

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


TFBoys: Wang Yuan sorry over illegal smoking


One of China's biggest boybanders has apologised after he was caught smoking illegally in a Beijing restaurant.

Wang Yuan, who also uses the English name Roy Wang, is considered to be one of the country's most "socially responsible" public figures, so this transgression has caused Chinese social media to fall into meltdown.


transgress的名词形式,transgress作动词,表示“违背,违反(法律或道德准则)”,英文解释为“to break a law or moral rule”举个🌰:

Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished.



1) 表示“(尤指金融方面的)灾难”,英文解释为“a complete failure, especially in financial matters”,如:financial/economic/market meltdown 金融/经济/市场崩溃,举个🌰:

The last few months have seen the progressive meltdown of the country's political system.


2) 表示“崩溃(指一个人极度悲伤而不能应对生活)”,英文解释为“an occasion when a person becomes extremely upset and is not able to deal with a problem or situation”。

Wang Yuan's timing isn't ideal as China's government has stepped up a campaign to make it extremely difficult for celebrities to have any positive comeback if they are seen to do something that might negatively impact the country's youth population.


表示“时机的掌握,火候的把握 ”,英文解释为“the skill of doing something at exactly the right time”,如:perfect/good/bad timing,举个🌰:

He told jokes with an exquisite sense of timing.



表示“复出;东山再起;重新流行”,英文解释为“If someone such as an entertainer or sports personality makes a comeback, they return to their profession or sport after a period away. ”举个🌰:

Sixties singing star Petula Clark is making a comeback.


对比下文用的短语:bounce back

Punishment due

Beijing Health Supervision Authority has issued a statement saying that "smoking is prohibited in public places, indoor workplaces and on public transportation."

It says that the city's local health agency is conducting an investigation and that Wang will be "punished according to law".

北京卫生监督相关部门在微博发表声明,称“公共场所、工作场所的室内区域以及公共交通工具内禁止吸烟。”(smoking is prohibited in public places, indoor workplaces and on public transportation)相关机构正在进行核实调查,如果情况属实,将依法进行处罚。(be punished according to law)

The 18-year-old was caught puffing on a lit cigarette in the image shared by Sohu Entertainment on its social media channels.

He was apparently out with fellow stars, the actor Jia Nailiang and singer Yang Chaoyue at the restaurant, which the Beijing Youth Daily has identified as Japanese restaurant Sushi Tong.


puff /pʌf/ 表示“抽 (香烟、雪茄、烟斗等)”,英文解释为“If someone puffs on or at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it.”举个🌰:

He lit a cigar and puffed on it twice.


此外,puff还有“喘粗气”的意思,英文解释为“If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort.”举个🌰:

He caught up with Tom, puffing for breath.



huff:表示“怒气冲冲地说”,英文解释为“to say something in an annoyed or offended way” 举个🌰:

"Well if that's how you feel, I'll go," she huffed.


短语:huff and puff

1)表示“气喘吁吁”(to breathe out in a noisy way, especially when you do something that involves a lot of physical effort)举个🌰:

He was huffing and puffing by the time he got to the top.


2)表示“强烈反对;发脾气”(to show clearly that you strongly disagree with or are annoyed about something)举个🌰:

After a lot of huffing and puffing, he eventually gave in to our request.



"This incident has made me deeply reflect on my own behaviour and I am very sorry and embarrassed about the adverse social impact that I have created"

Wang Yuan's apology on Weibo - where he has more than 72 million followers - has had hundreds of thousands of replies.

The singer, who is also a Unicef Special Advocate for Education and was one of Time Magazine's "30 most influential teens of 2017" says: "This incident has made me deeply reflect on my own behaviour and I am very sorry and embarrassed about the adverse social impact that I have created".

He adds that he will bear responsibility and accept punishment for his actions.

