

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

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Wukong and Guanyin stood on the lotus platform above Red Boy’s mountain.

“Let’s attack Red Boy now,” said the monkey.

“Wait, Wukong,” said Guanyin, holding up a hand. “There’s a lot of water in this

vase—enough for an ocean. I don’t want any animals harmed when I pour it out.” She recited a quick spell.

A moment later the local spirit arrived.

“Bodhisattva,” said the spirit. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m going to pour magic water around Red Boy’s mountain,” said Guanyin. “Please make sure all the animals are far, far away from the mountain.”

“Yes, Bodhisattva,” said the spirit.

The spirit flew down to earth. Wukong watched the ground below. First he saw some small animals scurry out from under bushes. Birds flew from branches. Then tigers, bears, and other large animals stampeded down the mountainside. Soon there wasn’t a single animal anywhere near the mountain.

“Now I can pour the water out,” said Guanyin.

She tipped the vase, and rolling waves of water poured out. The waves washed down the slopes of the mountain. The water level rose higher and higher, forming an ocean. Only the top of the mountain was above water.

“Wukong, go down there and get the demon to come out,” said Guanyin. “Fight him, but don’t defeat him. Instead, lead him up here to me.”

Wukong jumped down to the mountain. He pulled out his iron bar and swung it. Smash! The door to the cave exploded.

Red Boy ran out of the cave, looking furious. “You smashed my front door!” he shouted.

“That’s right,” said the monkey. “And I’ll smash you if you don’t release my friends.”

“Ha!” Red Boy laughed and then punched himself in the nose. Nothing happened. “Why didn’t my fire magic work?” asked the demon. Then he noticed the ocean surrounding his mountain.

Wukong laughed. “That is magic water, brought here by the bodhisattva Guanyin. You can’t make fire anywhere near it.”

“Aargh!” Red Boy stabbed at Wukong with his lance.

Clang! The monkey blocked the lance with his iron bar. Red Boy grunted and stabbed again. Wukong swung his iron bar, nearly knocking the lance from Red Boy’s hands.

The two fought until Wukong pretending to be scared, leaped into the air. Red Boy followed Up into the sky they flew. Red Boy kept jabbing his lance at Wukong. The monkey blocked it with his iron bar.

Wukong hurried toward Guanyin on the lotus platform. He flew fast and ducked behind her.

When Red Boy saw the bodhisattva, he stopped. “What are you doing here, Bodhisattva?” he demanded.

Guanyin stared back at the demon. But she didn’t say a word.

“I asked why you’re here!” shouted Red Boy.

Again Guanyin didn’t answer.

“Did Wukong ask you to come here?” shouted the demon. “Why don’t you speak?”

Guanyin continued to stare silently at Red Boy. The demon became furious. He raised his lance and shot toward Guanyin. The bodhisattva vanished!

Red Boy laughed. “I guess she was scared of me.” He looked at the empty lotus platform. “Wukong is a fool! He couldn’t defeat my fire magic, so he asked Guanyin for help. And what did she do? She ran away as soon as I raised my weapon. Now this Buddhist treasure is mine!” Red Boy sat down on the platform. Instantly the platform turned back into swords, which surrounded the demon. Sharp points stuck at him on all sides.

“Oh no!” cried Red Boy. “I’m trapped!”


1.scurry [ˈskɜːri]  v.碎步疾跑  n.快步急跑,疾走;仓皇奔跑声;骤雨,骤雪;短距离赛马
Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food.
2.tip [tɪp]  n.尖端;尖儿;端;(装在顶端的)小部件;指点;实用的提示;小费 v.(使)倾斜,翻覆;倒出;倾倒;倾覆;轻触;轻碰
the tip of your nose
He gave the waiter a generous tip .
The boat tipped to one side.
3.smash [smæʃ]  v.(哗啦一声)打碎,打破,破碎;(使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞;(用力)撞开,击穿,闯过 n.破碎;打碎;破碎(或打碎)的哗啦声;撞车;高压球;扣球
The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces.
4.lance [læns]  n.(旧时骑兵的)长矛  v.用刀切开(感染处放脓)
同源词:freelance, freelancer
...the clang of lances striking armour.
5.grunt [ɡrʌnt]  v.发出呼噜声;发出哼声;咕哝;嘟哝 n.哼声;咕哝声;嘟哝声;(尤指猪的)呼噜声;工作乏味收入低的工人;步兵;士兵;大兵
He grunted something about being late and rushed out.
Clive made a noise, something like a grunt


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