

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

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Wukong stared at the mountains. “A red cloud keeps appearing over those mountains,” he said. “There must be a demon ahead.”

“The road leads right into those mountains,” said the Tang Monk nervously.

Wukong nodded. “We must be careful.”He pulled out his iron bar and held it up.

Wujing held up his spear, and Bajie held up his rake. The group walked cautiously.

A red demon sat on a mountain peak, watching the travelers approach.

“The Tang Monk has finally arrived at my mountain,” the demon said to himself. “I’ve heard that eating just one bite of him will make me live forever.”

The demon looked at the travelers again. “Uh-oh. The monk’s companions have their weapons out. They probably saw my red cloud. I’ll have to trick them with a disguise.”

The demon made himself look like a scared little boy. Then he went down to the road, sat alongside it, and waited.

Soon the travelers approached. The Tang Monk saw the boy and got down from his horse.

“Master, that’s a demon,” warned Wukong. 

The Tang Monk scowled at the monkey. “He’s just a scared little boy.” He turned back to the boy. “Whats wrong?

“My family was attacked by robbers,” said the boy. “Please help me.”

“I know what you are!” shouted Wukong. “You’re a demon! I won’t let you eat the Tang Monk!”

The boy looked horrified.

“Wukong!” snapped the Tang Monk. “You’re scaring him!”

“Master, you’re being a fool again!” cried the monkey. “You always fall for demons’tricks, and you never believe me.”

“Be quiet, Wukong,” said the Tang Monk. “Or I’ll recite the Tight Headband spell.”

Wukong glared angrily at the boy. But he didn’t say another word.

The Tang Monk helped the boy to stand up. “Can you walk?” asked the monk.

The boy shook his head. “My leg is injured.”

The Tang Monk waved Wukong over. “Please carry the boy. And don’t be mean to him.”

The group continued west, with Wukong carrying the boy on his back. The monkey walked slowly, and soon his companions were far ahead.

“You tricked the Tang Monk,” said Wukong to the boy. “But you haven’t tricked me. I know you’re a demon.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”said the boy.

A powerful wind blew, uprooting trees and almost knocking over Wukong.

The monkey laughed. “I know that you’re making this wind blow. Use all the magic you want. You won’t be able to blow me away. I once defeated Heaven’s entire army!

The road now ran along the edge of a cliff. Wukong looked down.

“I’ll throw you over the edge of this cliff,” he said. “Then I’ll just tell the Tang Monk you ran away.”

The monkey tried to grab the boy from his back. But at that moment, the boy disappeared.

Wukong laughed. “He must have gotten scared.”

The wind suddenly grew stronger, and dust filled the air. Wukong heard screams and rushed ahead to find his friends.

“Master!” cried the monkey, trying to see through the dust. “Where are you?”

When the wind stopped, he saw Bajie and Wujing lying by the road.

“That was some wind,” said the pig, getting up.

“It knocked us over,” said Wujing.

Wukong looked frantically around. “Where’s Master?”

“Oh no!” cried Bajie. “That boy was a demon. He kidnapped Master!”

Wukong shook his head. “Let’s all go home. The journey is over.”

1.cautiously [ˈkɔʃəsli]  adv.小心地,谨慎地
cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs]  adj.小心的;谨慎的
cau 小心 + tion + ous 形容词后缀 → 小心的
The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans...
2.disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz]  v.假扮;装扮;伪装;掩蔽;掩饰 n.伪装物;化装用具;假扮;装扮;伪装
dis 表否定 + guise 装束 → 改变装束或外表 → 伪装
The hijackers were heavily disguised.
a blessing in disguise
3.scowl [skaʊl]  v.怒视(某人或某物)  n.怒容;不悦的神色
He scowled, and slammed the door behind him...
4.uproot [ˌʌpˈruːt]  v.将…连根拔起;(使)离开家园(或熟悉的地方等)
合成词:up 上,向上 + root 根 → 根除
We decided to uproot and head for Scotland.
They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat.
5.frantically [ˈfræntɪklɪ]  adv.疯狂似地
frantic + al形容词后缀 + ly 副词后缀 → 疯狂似地
frantic [ˈfræntɪk]  adj.紧张忙乱的;手忙脚乱的;(由于恐惧或担心)无法控制感情的,发狂似的
She clutched frantically at Emily's arm.


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