkin and other experts share six red flags.


red flag

表示“危险信号”,英文解释为“If you refer to something as a red flag, you mean that it acts as a danger signal.”

1. They've planned your date itinerary to a T. 他们已经把你的约会行程计划得很好。

to a T/to a tee

表示“恰好地;完全地”,英文解释为“perfectly or completely”举个🌰:

That job would suit you to a tee.


You have to hand it to your date: He or she picked the restaurant, effusively recommended things on the menu and knew exactly what bar you should head to after dinner. It might be nice to have someone plan everything out for you for a change, but narcissists call the shots for a very particular reason, Malkin said. Open-ended plans might end with them not getting their way ― something they don't respond well to.


have (got) to hand it to sb.

表示“不得不佩服(某人)”,英文解释为“If you say you have (got) to hand it to someone you mean that they have been very successful or skilful.”举个🌰:

I mean you've got to hand it to her, she's brought up those three children all on her own.


call the shots

表示“控制,操纵;处于决策地位”,英文解释为“to be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation”

Instead of asking for what they want, narcissists often arrange events to make them happen,” he explained. “If your date insists on planning out the entire date, it could be a fun sweep-you-off-your-feet experience, but it could also signal something far more ominous: someone who demands that everything always goes their way.”


sweep sb. off their feet

表示“使(某人)为之倾倒,使(某人)彻底爱上”,英文解释为“to make someone become suddenly and completely in love with you”举个🌰:

The first time he met her, he was completely swept off his feet.



表示“(使人感到)不吉利的,不祥的”,英文解释为“making you feel that something bad is going to happen”举个🌰:

‘How long will she be ill?’ he asked. There was an ominous silence.


2. They love-bomb you. 他们对你爱的轰炸。

You're still waiting for your appetizers, and your date has already expounded on all the weekend getaways you should plan and how well you click. Their clear interest in you may be alluring at first, but watch out: Love-bombing ― overblown demonstrations of attention and affection meant to win someone over ― is a marker of narcissism, said Virginia Gilbert, a Los Angeles-based marriage and family therapist.

你还在等待你的开胃菜,而你的约会对象已经阐述了所有你应该计划的周末出游以及你们之间的关系有多好。他们对你明显的兴趣一开始可能是诱人的,但要注意:爱的轰炸--过分夸张地表示关切和爱意以赢得对方--是自恋的一个标志,洛杉矶婚姻和家庭心理治疗师弗吉尼亚·吉尔伯特(Virginia Gilbert)说。


表示“(餐前的)开胃小吃;(一顿饭的)第一道菜,前菜”,英文解释为“a small amount of food eaten before a meal”。


表示“详细解释;阐述;详细说明”,英文解释为“to give a detailed explanation of something”举个🌰:

He's always expounding on what's wrong with the world.



熟词僻义,表示“成为朋友;受欢迎”,英文解释为“to become friendly or popular”举个🌰:

She and I really clicked the first time we met.



表示“诱人的,迷人的;吸引人的”,英文解释为“attractive or exciting”举个🌰:

I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.


“The adoration is so intoxicating that you may ignore the fact that it's way too soon to be planning a future together,” Gilbert said. “Reality check: Your date is using love-bombing to hook you so you'll give him what he wants ― most likely physical intimacy, money, connections, or taking care of them.”



表示“(经历或想法)令人陶醉的,令人极其兴奋的”,英文解释为“An intoxicating experience or idea makes you feel excited and emotional.”如:an intoxicating thought 令人陶醉的想法。


表示“亲密;密切;关系密切”,英文解释为“the state of having a close personal relationship with sb”。

也可以表示“亲昵的言行;性关系”,英文解释为“things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other”。

3. They subtly slip humble brags about themselves into the conversation. 他们巧妙地把“谦虚自夸”纳入谈话中。


表示“故作谦虚的自夸;故作矜持的炫耀”,英文解释为“something you say which appears as if you are complaining or embarrassed, but is really a way of telling people about something that you are very proud of”。

Most narcissists brag, but those who rate high on the narcissism scale have figured out ways to do it covertly. That’s because they’re experts in impression management and have learned to keep their arrogance in check in the early stages, said Tina Swithin, a divorce coach and the author of Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield.

大多数自恋者都会吹牛,但那些自恋程度高的人已经想出了暗中吹牛的方法。离婚指导、《与自恋者离婚:实践经验》(Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield)一书的作者蒂娜·斯维辛(Tina Swithin)说,这是因为他们是印象管理专家,并且已经学会在早期阶段控制自己的傲慢。


表示“吹嘘,夸耀”,英文解释为“to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own”举个🌰:

She's always bragging about how much money she earns.


