

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

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The Daoist had vanished! Wukong ran outside and shot into the air. He looked in every direction.

“Where did the Daoist go?” asked the monkey.

Then he heard a shout from inside the palace.

“There are two Tang Monks!” cried Bajie.

Wukong flew back inside. Two Tang Monks stood side by side.

“We can’t tell them apart,” said Wujing.

“They look exactly alike.”

“Which one of you is the real Tang Monk?” asked Wukong.

“I am!” said one.

The other monk glared at the first one. “No, I am!”

The first monk looked at Wukong. “Don’t believe him, Wukong. I am the real Tang Monk.”

“Don’t believe him!” said the other monk. “I am the real Tang Monk.”

Angry, Wukong pulled out his iron bar. “Which one of you is the real Tang Monk?”

Both Tang Monks fell to their knees, shaking with fear.

“Don’t hit me!” they both cried.

The monkey sighed. He turned to Bajie and Wujing. “What can we do?”

“I have an idea,” said Bajie, smiling. “But you won’t like it.”

“What is it?” asked Wukong.

The two Tang Monks should recite the Tight Headband spell,said the pig. Only the Tang Monk, Guanyin, and Buddha know the spell. Well know right away which Tang Monk is fake.

“You just want to see me in pain!” said Wukong. Then he sighed. “But it is a good idea.”

Bajie and Wujing stood near the monks.

“Master, recite the Tight Headband spell,” said Wukong.

Both monks began speaking, and Wukong fell to the floor. “It hurts!” he cried.

Bajie watched the Tang Monks carefully. One of them was reciting the spell. But the other one wasn’t.

“This is the fake Tang Monk!” shouted the pig, pointing. “He’s just mumbling nonsense!”

The real monk stopped reciting the spell. Bajie and Wujing tried to grab the fake monk. But the monk changed into a green lion and ran out of the throne room.

“Get him!” shouted Wukong.

He and his companions chased the lion. Outside, the lion leaped into the air. Wukong and the others shot after him. Clouds swirled, and soon they had the lion surrounded.

Wukong pulled out his iron bar and raised it to strike. 

Just then a deep voice called out, “Do not hit him, Sun Wukong!”

Everyone looked up.

“It’s the bodhisattva Manjusri!” said Wukong.

“This green lion is my pet,” said the bodhisattva. “The king of the Black Rooster

Kingdom was cruel to someone many years ago. So my lion came to Earth to punish him. The king’s punishment is over now.”

The bodhisattva and the lion disappeared above the clouds.

That night the king of the Black Rooster Kingdom hosted a feast. During the feast he turned to the Tang Monk. “Thank you for your help. I hope you will reach the Western Paradise very soon.”

Weeks passed, and the travelers continued west. One day Wukong saw a mysterious red cloud over the mountains ahead.

“Stop walking,” he said quietly.

“What’s wrong?” asked the Tang Monk.

The red cloud disappeared. Wukong shook his head. “Nothing, Master. I thought I saw a red cloud.”

They walked some more. Wukong saw the red cloud again. He held up his hand for the others to stop. The red cloud disappeared once again, and Wukong started to walk again. But then the red cloud reappeared.

“Stop,” said the monkey.

The Tang Monk groaned. “Wukong, should we keep going or not?”

1.shout [ʃaʊt]  v.大声说;叫;嚷;斥责;怒骂;呼叫;喊叫;(在酒吧、餐厅等)请人喝饮料(或吃东西)  n.(愤怒、害怕、激动等的)呼喊,喊叫声;轮到某人请客(喝饮料)
I shouted for help but nobody came.
2.nonsense [ˈnɑːnsens]  n.谬论;胡扯;胡言乱语;愚蠢的行为;冒失;不可接受的行为;毫无意义的话;没有意义的文章
non 不,非 + sense 意义 → 无意义〔的话〕→ 废话
Reports that he has resigned are nonsense.
3.throne [θroʊn]  n.(国王、女王的)御座,宝座;王位;王权;帝位 vt.登上王座使即王位;使登基
thr (three)三(代表“多”) + one 一 → 许多人里面最厉害的一个(才能登上王位) → 王位,御座
Sun Wukong, his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.
4.Bodhisattva Manjusri 文殊菩萨
bodhisattva [ˌboʊdɪˈsɑːtvə]  n.(佛教中的)菩提萨(略作菩萨)
5.mysterious [mɪˈstɪriəs]  adj.神秘的;奇怪的;不易解释的;陌生的;诡秘的;故弄玄虚的
mystery + ous 形容词后缀 → 神秘的
mystery [ˈmɪstəri]  n.神秘的事物;不可理解之事;奥秘;神秘的人(或事物);陌生而有趣的人(或事物);神秘;不可思议
myst 神秘 + ery 名词后缀 → 神秘的事物
A mysterious young woman is living next door.


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