

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

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Wukong and his companions were walking through a forest.

“I’m glad the road goes through this shady forest,” said the Tang Monk. “The sun is very hot this morning.”

Wujing nodded. “It’s nice to walk in the shade.”

Wukong looked around suspiciously. He knew that forests were often filled with dangers.

Suddenly Bajie fell flat on his face. “Oof!”

He climbed back to his feet and rubbed his nose. “Im okay,he said. I tripped on a rock.”

The travelers soon came to a wall running along the road. Behind the wall they could see the roof of a house. Up ahead was a gate.

“I wonder who lives here,” said Wujing.

“Shh,” said Wukong. “I hear laughter.”

The monkey peeked over the wall. Three young women were laughing and kicking a ball around.

“I see three young women,” said Wukong.

“Let’s ask them for some food,” said Wujing.

“That’s a good idea,” said Bajie. “I’ll go talk to them.” The pig headed toward the gate.

“Bajie, wait here,” said the Tang Monk.

He looked at his companions. “I will speak to the women. You three might frighten them.”

“Frighten them?” Bajie echoed.

“Yes,” said the Tang Monk. “After all, Bajie, you’re a large, talking pig. Wujing, you’re big and purple. And, Wukong, you’re scary sometimes.”

The monkey shrugged.

Wujing nodded.

“Fine,” snapped Bajie.

The Tang Monk opened the gate and went through. He approached the women.

“Look!” said one woman. “We have a visitor.”

“He’s a monk,” said another woman.

“What can we do for you?” asked the third.

“Hello,” said the Tang Monk. “I’m wondering if you could spare some food for my companions and me.”

The three women smiled.

“Of course we can spare some food!” said the first woman.

“We have plenty,” said the second woman.

“Come inside our house,” said the third.

The three young women led the Tang Monk into their house.

As soon as the monk entered, he became scared. The interior of the house was dark and dreary. Dust covered everything, and cobwebs hung from the walls.

“Tell us, monk,” said one woman. “Why are you walking through our forest today?”

The Tang Monk looked around nervously.

“I, um . . . I’m going to the Western Paradise to—”

“You’re the Tang Monk!” shrieked all three women.

The Tang Monk took a step back. “You’ve . . .heard of me?”

“Of course,” said one woman.

All three women reached behind their heads. They began to pull out long strands of spider silk. Swiftly they moved toward the Tang Monk.

“What’s taking Master so long?” asked Wukong. The monk’s companions were waiting outside in the road.

“He’s probably inside that house, enjoying a nice meal,” said Bajie.

“Meanwhile, we’re out here, starving.”

“The Tang Monk wouldn’t do that, Bajie,”said Wujing.

Wukong looked worried. “We’d better check on Master.”

“If there’s food, I want to be there,” said Bajie. “I’ll go with you.”

The two of them went to the gate. When they saw the house, they both gasped.

“The house is covered in spiderwebs!” cried the pig.

Wukong kicked in the gate, and they rushed toward the house.

The monkey banged on the door. “Open up!”

The door flew open. The three women leaped out, shooting sticky webs at Wukong and Bajie. The pig waved his rake. Webs wrapped around it, and soon the weapon was stuck to his head.

Bajie turned to run, but more webs flew toward him. They wrapped around his legs, and he fell to the ground.
1.shady [ˈʃeɪdi]  adj.背阴的;阴凉的;多阴的;成荫的;可疑的;鬼祟的;非法的
shade + y
We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.
2.echo [ˈekoʊ]  n.回响;回声;回音;映现;暗示;启示;反响;共鸣;附和;重复 v.回响;回荡;发出回声;产生回响;充满回声;重复,附和(想法或看法)
There was an echo on the line and I couldn't hear clearly.
3.shriek [ʃriːk]  v.尖叫;尖声说 n.尖叫
She let out a piercing shriek.
4.swiftly [ˈswɪftlɪ]  adv.迅速地
swift [swɪft] adj.迅即发生的;马上做出的;迅速的;速度快的;敏捷的;矫健的 n.雨燕
Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.



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