“A highly skilled narcissist may casually mention the high-end gym that they belong to or that they only fly first-class, but it is done with such subtle sophistication that their target may not even register it as a red flag,” she said. “The less-skilled narcissist will openly and obnoxiously discuss their Ivy League degree, or the square footage of their new apartment.”



obnoxiously /əbˈnɑːk.ʃəs.li/ 表示“可憎地;惹人讨厌地”,英文解释为“in a very unpleasant or rude way”。


表示“常春藤”,英文解释为“a climbing plant, especially one with dark green shiny leaves with five points”,如:stone walls covered in ivy 爬满常春藤的石墙。

我们常听说的,常春藤盟校或常春藤联盟就是:Ivy League.

The Ivy League is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising sports teams from eight private universities in the Northeastern United States. 包括:布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学。

4. They're rude to the waitstaff. 他们对服务员很无礼。

Pay attention to how your date treats your waiter: It could be an indication of how they’ll eventually treat you, said Darlene Lancer, a marriage and family therapist and the author of Codependency for Dummies and Dealing with a Narcissist.

注意你的约会对象如何对待服务员。婚姻和家庭心理治疗师、《傻瓜式依赖症》(Codependency for Dummies)和《与自恋者打交道》(Dealing with a Narcissist)的作者达琳·兰瑟(Darlene Lancer)说,这可能预示着他们最终会如何对待你。

“How do they treat the waitress, the car hop, or staff at the ice cream shop? Rudeness and arrogance signal low self-esteem and narcissism,” Lancer said. “Their rudeness to the waiter and hostess could hint at pent-up rage and demanding and possibly emotionally abusive behavior.”



表示“免下车餐馆的侍者;汽车餐馆的侍者”,英文解释为“waiter or waitress at a drive-in restaurant”


表示“(感情)被压抑的,被抑制的”,英文解释为“Pent-up feelings are not allowed to be expressed or released.”举个🌰:

Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.



表示“(一阵)盛怒;(一阵)狂怒;(一阵)暴怒”,英文解释为“(a period of) extreme or violent anger”举个🌰:

Her sudden towering rages were terrifying.


5. They assure you they're looking for long-term love, but most of their relationships were short-lived. 他们向你保证他们渴望长久相爱,但他们的大多数关系是短暂的。

If you're on a date with a narcissist, they might tell you that they're looking for a life partner, but can't seem to find anyone who's worth investing in, Lancer said.


Chances are, their relationships have frequently ended after intimacy developed,” she said. “They're looking for perfection but usually find some flaw, and end the relationship so they can continue their search.”


(the) chances are

表示“很有可能”,英文解释为“it is likely”举个🌰:

Chances are (that) they'll be late anyway.


Unfortunately for you, the problem might lie with your date.


“Pay attention to the negative facts people divulge about relationships,” Lancer said. “Ignore their vulnerability, bragging, and compliments.”



divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ /dɪˈvʌldʒ/ 表示“泄露,透露(秘密)”,英文解释为“to make something secret known”举个🌰:

Journalists do not divulge their sources.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“赞美;称赞;钦佩”,英文解释为“to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc.”举个🌰:

She complimented him on his excellent German.


6. They pry about your insecurities but never reveal theirs. 他们窥探你的不安全感,但从不透露自己的不安全感。


表示“探听,打听(隐私)”,英文解释为“to try to find out private facts about a person”举个🌰:

As a reporter, he was paid to pry into other people's lives.


Narcissists will grill you about getting passed up for a promotion at work or joke about where you went to college, but they’ll get unnerved if you put them in a similar hot seat, Malkin said.



1)表示“盘问,审问”,英文解释为“to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time”举个🌰:

After being grilled by the police for two days, Johnson signed a confession.


2)表示“(在火焰或烧热的煤上)烧烤”,英文解释为“to cook food over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame”举个🌰:

Dad was grilling chicken in the back yard.


in the hot seat

表示“处境尴尬,处于困境”,英文解释为“in a position where you are responsible for important or difficult things”

“The two of you will talk about your vulnerabilities or tough experiences you’ve had, but they’ll never once volunteer their own struggles,” he said. “You feel like you’re opening up, until you realize you’re the only one who’s laid your soul bare. With a narcissist, it’s likely that you’ll always be in the hot seat.”



作动词,表示“主动提供(信息)”,英文解释为“to give information without being asked”举个🌰:

If I were you, I wouldn't volunteer any details of what happened.










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