

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集

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From behind Guanyin, Wukong peeked at Red Boy. The demon was trapped by the swords, all pointed at his face.

“Get these swords away from me!” cried the demon.

“You must become a Buddhist,” said Guanyin. “Then I’ll release you.”

“I promise!” cried Red Boy. “I’ll do whatever you say!”

Guanyin recited a spell, and the swords vanished. Red Boy’s eyes flashed with anger.

“Bodhisattva, watch out!” cried Wukong.

Red Boy charged toward Guanyin.  Wukong jumped in front of him. The monkey was about to strike the demon when Guanyin held up five metal bands. She threw them at Red Boy. Instantly they clamped around his head, wrists, and ankles.

“Evil demon!” said Guanyin. “How dare you try to attack me!”

Unable to move, Red Boy glared at Guanyin.

Wukong raised his iron bar to strike him.

“No, Wukong,” said Guanyin. “Don’t hurt the demon. I will take him back to Mount Potalaka to be my student.”

“Yes, Bodhisattva,” said the monkey.

Guanyin took the vase down to earth. She recited a spell, and all the water flowed back into the vase. She then led Red Boy toward the south.

Wukong went into Red Boy’s cave and freed the Tang Monk. Then he found Bajie and freed him. The three of them went down the mountain and found Wujing.

The group continued west. They traveled for weeks and then months. One day they came to a wide river.

“I can’t believe we have to cross another river,” muttered Bajie.

“There are many rivers between here and the west,” said Wukong. “We’ll have to cross them all.”

“How will we cross this one?” asked the Tang Monk.

A small canoe came into view. A man paddled it toward the travelers. As the man paddled, he stared at the Tang Monk.

“Greetings!” called the man as he came closer. “Do you all need a ride across the river?”

“Yes,” said the Tang Monk. “We were just wondering how we would get across. We’re going to the west to get scriptures from Buddha.”

“You must be the Tang Monk!” said the man brightly. “I’ve heard you would pass through this area eventually.”

“Really?” asked the Tang Monk.

“Yes,” said the man with a smile. “You’re famous.” He glanced down at his canoe. “I would be happy to take you all across. But as you can see, my canoe is not very big. I can take only two passengers at a time.”

As the man talked, Wukong watched him carefully. Something about the man didn’t look quite right. The monkey was about to say something when Bajie stepped forward.

“The Tang Monk and I will go first,” said the pig.

Wukong hesitated. “Master, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

The Tang Monk frowned. “You never trust people, Wukong. This kind man is willing to help us cross the river.”

The monkey bit his lip as the monk and Bajie climbed into the canoe. They sat down, and the man paddled away from shore.

Wukong watched the canoe glide across the river. When it was about halfway across, Wukong noticed something.

“Am I imagining things, or is the canoe sinking?” asked the monkey.

Wujing looked. “You’re not imagining things,” he said. “It is sinking!”

The two of them watched as the canoe slipped under the surface of the water.

Wukong stamped his foot. “That man kidnapped Master and Bajie! I knew he looked suspicious!”


1.watch out [wɑːtʃ aʊt]  小心,提防(不愉快的事情或陷入困境)
You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place...
2.charge toward 冲向
I am bound to conquer English and charge toward success!
3.paddle [ˈpædl]  n.桨;船桨;(机具的)桨状部分;(尤指)食物搅拌器的桨叶;蹚水;赤脚涉水 v.用桨划船;蹚水;赤足涉水;狗趴式游泳
pad 蹚水 + le 表示反复
We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.
We paddled the canoe along the coast.
4.glide [ɡlaɪd]  v.滑行;滑动;掠过;滑翔  n.滑行;滑动;滑翔;滑音;音渡;过渡音
The plane managed to glide down to the runway.


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