

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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The wind stopped. Wukong jumped to his feet and called back the little Wukongs.
“Ugh,” moaned Bajie. “I need a nap.”

“Get up!” yelled the monkey. “We have to save the Tang Monk before the demon king eats him!”
Bajie rubbed his head. “How can we save him? That wind was too powerful.”
Wukong tapped his chin and thought. “I’ll sneak into the cave to see what I can find out.”
The monkey changed into a mosquito and squeezed through a crack in the cave’s door.
Deep in the cave, he heard someone crying. “That’s the Tang Monk,” thought Wukong.
The monkey found his master tied up in a dark room. 
“Master!” cried Wukong. He landed on the monk’shoulder.
“Wukong?” asked the Tang Monk, looking around. “Where are you?”
“I’m on your shoulder,” said Wukong. “I turned myself into a mosquito.”
“You must save me,” said the Tang Monk. He started to cry again.
“Stop crying,” said Wukong. “You’ll be free soon. First I must defeat the demon king. I’ll be back!”
Wukong flew down a tunnel and arrived in the throne room. Yellow Wind was talking to some other demons.
“Your wind magic blew Sun Wukong away,” said one demon.
Yellow Wind laughed. “Only the bodhisattva Lingji can stop my wind magic. Start a fire. We’re having a feast tonight!”
“Aha!” thought Wukong. “The bodhisattva Lingji lives on Mount Sumeru. I will ask him for help—quickly!”
The monkey leaped onto a cloud and raced through the sky. When he arrived on Mount Sumeru, Lingji came out of his pagoda.
“It’s nice to see you, Wukong,” said Lingji. “Would you like some tea?”
“No, thank you,” said Wukong. “I have an emergency!”
He quickly told the bodhisattva everything that had happened.
“I tried to fight the demon,” said the monkey. “But then he used powerful wind magic.”
“I know who the great king Yellow Wind is,” said Lingji. “He’s a weasel spirit. Buddha asked me to keep an eye on him. I told the spirit he could live on that mountain if he behaved.” Lingji shook his head. “I guess he’s not behaving anymore.”
“Can you help me?” asked Wukong. “They’re going to eat the Tang Monk tonight!”
“Of course,” said Lingji. He picked up a staff and put a small object into his robe. “Let’s go.”
Soon they were in the sky, looking down at the cave door.
“Knock on the door,” said Lingji. “Tell the demon to come out. I’ll do the rest.”
Wukong went down to the cave door and took out his iron bar. Smash! The door turned into a pile of rubble.
Yellow Wind rushed outside and yelled, “You smashed my door!” He took three deep breaths. But nothing happened.
“Huh?” said Yellow Wind.
He looked up and saw Lingji in the sky. The bodhisattva was holding a pearl in one hand.
The wind-stopping pearl!” cried Yellow Wind.
The demon king ran. Lingji threw his staff, which turned into a golden dragon. The dragon threw Yellow Wind against some rocks. There was a puff of smoke, and the demon turned into a yellow weasel.
Lingji picked up the weasel. “I’ll bring him to Buddha to be punished, Wukong. You may go find your companions. Good luck!”
Wukong ran into the cave and chased away the other demons. Then he untied the Tang Monk. The two of them went back out and found Bajie sleeping.

“Wake up, lazy!” shouted Wukong.


1. rub [rʌb]  v.擦;磨;搓;(使)相互摩擦;摩擦(尤指引起疼痛或损害)  n.擦;抹;搓;揉;问题;困难
Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting.
2.mosquito [məˈskiːtoʊ] n.蚊子
Are your mosquito bites still itching?
mosque  [mɑːsk]  n.清真寺
3. tunnel [ˈtʌnl]  n.地下通道;地道;隧道;(动物的)洞穴通道  v.开凿隧道;挖地道
tun 声音 + n 辅音双写 + el 地点,场所 → 声音从隧道里传出 → 隧道
词源:来自古法语tonel, 小桶,来自tonne,木桶,水桶,同源词tun。原指一种漏斗形的捕鸟网或烟囱,后引申词义地道,隧道等。
a railway/railroad tunnel
4. bodhisattva Lingji 灵吉菩萨
Little Mount Sumeru 小须弥山
5. pagoda [pəˈɡoʊdə]  n.(南亚或东亚的)佛塔
2. pagoda这个词儿也不是来自中文,也不是来自梵文,更不是什么波斯文,而是来自僧伽罗文,僧伽罗文中有一个词dāgaba 。
dāgaba dagoba ,pagoda实际上是这个僧伽罗单词的音译,或者认为,pagoda实际上源自dagoba这个单词,后者是前者的源头。
6. emergency [iˈmɜːrdʒənsi]  n.突发事件;紧急情况
e 出 + merg 沉,没 + ency 表行为 →〔突然〕出现 → 突发事件
7. weasel [ˈwiːzl]  n.鼬;黄鼠狼  v.逃避;含糊其辞
A weasel ran off with a chick in its mouth.
weasel out (of sth)
(informal, disapproving, especially NAmE) 逃避,推诿(责任或已作出的承诺)
to avoid doing sth that you ought to do or have promised to do
He's now trying to weasel out of our agreement.
8. rubble [ˈrʌbl] n.碎石;碎砖
The bomb reduced the houses to rubble .
9. The wind-stopping pearl 定风珠
10. chase [tʃeɪs]  v.追赶;追逐;追捕;努力获得;争取得到;追求;求爱  n.追赶;追捕;追逐;努力获得;争取;打猎
My dog likes chasing rabbits.




千万别把“发票”翻译成 invoice!否则误会大了...


为什么微信把“拍一拍”的翻译改成 tickle?有点污啊~













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