王源入选美国《时代》周刊2017年30位全球最具影响力青少年(one of Time Magazine's "30 most influential teens of 2017");2017年出任“联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者(Unicef Special Advocate for Education)”;成立“源公益专项基金”;2018年出任“联合国儿童基金会大使”。

The teenager's reputation so far has been rather squeaky clean and besides being a singer, songwriter, television host and actor, his reputation is based on his activism and charitable work.

squeaky clean

表示“品行端正的;高尚纯洁的”,英文解释为“If you say that someone is squeaky clean, you mean that they live a very moral life and have never done anything wrong.”举个🌰:

Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all. 也许这个人根本就不是那么高尚纯洁。

Comments are coming thick and fast with the hashtag #RoyWangSmokes being used more than 369,000 times, while #RoyWangApologises appears on Weibo more than 1.3m times.

But in recent months, any whiff of a celebrity scandal, no matter how seemingly small it is, has seen Weibo users seek immediate action against the culprit - and broadcast/print media responding brutally by ensuring that such celebrities are pulled off the airwaves.

thick and fast

表示“大量迅速”,英文解释为“quickly and in large numbers”举个🌰:

Distress calls were pouring in, thick and fast, from all over the area.



whiff本义是指“一股淡淡的气味”(a very slight smell of something),如:a whiff of tobacco 一股烟草味,举个🌰:

As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.


此处表示“些许;轻微的迹象(感觉)”,即任何一丁点儿的明星丑闻(any whiff of a celebrity scandal)都不能有,如:a whiff of danger/adventure/freedom 危险/冒险/自由等的些微迹象,英文解释为“a slight sign that something dangerous, exciting etc might happen”,举个🌰:

The whiff of danger filled her with excitement.



1) 表示“犯罪者;犯错者”,英文解释为“When you are talking about a crime or something wrong that has been done, you can refer to the person who did it as the culprit.”

2) 表示“(造成问题或麻烦的)原因”,英文解释为“When you are talking about a problem or bad situation, you can refer to its cause as the culprit.”举个🌰:

About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.


the airwaves

表示“广播和电视节目”,英文解释为“radio and television broadcasts”,如:a subject that’s been debated on the airwaves 广播和电视中辩论过的一个话题。


作动词,本身有“(尤指因为有冒犯性或不准确)撤下即将出版(或传播)的材料”的意思,英文解释为“to remove or stop something that was going to be published or broadcast, especially because it is found to be offensive or not accurate”举个🌰:

When officials realized the cultural gaffe, the company pulled the ad and apologized.


be pulled off the airwaves此处即可理解为在荧屏上被封杀,被禁播。

The teenager has got a huge fan base, so lots of Weibo users are commending him for "recognising his mistakes".

Some are also calling on him to take better care of himself, noting the pressures he must be under in the public eye.


表示“赞扬,称赞,表彰”,英文解释为“to formally praise someone or something”举个🌰: The judge commended her for/on her bravery. 法官称赞了她的勇敢。


But others are delighting at the dilemma this creates for the authorities, with one saying "the image of CCTV's youth representative has collapsed".

Others are commenting on the bad example he sets to young people. But there's a lot of wider discussion over whether, in his case, celebrities can bounce back, and whether anyone in the public eye can make a mistake anymore.

bounce back

表示“重新振作”,英文解释为“If you bounce back after a bad experience, you return very quickly to your previous level of success, enthusiasm, or activity.”举个🌰:

We lost two or three early games but we bounced back.


Meanwhile he's not the only one in trouble. The Beijing Youth Daily paper says that the local authorities have investigated and found that the Sushi Tong restaurant "violated relevant requirements".

The restaurant has been ordered to make corrections within a time limit, or else "be dealt with according to law".

昨日下午,北京市朝阳区卫监所对位于工体的“桐寿司”进行执法检查。现场,朝阳区卫监所的执法人员检查发现,餐厅没有禁止吸烟的标识,也没有相应的禁止吸烟管理制度,违反了相关要求(violate relevant requirements)。朝阳卫监所责令该餐厅限期改正(make corrections within a time limit),整改期间如果仍有问题,将依法进行处理(be dealt with according to law)。


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姚明 | 易烊千玺  |  关晓彤  |  江疏影 | 徐小平 

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蒂凡妮  |  梅拉尼娅

- END -

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