

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

79 / 80 / 81 / 82 / 83 / 8485

Wukong shouted outside the cave. He shouted all kinds of insults about the Demon of Power.

Inside the cave the guard woke up.

He ran to the demon’s bedroom. “Master!” cried the guard. “The monkey is back!”

“It’s the middle of the night,” said the demon. “What does he want?”

“He said we must return the queen,” said the guard. “If we don’t, he’ll smash our entire mountain. He also yelled some terrible things about you.”

The Demon of Power climbed out of bed and grabbed the fake bells. “I’ll chase the monkey away with my fire, smoke, and sand again.” He tied the bells around his neck and went outside.

The demon glared at Wukong. “Go away!

I’m sleeping!”

“Return the queen!” shouted the monkey.

“Never!” said the demon. He reached for the bells around his neck.

Wukong pretended to be surprised. “Oh,” he said. “I have bells just like those.”

The demon squinted at the monkey. “I doubt your bells are like mine. Let me see them.”

Wukong held up the bells. The demon peered at them for a moment. “Those bells do look like mine. But my bells are magic.”

“So are mine,” said Wukong.

“My bells can make fire, smoke, and sand,” said the demon.

“That’s interesting.” Wukong smiled. “My bells can do that too.”

“Really?” The Demon of Power looked surprised. “Let’s compare bells to see whose work better.”

“Okay,” said Wukong. “You go first.”

“I was planning to,” said the demon. He shook his bells. Nothing happened.

He shook the bells again. Again nothing happened.

“That’s strange,” the demon mumbled. He looked closely at the bells. “These bells worked fine yesterday.”

Wukong tried not to laugh. “Let’s see if my bells work,” he said.

The monkey shook the bells. Whoosh! Fire, smoke, and sand rushed toward the demon.

“Aargh!” cried the demon. He covered his face and fell to the ground.

Wukong pulled out his iron bar and got ready to strike.

“Wukong, stop!” shouted a voice.

The monkey looked up and saw Guanyin coming down from the sky.

Wukong bowed. “Greetings, Bodhisattva. I was just going to destroy this demon.”

“You must not harm him,” said Guanyin.

“He’s my pet wolf. He escaped from Heaven.”

The bodhisattva looked at the demon. “Return to your true form!”

Light sparkled, and the demon turned into a huge wolf. Guanyin climbed onto the wolf’s back.

She looked at the wolf’s neck and then at Wukong. “Give me the bells, Wukong.”

“What bells?” Wukong held the bells behind his back.

“My wolf wears a set of three bells,” said Guanyin. “I know you have them. You could not have defeated the wolf without them.”

Wukong shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re—”

Hand them over,” said Guanyin. “Or I’ll recite the Tight Headband spell.”

“There’s no need for that!” cried the monkey.

“I was just joking!” Grinning sheepishly, he handed over the bells.

Guanyin tied the bells around the wolf’s neck and then rode up into the sky.

Back at the palace, the king and queen were reunited.

“Thank you for rescuing the queen, Sun Wukong,” said the king.

“Tonight we will hold a feast to thank you and your companions,” said the queen.

That night the royal banquet hall was filled with people. Servants carried trays filled with rice, vegetables, mushrooms, noodles, tofu, dumplings, and other food.

Bajie ate everything in front of him.

“Would you like more steamed buns?” asked a servant.

“You don’t need to ask,” said the pig. “Just put food in front of me, and I’ll eat it!”
1.squint [skwɪnt]  v. 瞇着眼睛看;斜视;(人)患斜视 n.斜视;瞥;瞟
He squinted at the letter in his hand.
2.hand over [hænd ˈoʊvər]  转交;递交;移交(犯人等);(把…)移交(给…)处理
He also handed over a letter of apology from the Prime Minister...
3.sheepishly [ˈʃiːpɪʃli] adv.怯懦地,羞怯地;愚蠢地
sheepish [ˈʃiːpɪʃ] adj.窘迫的;难为情的;不好意思的
sheep [ʃiːp] n.羊;绵羊
As they check out, grinning a little sheepishly, the receptionist wonders idly they've managed to escape their respective spouses for the weekend.
4.steamed bun [stiːmd bʌn]  馒头;包子;馍馍
A fly was hovering above a steamed bun.



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